Writing Language Definitions in ASF+SDF

Paul Klint

Jurgen Vinju

2007-12-12 16:54:26 +0100 (Wed, 12 Dec 2007)

Table of Contents

What is the Global Picture?
The ASF+SDF Meta-Environment
Learning more
Anatomy of an ASF+SDF specification
Anatomy of a single module
An example: Booleans
The toy language Pico
Define the syntax for Pico
Using the Pico syntax in the Meta-Environment
Take home points
Recap: symbols
Recap: syntax rules
Define a typechecker for Pico
Using the Pico typechecker in The Meta-Environment
Take home points
Defining an evaluator for Pico
Using the Pico evaluator in the Meta-EnvironmentOpen
Take home points
Defining a compiler for Pico
Using the Pico compiler in the Meta-Environment
Take home points
Intermezzo: traversal functions
Simple trees
Counting tree nodes (classical solution)
Counting tree nodes (using an accumulator)
Increment and modify tree leaves (using a transformer)
Increment with variable amount and modify tree leaves (using transformer)
Tree replacement
A real example: COBOL transformation
A funny Pico typechecker
Take home points
Define a fact extractor for Pico
Using the Pico extractor in the Meta-Environment
Take home points
To Do


This document is work in progress. See ToDo section.


You are interested in using ASF+SDF to define various aspects of a programming language or domain-specific language but you do now want to wade through all the details in the manual (The Language Specification Formalism ASF+SDF)? In that case, this article may be for you. We take the toy language Pico as starting point and walk you through its syntax, typechecking, formatting, execution and more. We do this while assuming zero knowledge of ASF+SDF or The ASF+SDF Meta-Environment.

What is the Global Picture?

ASF+SDF can be used to define various aspects of programming langauges and The ASF+SDF Meta-Environment can be used to edit and run these specifications.


The goal of ASF+SDF is to define the syntax (form) and semantics (meaning) of programming languages and domain-specific languages. The Syntax Definition Formalism (SDF) is used to define syntactic aspects including:

  • Lexical syntax (keywords, comments, string constants, whiete space, ...).

  • Context-free syntax (declarations, statements, ...).

The Algebraic Specification Formalism (ASF) is used to define semantic aspects such as:

  • Type checking (are the variables that are used declared and are they used in a type-correct way?).

  • Formatting (display the original program using user-defined rules for indentation and formatting).

  • Fact extraction (extract all procedure calls or all declarations and uses of variables).

  • Execution (run the program with given input values).

By convention, all these language aspects are located in dedicated subdirectories of a language definition:

  • syntax (definitions for the syntax).

  • check (definitions for type checking).

  • format (definitions for formatting).

  • extract (definitions for fact extraction).

  • run (definitions for running a program).

  • debug (definitions for debugging a program).

Apart from giving a standard structure to all language definitions, this organization also enables the seamless integration of these aspects in the user-interface of The Meta-Environment.

The ASF+SDF Meta-Environment

The goal of The ASF+SDF Meta-Environment (or The Meta-Environment for short) is to provide an Interactive Development Environment for ASF+SDF specifications. It supports interactive editing, checking and execution of ASF+SDF specifications. Behind the scenes, this implies the following tasks:

  • Providing a graphical user-interface with editors and various visualization tools.

  • Tracking changes to specification modules.

  • Parsing and checking specification modules.

  • Generating parsers for the syntax modules (SDF) that have been changed.

  • Generating rewriter engines for the equations modules (ASF) that have been changed.

  • Applying the ASF+SDF specification to programs in the language that is being defined by that specification.

The intended user experience of The Meta-Environment is the seamless automation of all these tasks.

Learning more

This article guides you through the various stages of writing language definitions in ASF+SDF. The following documents (all available at http://www.meta-environment.org) will help you to learn more:

  • The basic concepts of syntax analysis are given in the article "Syntax Analysis".

  • The basic concepts of term rewriting are discussed in the article "Term Rewriting".

  • "The Syntax Definition Formalism SDF" is the reference manual for the SDF formalism.

  • "The Language Specification Formalism ASF+SDF" is the reference manual for the ASF+SDF formalism.

  • "Guided tour: Playing with Booleans" is a flash movie that gives you a quick overview of the user-interface of the Meta-Environment.


The anatomies of a complete ASF+SDF specification as well as that of a single module are needed to understand any language definition.

Anatomy of an ASF+SDF specification

An ASF+SDF specification consists of a collection of modules as shown in the following Figure 1.1, “Module structure of an ASF+SDF specification”. A module can import other modules and this can be understood as the textual inclusion of the imported modules. In this example, the text of modules B, C and D is literally inserted in module A.

Figure 1.1. Module structure of an ASF+SDF specification

Module structure of an ASF+SDF specification

Anatomy of a single module

A single module has the following structure:

module ModuleName 1
  ImportSection*  2
  ExportOrHiddenSection* 3
  ConditionalEquation* 4



The name of this module. It may be followed by parameters.


Zero or more sections that describe modules to be imported by this module.


The grammar elements (such as imports, aliases, sorts, lexical syntax, context-free syntax, priorities or variables) that are visible from the outside (defined by exports) or only inside the module (defined by hiddens).


The equations of the module that define the meaning of the grammar elements. Equations come in two flavours. Unconditional:

[<TagId>] <Term1> = <Term2>

and conditional:

[<TagId>]  <Condition1>, <Condition2>, ... 
                 <Term1> = <Term2>

In the unconditional case, an attempt is made to match Term1 and if this succeeds it is replaced by Term2 (after proper replacement of variables that result from the match). In the conditional case, an attempt is made to match Term1 and if this succeeds the conditions are evaluated. If all conditions are true, Term1 is replaced by Term2 (again after proper replacement of variables that may in this case result both from the match and from the evaluation of the conditions.).

An example: Booleans

The Meta-Environment comes with a considerable library of built-in languages and datatypes. We explore here the datatype basic/Booleans in the ASF+SDF library.

Modular structure

The module structure of basic/Booleans is shown in Figure 1.2, “Modular structure of basic/Booleans.

Figure 1.2. Modular structure of basic/Booleans

Modular structure of basic/Booleans

We will now discuss all these modules in turn.


Let' start with the Boolean constants:

module basic/BoolCon


sorts BoolCon  1
context-free syntax

    "true"  -> BoolCon {cons("true")} 2
    "false" -> BoolCon {cons("false")}    

context-free start-symbols
  BoolCon 3



The sort of Boolean constants is defined as BoolCon. Sort names should always start with a capital letter.


The constants true and false. Such literals should always be quoted. The cons attribute plays only a role when generating external APIs and gives a name to this particular construct. In the current presentation it can be ignored.


We add a start symbol (i.e., the syntactic notion from with all strings in this language are derived) for BoolCon. The net effect is that we can indeed parse these constants. Note that we hide this start symbol so that it can not proliferate to other modules (and cause undesired ambiguities).


The module Whitespace defines what the spaces and newline are:

module basic/Whitespace

  lexical syntax
    [\ \t\n\r] -> LAYOUT {cons("whitespace")} 1

  context-free restrictions
    LAYOUT? -/- [\ \t\n\r]  2



A regular expression that defines space (\ ), tabulation (\t), newline (\n) and carriage return (\r) as LAYOUT characters. LAYOUT is a predefined name that defines the layout characters that may optionally appear between the symbols in the context-free grammar (e.g., between the keyword if and the test in an if-statement).


Lexical syntax tends to become highly ambiguous, e.g., are two spaces one layout symbol or two consecutive ones? Context-free restrictions impose restrictions that resolve this. Here, optional layout (LAYOUT?) may not be followed by a layout character. In other words, the longest possible sequence of layout characters should be considered as one LAYOUT symbol.


The comment conventions are defined as follows:

module basic/Comments


  lexical syntax
    "%%" line:~[\n]* "\n"    -> LAYOUT
                                 category("Comment")}  1
    "%" content:~[\%\n]+ "%" -> LAYOUT 
                                 category("Comment")}  2
  context-free restrictions
    LAYOUT? -/- [\%] 3



Defines a line-based comment that starts with %% and ends at the end of the line. The category attribute defines the highlighting category to be used while editing texts that contain this comment.


Define a comment that is contained within a single line between % and %.


Again a follow restriction that forces layout followed by a comment to be included in that comment.


After these preparations, we can now discuss the syntax part of basic/Booleans:

module basic/Booleans

imports basic/BoolCon 1

sorts Boolean 2

context-free syntax
  BoolCon                     -> Boolean 
                                 {cons("constant")}  3       
  lhs:Boolean "|" rhs:Boolean -> Boolean 
                                 {left, cons("or")}  4       
  lhs:Boolean "&" rhs:Boolean -> Boolean 
                                 {left, cons("and")}                  
  "not" "(" Boolean ")"       -> Boolean 
                                 {cons("not")} 5     
  "(" Boolean ")"             -> Boolean 
                                  cons("bracket")} 6

context-free priorities
  Boolean "&" Boolean -> Boolean > 7
  Boolean "|" Boolean -> Boolean

context-free start-symbols
  Boolean 8

imports basic/Comments 9

  "Bool" [0-9]* -> Boolean 10



Import the Boolean constants true and false defined earlier.


The sort Boolean will represent Boolean expressions.


Each Boolean constant is also a Boolean expression. This is called an injection rule or a chain rule.


The infix operators for Boolean or (|) and Boolean and (&). Both are left-associative and this is indicated by the attribute left. Also note that the arguments get explicit names (lhs and rhs) and that a constructor is defined (or, respectively, and). This information is only relevant for generated APIs that are accessed by external tools.


The prefix operator not.


The parentheses ( and ) may be used as brackets in Boolean expressions.


& has a higher priority than |. The expression Bool & Bool | Bool will thus be interpreted as (Bool & Bool) | Bool.


Define a (hidden) start symbol for Boolean expressions.


Import basic/Comments for the benefit of writing equations for Booleans (see below). Observe the subtlety that this is a hidden import: comments are only available locally in this module and are not exported. By strictly adhering to this convention, low-level comment conventions cannot pollute higher level modules and interfere with comment conventions defined at that level.


Declares Boolean variables like Bool, Bool1, Bool2, Bool123, Bool', Bool'', and Bool1'.

Having covered all syntactic aspects of the Booleans, we can now turn our attention to the equations:


[B1]   true  | Bool  = true  1
[B2]   false | Bool  = Bool

[B3]   true  & Bool  = Bool  2
[B4]   false & Bool  = false

[B5]   not ( false ) = true  3
[B6]   not ( true )  = false



Meaning of the | operator, in other words: with these two rules the | operator can be eliminated from any Boolean expression.


Meaning of & operator.


Meaning of not operator.

The syntax of ASF+SDF equations is not fixed but depends on the syntax rules. This can be seen by making the fixed ASF+SDF syntax bold and the syntax specific for Booleans italic:


[B1]   true  | Bool  = true       
[B2]   false | Bool  = Bool

[B3]   true  & Bool  = Bool       
[B4]   false & Bool  = false

[B5]   not ( false ) = true       
[B6]   not ( true )  = false

This mixture of syntaxes will become even more apparent when we discuss the Pico definitions later.

Reducing a Boolean expression

The Boolean term not(true & not(false | true)) should reduce to true (check this for yourself before looking at Figure 1.3, “Reducing a Boolean term.”).

Figure 1.3. Reducing a Boolean term.

Reducing a Boolean term.

Running the Boolean example in The Meta-Environment

The flash movie "Guided tour: Playing with Booleans" gives you a quick overview of the user-interface of The Meta-Environment. Here we give you only some quick hints to get started. After installation, the The Meta-Environment is available as the command: asfsdf-meta. Typing this command results in the screen shown in Figure 1.4, “Initial screen of The Meta-Environment”.

Figure 1.4. Initial screen of The Meta-Environment

Initial screen of The Meta-Environment

Opening the module basic/Booleans is achieved as follows:

  • Press the menu Module and select the button Open....

  • An Open Module dialog appears that asks for the directory to Look in.

  • Select the entry ASF+SDF library and a list of choices appears.

  • Select the subdirectory basic and select Booleans.sdf in the list of modules that is provided. The progress so far, is shown in Figure 1.5, “Selecting basic/Booleans.sdf.

  • Now pushing the Open Module button will open basic/Booleans and all its imported modules. The result is shown in Figure 1.6, “After opening basic/Booleans.

Figure 1.5. Selecting basic/Booleans.sdf

Selecting basic/Booleans.sdf

Figure 1.6. After opening basic/Booleans

After opening basic/Booleans

Now that the Booleans have been opened, you may want to inspect their definition yourself. There are two ways to achieve this:

  • Right click (= click with the right-most mouse button) on Booleans in the Modules pane on the left, or

  • Right click on the oval labelled Booleans in the Import Graph pane on the right.

In both cases, a hierarchical pop-up menu will appear:

Figure 1.7. Opening the syntax of module Booleans

Opening the syntax of module Booleans

After these initial steps, viewing the equations and opening and reducing a Boolean term will require similar interactions with The Meta-Environment.


There is no substitute for trying this out yourself.

Take home points

The example of the Booleans illustrates the following points that are also valid for more complex examples:

  • Each module defines a language: in this case the language of Booleans. In other contexts one can also speak about the datatype of the Booleans. We will use language and datatype as synonyms. Other examples of languages are integers, stacks, C, and Java. We treat them all in a uniform fashion.

  • We can use the language definition for Booleans (and by implication for any language) to:

    • Create a syntax-directed editor for the Boolean language and create Boolean terms. In the context of, for instance, Java, it would be more common to say: create a syntax-directed editor for Java and create Java programs.

    • Apply the equations to this term and reduce it to a normal form (= a term that is not further reducible).

    • Import it in another module; this makes the Boolean language available for the importing module.

The toy language Pico

The toy language Pico has a single purpose in life: being so simple that specifications of every possible language aspect are so simple that they fit on a few pages. It can be summarized as follows:

  • There are two types: natural numbers and strings.

  • Variables have to be declared.

  • Statements are assignment, if-then-else and while-do.

  • Expressions may contain naturals, strings, variables, addition (+), subtraction (-) and concatenation (||).

  • The operators + and - have operands of type natural and their result is natural.

  • The operator || has operands of type string and its results is also of type string.

  • Tests in if-then-else statement and while-statement should be of type natural.

Let's look at a simple Pico program that computes the factorial function:

begin declare input : natural,  1
              output : natural,           
              repnr : natural,
              rep : natural;
      input := 14;
      output := 1;
      while input - 1 do 2
          rep := output;
          repnr := input;
          while repnr - 1 do
             output := output + rep;
             repnr := repnr - 1
          input := input - 1



Pico programs do not have input/output statements, so we use variables for that purpose.


Pico has no multiplication operator so we have to simulate it with repeated addition (yes, simplicity comes at a price!).

Define the syntax for Pico

The import structure of the syntax definition of Pico is shown in Figure 1.8, “Import structure of Pico syntax”. The modules basic/NatCon, basic/StrCon and basic/Whitespace are reused from the ASF+SDF library. The modules languages/pico/syntax/Identifiers, languages/pico/syntax/Types and languages/pico/syntax/Pico are specified for Pico and are now discussed in more detail.

Figure 1.8. Import structure of Pico syntax

Import structure of Pico syntax


Variables can be declared in Pico programs with one of two types: "natural number" or "string". This is defined as follows:

module languages/pico/syntax/Types

  sorts TYPE 1
  context-free syntax
    "natural"     -> TYPE 2
    "string"      -> TYPE
    "nil-type"    -> TYPE 3



TYPE is the sort of possible types in Pico programs.


The constants natural and string represent types as they can be declared in a Pico program.


The constant nil-type is used for handling error cases.


Identifiers are used for the names of variables in Pico programs. They are defined as follows:

module languages/pico/syntax/Identifiers

  sorts PICO-ID  1
  lexical syntax
    [a-z] [a-z0-9]* -> PICO-ID  2

  context-free restrictions
    PICO-ID -/- [a-z0-9] 3



PICO-ID is the sort of identifiers in Pico programs.


PICO-ID is defined using a regular expression that contains the following elements:

  • [a-z]: a character class that ranges over all lower case letters.

  • [a-z0-9]: a character class that ranges over all lower case letters and over all digits.

  • [a-z0-9]*: zero or more repetitions of the character class [a-z0-9]. In other cases the postfix + operator can be used that defines one or more repetitions of the preceding construct.

The overall effect of this definition is that Pico identifiers start with a lower case letter that can be followed by lower case letters or by digits.


Defines the longest match for Pico identifiers.


After these preparations we can present the syntax for Pico:

module languages/pico/syntax/Pico

imports languages/pico/syntax/Identifiers 
imports languages/pico/syntax/Types
imports basic/NatCon 
imports basic/StrCon 

  context-free start-symbols 1



  context-free syntax 3
    "begin" DECLS {STATEMENT";" }* "end" -> PROGRAM 4
    "declare" {ID-TYPE "," }*";"         -> DECLS 
    PICO-ID ":" TYPE                     -> ID-TYPE

  context-free syntax 5

    PICO-ID ":=" EXP                     -> STATEMENT
    "if" EXP "then" {STATEMENT";" }* 
             "else" {STATEMENT";" }* 
    "fi"                                 -> STATEMENT
    "while" EXP "do"
                    {STATEMENT ";" }* 
                "od"                     -> STATEMENT
  context-free syntax 6

    PICO-ID                              -> EXP  7                                                
    NatCon                               -> EXP                                   
    StrCon                               -> EXP                                                       
    EXP "+" EXP                          -> EXP {left} 8
    EXP "-" EXP                          -> EXP {left}
    EXP "||" EXP                         -> EXP {left}
    "(" EXP ")"                          -> EXP {bracket} 9

  context-free priorities 10
    EXP "||" EXP -> EXP >
    EXP "-" EXP -> EXP >
    EXP "+" EXP -> EXP



PROGRAM is the start symbol for this grammar, i.e., each Pico program is derived from it.


The sorts PROGRAM, DECLS, ID-TYPE, STATEMENT and EXP are declared here and are used (in addition to the sorts declared in the imported modules) to define the Pico grammar.


This first context-free syntax section declares the top level structure of a Pico program.


The rule for PROGRAM contains the list construct {STATEMENT ";"}*. It describes zero or more statements separated by a semicolon (;).


This section declares the syntax for statements.


This final context-free syntax section declares expression syntax.


These three rules define that Pico identifiers, natural constants and string constants may occur in expressions.


The syntax of the operators +, - and || is defined. Observe that all three are left-associative. This implies that an expression like 1+2+3 is considered to be of the form (1+2)+3 and that the other interpretation 1+(2+3) is rejected.


( and ) can be used as brackets in expressions.


Priorities define the relative ordering of operators and are used to disambiguate text when more interpretations are possible. The higher the priority, the stronger the binding. The expression 1-2+3 will thus be interpreted as (1-2)+3.

Using the Pico syntax in the Meta-Environment

Now we will create a tiny Pico program:

  • Right click on the module syntax/Pico (since we want to create a term using that syntax). A pop-up menu appears.

  • Select the menu entry Editing.... A new pop-up menu will appear.

  • Select the menu entry Term and a dialog window will appear to select the desired term. You may select an exitsing file or create a new one. We do the latter: type in pico-trial.trm. The result is a new editor pane labelled with the name of the file.

  • Now start typing the following (syntactically correct) Pico program:

       x : natural;
       x := "abc"

The result is shown in the Figure 1.9, “First program after typing it in.”.

Figure 1.9. First program after typing it in.

First program after typing it in.

Next, goto to the File menu and select the Save entry (or, alternatively, type Ctrl-S). The result is that the file is saved and parsed. As a result, all keywords will be highlighted as shown in Figure 1.10, “First program after saving it.”.

Figure 1.10. First program after saving it.

First program after saving it.

Take home points

The syntax of Pico illustrates the following points:

  • All modules for a syntax definition reside in a subdirectory named syntax.

  • The main module of the syntax definition has the same name as the language (with an uppercase, since all module names start with an uppercase letter).

  • The modules languages/pico/syntax/Identifiers, languages/pico/syntax/Types and languages/pico/syntax/Pico define (together with the modules they import) the syntax of the Pico language.

  • This syntax can be used to:

    • Generate a parser that can parse Pico programs.

    • Generate a syntax-directed editor for Pico programs (including keyword highlighting).

    • Generate a parser that can parse equations containing fragments of Pico programs. This is similar to the use of different syntaxes in the definition of the Booleans described in the section called “basic/Booleans and is used for program analysis and transformation.

Recap: symbols

In the syntax rules we have seen so far, many different symbols are used. Elementary symbols are:

  • Literal strings like "begin" or "+".

  • Sort names like PROGRAM and STATEMENT. Note that sorts are usually called non-terminals.

  • Character classes like [a-z]. Character classes can be combined using the following operators:

    • ~: complement.

    • /: difference.

    • /\: intersection.

    • \/: union.

Complex symbols are:

  • Repetition:

    • S*: zero or more times S.

    • S+: one or more times S.

    • {S1 S2}*: zero or more times S1 separated by S2.

    • {S1 S2}+: one or more times S1 separated by S2.

    Repetition is best understood by the following examples (assuming the rule "a" -> A):

    • A accepts a.

    • A+ accepts a,and aa, and ....

    • {A ";"}+ accepts a, and a;a, and a;a;a, and ... but not: a;a;a;.

    Slightly different patterns can be defined as well (using grouping and alternative as defined below):

    • (A ";")+ accepts a;, and a;a;, and a;a;a; and ... but not a;a;a.

    • (A ";"?)+ accepts a, and a a, and a;a, and a;a;, and ...

  • Grouping: (S1 S2 ...) is identical to S1 S2 ....

  • Optional: S?: zero or one occurrence of S.

  • Alternative: S | T: an S or a T.

  • Tuple: <S,T>: shorthand for "<" S "," T ">".

  • Parameterized sort: S[[ P1, P2 ]]

Recap: syntax rules

The general form of a grammar rule is:

S1 S2 ... Sn -> S0 Attributes

Where S1, ... are symbols and Attributes is a (possibly empty) list of attributes. Attributes are used to define associativity (e.g, left), constructor functions (cons), and the like.

Lexical syntax and context-free syntax are similar but between the symbols defined in a context-free rule, optional layout symbols may occur in the input text. A context-free rule (like the one above) is equivalent to:

S1 LAYOUT? S2 LAYOUT? ... LAYOUT? Sn -> S0 Attributes

Define a typechecker for Pico

For most programming and application languages, it is not enough that programs are syntactically correct, i.e., that they strictly conform to the syntax rules of the language. In many cases, extra requirements are imposed on programs such as:

  • Variables have to be declared before they can be used.

  • The operands of operators have to be of certain types.

  • Procedures can only be called with parameters that correspond in number and type with the formal parameters with the procedure has been declared.

These extra requirements are usually called type constraints, typechecking rules, or static semantics. We illustrate these requirements for the case of Pico.

The typechecking rules for the Pico language are very simple:

  • The only types are natural and string.

  • All variables should be declared before use.

  • Left-hand side and right-hand side of an assignment statement should have equal type.

  • The test in while-statement and if-statement should be natural.

  • Operands of + and - should be natural; their result is also natural.

  • Operands of || should be string; the result is also string.

The task of a typechecker for Pico is to assert that a given Pico program complies with the above rules. The typechecker can be seen as a transformation from a Pico program to an error report.

The import structure of the Pico typechecker is shown in Figure 1.11, “Import structure of Pico typechecker”.

Figure 1.11. Import structure of Pico typechecker

Import structure of Pico typechecker


The purpose of type environments is to maintain a mapping between identifiers and their type. This is done as follows:

module languages/pico/check/Type-environments

imports languages/pico/syntax/Identifiers 
imports containers/Table[PICO-ID TYPE] 1

  sorts TENV TYPE 

    Table[[PICO-ID,TYPE]] -> TENV 2



Import the library module containers/Table. It is a parameterized module with first parameter denoting the sort of the keys in the table and the second parameter denoting the sort of the values to be stored in the table. After this import, the sort Table[[PICO-ID,TYPE]] (sorry about the double square brackets!) can be used as any other sort in the specification.


It is pragmatic to give a more descriptive name to Table[[PICO-ID,TYPE]] and we use the alias construct for this. From now on, TENV is an alias (= an abbreviation) for Table[[PICO-ID,TYPE]].

For convenience, we list the functions of Tables here:

module containers/Table[Key Value]
context-free syntax
  "not-in-table"                   -> Value  {constructor} 
  "new-table"                      -> Table[[Key,Value]]               
  lookup(Table[[Key,Value]], Key)  -> Value                            
  store(Table[[Key,Value]], Key, 
                            Value) -> Table[[Key,Value]]               
  delete(Table[[Key,Value]], Key)  -> Table[[Key,Value]]               
  element(Table[[Key,Value]], Key) -> Boolean                          
  keys(Table[[Key,Value]])         -> List[[Key]]                      
  values(Table[[Key,Value]])       -> List[[Value]]

In the case of Type-environments, the formal parameter Key is bound to PICO-ID and Value is bound to TYPE.


The central idea of the Pico typechecker is to visit all language constructs in a given Pico program while maintaining a type environment that maps identifiers to their declared type. Whenever an identifier is used, the type correctness of that use in the given context is checked against its declared type that is given by the type environment. An error message is generated when any violation of the type rules is detected. The following type checker is realistic in the following sense:

  • It discovers all errors.

  • It generates a message for each error.

  • The error message contains the source code location of the Pico construct that violates the type rules.

  • The type checker can be directly embedded in and used from The Meta-Environment.

Syntax part

First consider the syntax part of the Pico typechecker:

module languages/pico/check/Pico

imports basic/Booleans
imports basic/Errors 1
imports languages/pico/syntax/Pico
imports languages/pico/check/Type-environments
imports utilities/PosInfo[EXP] 2
imports utilities/PosInfo[PICO-ID]
imports utilities/PosInfo[PROGRAM]

context-free syntax
  "tcp"(PROGRAM) -> {Error ","}* 3

context-free syntax 4
  "tcd"(DECLS)                  -> TENV          
  "tcits"({ID-TYPE ","}*, TENV) -> TENV          
  "tcit"(ID-TYPE, TENV)         -> TENV          
  "tcs"({STATEMENT ";"}*, TENV) -> {Error ","}*  
  "tcst"(STATEMENT, TENV)       -> {Error ","}*  
  "tce"(EXP, TYPE, TENV)        -> {Error ","}*  

context-free start-symbols
  Summary PROGRAM {Error ","}*

  "Message"          -> StrCon            
  "Error*" [0-9\']*  -> {Error ","}*      
  "Decls" [0-9\']*   -> DECLS             
  "Exp" [0-9\']*     -> EXP               
  "Id" [0-9\']*      -> PICO-ID           
  "Id-type*" [0-9]*  -> {ID-TYPE ","}*    
  "Nat-con" [0-9\']* -> NatCon            
  "Series" [0-9\']*  -> {STATEMENT ";"}+  
  "Stat" [0-9\']*    -> STATEMENT         
  "Stat*" [0-9\']*   -> {STATEMENT ";"}*  
  "Str-con" [0-9\']* -> StrCon            
  "Tenv" [0-9\']*    -> TENV              
  "Type" [0-9\']*    -> TYPE              
  "Program" [0-9\']* -> PROGRAM         



The library module basic/Errors describes an error format that is ubiquitous in The Meta-Environment. There are four categories of errors: info, warning, error and fatal. Each error contains a text that describes the error and a list of subjects where the error occurred. Each subject consists of a description and actual source code locations. All error messages detected by some tool are collected in a summary that contains an identifier for the tool, an identifier for this error summary and a list of errors. In the next subsection, various examples will be shown.


The library module utilities/PosInfo defines functions to get the source code location of any part of the input program.


tcp is the main type check function for complete Pico programs.


Several auxiliary functions are defined that are used in the definition of tcp. Note how some of these functions take a TENV (type environment) as one of their arguments and return a possibly modified TENV as result. Other functions only use the TENV argument and directly produce error messages when necessary.

Equations part

Now let's turn our attention to the equations part of the Pico typechecker:


[Main] start(PROGRAM, Program) =  1


[Tc1]  tcp(begin Decls Series end) = tcs(Series, tcd(Decls)) 2


[Tc2]  tcd(declare Id-type*;) = tcits(Id-type*, new-table) 3


[Tc3a] tcits(Id:Type, Id-type*, Tenv) = 
       tcits(Id-type*, tcit(Id:Type, Tenv)) 4

[Tc3b] tcits(,Tenv) = Tenv 5


[Tc4a] lookup(Tenv, Id) == not-in-table
       =========================================== 6
       tcit(Id:Type, Tenv) = store(Tenv, Id, Type)

[default] tcit(Id:Type, Tenv) = Tenv


[Tc5a] tcs(Stat ; Stat*, Tenv) =  7
       tcst(Stat,Tenv), tcs(Stat*,Tenv)

[Tc5b] tcs(,Tenv) = 


    not-in-table == lookup(Tenv, Id)
    ==========================================  8
    tcst(Id := Exp, Tenv) = 
    error("Variable not declared", 
          [localized("Id", get-location(Id))])

[default] tcst(Id := Exp, Tenv) = 
          tce(Exp, lookup(Tenv, Id), Tenv) 9

[Tc6b]  tcst(if Exp then Series1 else Series2 fi, Tenv) = 10
        tce(Exp, natural, Tenv), 
        tcs(Series1, Tenv), tcs(Series2, Tenv)

[Tc6c]  tcst(while Exp do Series od, Tenv) = 
        tce(Exp, natural, Tenv), tcs(Series, Tenv)


[default] tce(Exp, natural, Tenv) = 11
          error("Expression should be of type natural", 
                [localized("Expression", get-location(Exp))])
[default] tce(Exp, string, Tenv) = 
          error("Expression should be of type string", 
                [localized("Expression", get-location(Exp))])

[Tc7a]  tce(Id, Type, Tenv) = 
        when Type == lookup(Tenv, Id) 12
[Tc7b]  tce(Nat-con, natural, Tenv) = 13
[Tc7c]  tce(Str-con, string, Tenv) = 
[Tc7d]  tce(Exp1 || Exp2, string, Tenv) = 
        tce(Exp1, string, Tenv), tce(Exp2, string, Tenv) 14
[Tc7d]  tce(Exp1 + Exp2, natural, Tenv) = 
        tce(Exp1, natural, Tenv), tce(Exp2, natural, Tenv)
[Tc7d]  tce(Exp1 - Exp2, natural, Tenv) = 
        tce(Exp1, natural, Tenv), tce(Exp2, natural, Tenv)



The first equation of this module is probably also the most intimidating one. Its role is similar to the main function in C programs or the main method in Java programs; it is an entry point for execution and indicates with which function execution starts. Here, we want to establish a connection between the ordinary ASF+SDF functions defined in a module and the calling context of The Meta-Environment. Typically, you are editing a Pico program and on the push of a button you want the typecheck function to be applied to it. The left-hand side start(PROGRAM, Program) defines that execution operates on something of the sort PROGRAM. That "something" is given as value of the variable Program. The right-hand side start(Summary, summary("pico-check",get-filename(get-location(Program)), [tcp(Program)])) defines in a similar fashion that the result sort of execution is a Summary and a recipe how to compute that result.


Type checking a complete program amounts to typechecking its declarations (this yields a type environment) and then checking its statements in that environment.


To type check declarations create a new type environment (new-table) and visit all identifier-type pairs in the declaration.


To check a list of identifier-type pairs, we have to visit each pair in the list. We use list matching to achieve this: in the left-hand side tcits(Id:Type, Id-type*, Tenv) the first argument of tcits (the list of identifier-type pairs) is decomposed into three values that are assigned to variables. The first pair is decomposed into an identifier (Id) and a type (Type). The remainder of the list is assigned to the variable Id-type* (note that we use the naming convention that variables that have lists of zero or more elements as value end on * and, similarly, variables that have one or more elements as value end on +). In the right-hand side of this equation, the contribution of the first pair to the type-environment is computed (using tcit) and the remainder of the list of identifier-type pairs is checked recursively.


The left-hand side tcits(,Tenv) looks like a typo but it is not. An empty list of identifier-type pairs is really denoted by the empty text!


An identifier that does not yet occur in the type environment is stored in the type environment together with its type.


Again, list matching to decompose a list of statements into a first statement and a list of remaining statements. Next, check the first statement and the remaining statements.


Check an assignment statement and discover that the identifier on the left-hand side of the assignment is not declared. Return an error.


Otherwise, check the type of the expression on the right-hand side of the assignment. The declared type of the variable on the left-hand side and the derived type of the expression on the right-hand side should be the same. Note that the [default] label in front of this equation characterizes it as a default equation that is applied after all other equations have been tried. Default equations serve to catch all cases that are not handled by other equations.


Checking if-statements and while-statements amounts to checking that the test is of type natural.


Two default equations that generate an error message when the expected type and the actual type of an expression are unequal.


When the declared type of an identifier is equal to the expected type, we generate an empty list of errors.


Similarly, natural constants and string constants satisfy the expected types natural, respectively, string.


For operators, the operands are checked separately.

Using the Pico typechecker in The Meta-Environment

Restart The Meta-Environment and do the following:

  • Open the Module menu and select Open....

  • In the dialog select ASF+SDF Library to look for modules.

  • Select succesively the directories languages, pico, check, and then finally the module Pico.sdf. This is the top level module of the Pico typechecker.

  • After some processing the screen results shown in Figure 1.12, “After opening languages/pico/check/Pico”.

The display of the import graph can be changed in various ways:

  • Left click and drag on the display to move to other parts of the import graph.

  • Right click on the display to adjust the size of the graph to let it fit on the display.

Figure 1.12. After opening languages/pico/check/Pico

After opening languages/pico/check/Pico

Now select languages/pico/check/Pico (in the Modules panel on the left or in the import graph) and open our previously created Pico program pico-trial.trm over it (by right clicking on it, following the pop-up menus, and opening pico-trial.trm). Click somewhere in pico-trial.trm and observe that several term editing menus have appeared. Of particular interest is the menu labelled Pico, see Figure 1.13, “Opening trial term over module languages/pico/check/Pico.


The version of The meta-Environment produced to create these screen dumps gives two messages "constructor used more than one". Ignore them.

Figure 1.13. Opening trial term over module languages/pico/check/Pico

Opening trial term over module languages/pico/check/Pico

The final step is now to open the Pico menu and to select the check button. The effect is that the trial Pico program will be type checked and that an error message will be displayed. Recall that the typecheck function tcp is invoked with the current Pico program as argument and is then reduced. See Figure 1.14, “After pushing the check button in the Pico menu”.

Figure 1.14. After pushing the check button in the Pico menu

After pushing the check button in the Pico menu

The error message is more informative than it seems: unfolding it reveals the location of the error. Just click on the message to highlight the error in the source code. That is shown in Figure 1.15, “Click on the error message to highlight its source”.

Figure 1.15. Click on the error message to highlight its source

Click on the error message to highlight its source

Take home points

The Pico typechecker illustrates the following points:

  • ASF+SDF can be used to define a type checker.

  • ASF+SDF provides support for error messages and source code locations.

  • All modules for a typechecker reside in a subdirectory named check.

  • A typechecker can be integrated with The Meta-Environment. It is activated via the check button.

  • Error messages are linked back to locations in the source text.

Defining an evaluator for Pico

In addition to syntax rules and typechecking rules, most languages also need evaluation rules that determine how a program is to be executed. Execution amounts to taking a program and all its input and computing the program's result by a step-by-step execution of the statements in the program.

The evaluation rules for the Pico language are simple:

  • Variables of type natural are initialized to 0.

  • Variables of type string are initialized to the empty string.

  • A variable evaluates to its current value.

  • The variable on the left-hand side of an assignment statement gets as value the value that results from evaluating the expression on the right-hand side of the assignment.

  • If the test in an if-statement or while-statement evaluates to 0, this is interpreted as false.

  • Conversely, if the test in an if-statement or while-statement evaluates to a value unequal to 0, this is interpreted as true.

  • The statements in a list of statements are evaluated in sequential order.

The task of the Pico evaluator is to reduce a Pico program to the output it generates, in this case a value environment. The Pico evaluator can be seen as a transformation from a Pico program to its output.

The import structure of the Pico evaluator is shownin Figure 1.16, “Import structure of Pico evaluator”.

Figure 1.16. Import structure of Pico evaluator

Import structure of Pico evaluator


The sort VALUE is simply a container for integer and string constants and is defined as follows:

module languages/pico/run/Values

imports basic/Integers basic/StrCon

  sorts VALUE
  context-free syntax
    Integer     -> VALUE  1
    StrCon      -> VALUE
    "nil-value" -> VALUE  2



It would be better to use here IntCon rather than Integer. This is a historic relict in the specification.


The constant nil-value denotes error values.


The purpose of value environments is to maintain a mapping between identifiers and their current value. This is done as follows:

module languages/pico/run/Value-environments

imports languages/pico/syntax/Identifiers 
imports languages/pico/run/Values 
imports containers/Table[PICO-ID VALUE]
  sorts VENV 
    Table[[PICO-ID, VALUE]] -> VENV

After the discussion of Type-environments in the section called “languages/pico/check/Type-environments this definition should be easy to follow.


The central idea of the Pico evaluator is to first visit the declarations and initialise the declared variables. Next, the statements are visited one-by-one and their effect on the value environment is computed. The final value environment is then returned as the result of evaluation.

Syntax part

The syntax part of the Pico evaluator looks as follows:

module languages/pico/run/Pico

imports languages/pico/syntax/Pico
imports languages/pico/run/Value-environments
imports basic/Strings


  context-free syntax
    "evp"(PROGRAM)                -> VENV

  context-free syntax
    "evd"(DECLS)                  -> VENV
    "evits"({ID-TYPE  ","}*)      -> VENV
    "evs"({STATEMENT ";"}*, VENV) -> VENV
    "evst"(STATEMENT, VENV)       -> VENV
    "eve"(EXP, VENV)              -> VALUE

  imports basic/Comments
  context-free start-symbols

    "Decls"[0-9\']*   -> DECLS
    "Exp"[0-9\']*     -> EXP
    "Id"[0-9]*        -> PICO-ID
    "Id-type*"[0-9]*  -> {ID-TYPE ","}*
    "Nat"[0-9\']*     -> Integer 
    "Nat-con"[0-9\']* -> NatCon
    "Series"[0-9\']*  -> {STATEMENT ";"}+
    "Stat"[0-9\']*    -> STATEMENT
    "Stat*"[0-9\']*   -> {STATEMENT ";"}*
    "Str" "-con"? [0-9\']* -> StrCon
    "Value"[0-9\']*   -> VALUE
    "Venv"[0-9\']*    -> VENV
    "Program"[0-9\']* -> PROGRAM

Having seen the syntax part of the Pico typechecker there are no surprises here. The top level function evp maps programs to value environments and needs some auxiliary functions to achieve this.

Equations part

The equations part of the Pico evaluator:


[Main] start(PROGRAM, Program) = 
       start(VENV, evp(Program)) 1


[Ev1]  evp(begin Decls Series end) = 
       evs(Series, evd(Decls))

[Ev2]  evd(declare Id-type*;) = evits(Id-type*)

[Ev3a] evits(Id:natural, Id-type*) = 
       store(evits(Id-type*), Id, 0) 2

[Ev3b] evits(Id:string, Id-type*) = 
       store(evits(Id-type*), Id, "")

[Ev3c] evits() = []

[Ev4a] Venv' := evst(Stat, Venv), 
       Venv'' := evs(Stat*, Venv')
       =================================  3
       evs(Stat ; Stat*, Venv) =  Venv''

[Ev4b] evs( , Venv) = Venv

[Ev5a] evst(Id := Exp, Venv) = 
       store(Venv, Id, eve(Exp, Venv))

[Ev5b]             eve(Exp, Venv) != 0
       ================================================= 4
       evst(if Exp then Series1 else Series2 fi, Venv) = 
       evs(Series1, Venv)

[Ev5c]             eve(Exp, Venv) == 0
       ================================================= 5
       evst(if Exp then Series1 else Series2 fi, Venv) = 
       evs(Series2, Venv)

[Ev5d]           eve(Exp, Venv) == 0
       ========================================== 6
       evst(while Exp do Series od, Venv) =  Venv

[Ev5e] eve(Exp, Venv) != 0,  Venv' := evs(Series, Venv)
       ================================================ 7
       evst(while Exp do Series od, Venv) =
       evst(while Exp do Series od, Venv')

[Ev6a] eve(Id, Venv) = lookup(Venv, Id) 8
[Ev6b] eve(Nat-con, Venv) = Nat-con 9
[Ev6c] eve(Str-con, Venv) = Str-con

[Ev6d] Nat1 := eve(Exp1, Venv),
       Nat2 := eve(Exp2, Venv)
       ==================================== 10
       eve(Exp1 + Exp2, Venv) = Nat1 + Nat2

[Ev6e] Nat1 := eve(Exp1, Venv),
       Nat2 := eve(Exp2, Venv)
       eve(Exp1 - Exp2, Venv) =  Nat1 -/ Nat2

[Ev6f] Str1 := eve(Exp1, Venv),
       Str2 := eve(Exp2, Venv),
       Str3 := concat(Str1, Str2)
       eve(Exp1 || Exp2, Venv) = Str3

       eve(Exp,Venv) = nil-value



A start equation that connects the functions defined here to The Meta-Environment: given a program, a value environment is returned and this is computed by applying the function evp to the program.


Here declared variables are initialized.


Evaluation of a series of statements. Observe how the value environment Venv' that is modified by executing the first statement is used to evaluate the remaining statements. In this way, the assignments made by the first statement become available for the remaining statements.


Evaluation of if statement; the true case.


Evaluation of if statement; the false case.


Evaluation of while statement; the false case.


Evaluation of while statement; the true case. Note that the body of the while statement is evaluated and that the resulting value environment Venv' is used to evaluate the next iteration of the while statement.


A variable evaluates to its current value.


Constants evaluate to themselves.


Operators are evaluated by first evaluating their arguments and then applying the relevant operator to them. Observe that the + in the Pico expression Exp1 + Exp2 is the plus operator as defined by Pico. The + operator in Nat1 + Nat2 is the addition on integers as defined in basic/Integers. So we reuse the definition of addition on integers to define addition in Pico.

Now apply the evaluator function evp to our Pico factorial example:

begin declare input : natural,
                      output  :  natural,
                      repnr: natural,
                     rep: natural;
          input := 14;
          output := 1;
          while input - 1 do
              rep := output;
              repnr := input;
              while repnr - 1 do
                 output := output + rep;
                 repnr := repnr - 1
              input := input - 1

The result is:


Using the Pico evaluator in the Meta-EnvironmentOpen

To evaluate a Pico program perform the following steps:

  • Open the module languages/pico/run/Pico.sdf from the ASF+SDF Library.

  • Open the Pico program fac.trm over this module.

  • Open the Pico menu and to select the run button. The program is evaluated and the result is shown in a new editor pane called run.out. This may take a while!

The result is shown in Figure 1.17, “After running the factorial program.”.


Here again, more warnings appear. They can be ignored.

Figure 1.17. After running the factorial program.

After running the factorial program.

Take home points

The Pico evaluator has revealed the following points:

  • ASF+SDF can be used to define an evaluator.

  • All modules for an evaluator reside in a subdirectory named run.

  • An evaluator can be integrated in The Meta-Environment. It is activated via the run button.

Defining a compiler for Pico

A compiler transforms a program in some higher level language (in this case Pico) to a lower level, in most cases assembly language. We will first define the assembly language and then define the transformation rules from Pico to assembly language. The overall import structure is shown in Figure 1.18, “Import structure Pico compiler”

Figure 1.18. Import structure Pico compiler

Import structure Pico compiler


Now we define an assembly language for a stack-based CPU:

module languages/pico/compile/AssemblyLanguage

imports basic/Integers basic/Strings 
imports languages/pico/syntax/Identifiers

  sorts Label Instr
  lexical syntax
    [a-z0-9]+         -> Label  1

  context-free syntax
    "dclnat" PICO-ID  -> Instr  2
    "dclstr" PICO-ID  -> Instr  

    "push" NatCon     -> Instr  3
    "push" StrCon     -> Instr
    "rvalue" PICO-ID  -> Instr  4
    "lvalue" PICO-ID  -> Instr  5
    "assign"          -> Instr  6
    "add"             -> Instr  7
    "sub"             -> Instr 
    "conc"            -> Instr 
    "label" Label     -> Instr  8
    "goto" Label      -> Instr  9
    "gotrue" Label    -> Instr 
    "gofalse" Label   -> Instr
    "noop"            -> Instr  10

  sorts Instrs
context-free syntax
    {Instr";"}+       -> Instrs 11



Define an instruction label.


Directives to allocate a variable of type natural or string.


Push a natural constant or a string constant on the stack.


Push the value of a variable on the stack.


Push the name of a variable on the stack


Assign to a variable. The top entries on the stack are the value to be assigned and the name of the variable. Both are removed after executing this instruction.


The three operators for addition, subtraction and concatenation. They expect two values on the stack and replace them by the result of the operation.


Declare a label. This can be a target of one of the goto instructions.


Goto statements. The unconditional jump (goto) just continues execution at the instruction with the given label. The conditional jumps first inspect the top of the stack, pop it, and perform a jump depending on the value they found at the top of the stack.


A dummy instruction.


A list of instructions separated by semicolons.


During code generation for if-statement and while-statement, the need will arise to generate new labels to describe the control flow that is implied by these statements. The function nextlabel defined below describes this.

The syntax part looks as follows:

module languages/pico/compile/NextLabel

imports languages/pico/compile/AssemblyLanguage

context-free syntax
  "nextlabel" "(" Label ")" -> Label 1

lexical variables
  "Char+" [0-9]* -> [a-z0-9]+ 2



The function nextlabel takes a Label as argument and creates a new, unique, label.


The definition uses a so-called lexical variable. Ordinary variables range over the subtrees (or subterms, if you prefer) of a term. In some cases it is necessary to be able to even inspect the contents of the lexical entities that form the leaves of a tree. Examples are identifiers, string constants and sometimes even the layout. Here we want to inspect the textual content of labels and define a lexical variable that ranges over the same lexical syntax as labels.

The equations part:


 [1] nextlabel(label(Char+)) = label(Char+ x)

This single equation decomposes a given label into a list of characters. Next, it creates a new label consisting of the original list of characters extended with a single character x. Note that for every lexical sort (here: Label) there exits an automatically generated constructor function (here: label) that can be used to access the characters of a lexical value or to construct a new one. The former happens at the left-hand side of the above equation, the latter on the right-hand side. Also observe that this is completely type safe and that only syntactically correct lexical values can be constructed in this way.


The goal of the Pico compiler is to translate a Pico program into an equivalent assembly language program.

Syntax part

The syntax part of the Pico compiler:

module languages/pico/compile/Pico

imports languages/pico/syntax/Pico
imports languages/pico/compile/AssemblyLanguage 
imports languages/pico/compile/NextLabel 

  context-free syntax
    trp( PROGRAM ) -> Instrs 1
  context-free start-symbols
    PROGRAM Instrs
  context-free syntax 2                     
    trd(DECLS)                   -> {Instr ";"}+
    trits({ID-TYPE  ","}*)       -> {Instr ";"}+ 
    trs({STATEMENT ";"}*, Label) -> <{Instr ";"}+, Label>
    trst(STATEMENT, Label)       -> <{Instr ";"}+, Label>
    tre(EXP)                     -> {Instr ";"}+

    "Decls"[0-9\']*   -> DECLS
    "Exp"[0-9\']*     -> EXP
    "Id"[0-9]*        -> PICO-ID
    "Id-type*"[0-9]*  -> {ID-TYPE ","}*
    "Nat-con"[0-9\']* -> NatCon
    "Series"[0-9\']*  -> {STATEMENT ";"}+
    "Stat"[0-9\']*    -> STATEMENT
    "Stat*"[0-9\']*   -> {STATEMENT ";"}*
    "Str-con"[0-9\']* -> StrCon
    "Str"[0-9\']*     -> String

    "Instr*"[0-9\']*  -> {Instr ";"}+
    "Label" [0-9\']*  -> Label
    "Program"         -> PROGRAM



The main compiler function translates a Pico program into a sequence of instructions.


Auxiliary compiler functions. Observe that some of these functions have the output sort <{Instr ";"}+, Label>. This a tuple with as first component a list of instructions and as second components a label. The general idea is that those functions that generate new labels (for instance, to compile an if-statement) return an instruction sequence and the last label they have generated.

Equations part

The equations of the Pico compiler look as follows:


[main] start(PROGRAM, Program) = 1
       start(Instrs, trp(Program))


[Tr1]  Instr*1 := trd(Decls),
       <Instr*2, Label> := trs(Series, x)
       ============================================== 2
       trp(begin Decls Series end) = Instr*1; Instr*2

[Tr2]  trd(declare Id-type*;) = trits(Id-type*) 3
[Tr3a] trits(Id:natural, Id-type*) = 4
       dclnat Id;
[Tr3b] trits(Id:string, Id-type*) = 
       dclstr Id; 
[Tr3c] trits() = noop

[Tr4a] <Instr*1, Label'> := trst(Stat, Label), 
       <Instr*2, Label''> := trs(Stat*, Label')
       ======================================= 5
       trs(Stat ; Stat*, Label) = 
       < Instr*1;
         Label'' >

[Tr4b] trs( , Label) = <noop, Label> 6

[Tr5a] Instr* := tre(Exp)
       ================== 7
       trst(Id := Exp, Label) = 
       < lvalue Id;
         Label >

[Tr5b] Instr* := tre(Exp), 
       <Instr*1, Label'> := trs(Series1, Label),
       <Instr*2, Label''> := trs(Series2, Label'),
       Label1 := nextlabel(Label''), 
       Label2 := nextlabel(Label1)                    8
       trst(if Exp then Series1  else Series2 fi, Label) =
       < Instr*; 
         gofalse Label1; 
         goto Label2; 
         label Label1; 
         label Label2
         Label2 >

[Tr5c] Instr*1 := tre(Exp), 
       <Instr*2, Label'> := trs(Series, Label),
       Label1 := nextlabel(Label'), 
       Label2 := nextlabel(Label1) 
       ======================================= 9
       trst(while Exp do Series od, Label) =
       < label Label1; 
         gofalse Label2; 
         goto Label1; 
         label Label2
         Label2 >

[Tr6a] tre(Nat-con) = push Nat-con 10

[Tr6b] tre(Str-con) = push Str-con

[Tr6c] tre(Id) = rvalue Id

[Trcd] Instr*1 := tre(Exp1), Instr*2 := tre(Exp2)
       ========================================= 11
       tre(Exp1 + Exp2) = Instr*1; Instr*2; add

[Tr6e] Instr*1 := tre(Exp1), Instr*2 := tre(Exp2)
       tre(Exp1 - Exp2) = Instr*1; Instr*2; sub

[Tr6f] Instr*1 := tre(Exp1), Instr*2 := tre(Exp2)
       tre(Exp1 || Exp2) = Instr*1; Instr*2; conc



The ubiquitous start equation that establishes that trees of sort PROGRAM are being transformed into a result of sort Instrs and this result is computed by the function trp.


A Pico program is compiled by first compiling its declarations and then its instructions. The resulting instruction sequences are then concatenated and returned as result. Note that the translation of the series part of the program starts using the label x (the single x character).


Compile the declarations.


Compile an (id, type) pair. Depending on the declared type, we generate a dclnat or dclstr instruction.


Compile a series of statements by first compiling the first one and then the rest. Observe the careful propagation of the label information.


An empty series of statements is translated into a noop instruction.


Compile an assignment statement.


Compile an if-statement. Labels are created to mark the instructions generated for the else branch and, respectively, the instructions following the code generated for the if statement.


Compile a while-statement. Two new label are generated to mark the instructions generated for the while statement and, respectively, the instructions following the code generated for the while loop.


Constants are compiled into appropriate push instructions.


Compilation of expressions. First compile both arguments (when the generated code is executed it leaves the two argument values on the stack) and then generate the appropriate operator instruction that will replace the two values on the stack by the result of the operator.

Recall the Pico example that computes factorial and let's apply the function trp to it:

begin declare input : natural,
                      output  :  natural,
                      repnr: natural,
                     rep: natural;
          input := 14;
          output := 1;
          while input - 1 do
              rep := output;
              repnr := input;
              while repnr - 1 do
                 output := output + rep;
                 repnr := repnr - 1
              input := input - 1

The result is the following assembly language program:

        dclnat input; 
        dclnat output; 
        dclnat repnr; 
        dclnat rep; 
        noop; lvalue input; 
        push 14; 
        assign ; 
        lvalue output; 
        push 1; 
        assign ; 
        label xxxx; 
        rvalue input; push 1; sub; 
        gofalse xxxxx; 
        lvalue rep; 
        rvalue output; 
        assign ; 
        lvalue repnr; 
        rvalue input; 
        assign ; 
        label xx; 
        rvalue repnr; push 1; sub; 
        gofalse xxx; 
        lvalue output; 
        rvalue output; rvalue rep; add; 
        assign ; 
        lvalue repnr; 
        rvalue repnr; push 1; sub; 
        assign ; 
        goto xx; 
        label xxx ; 
        lvalue input; 
        rvalue input; push 1; sub; 
        assign ; 
        goto xxxx; 
        label xxxxx ; 

Using the Pico compiler in the Meta-Environment



compile does not generate a Pico menu entry but we need to use Reduce instead.

Take home points

The Pico compiler illustrates the following issues:

  • ASF+SDF can be used to define a compiler.

  • ASF+SDF allows the decomposition of lexical values into characters and the construction of syntactically correct new lexical values.

  • Three languages are involved in the definition of the Pico compiler: ASF+SDF (the specification language), Pico (source language), and AssemblyLanguage (target language).

  • The compiler can be integrated in The Meta-Environment and is activated via the compile button.

Intermezzo: traversal functions

As we have seen in the preceding examples, functions like typechecking, evaluation and compilation recursively visit all nodes in the parse tree of a program and perform their task at each node, being checking, evaluation or code generation. In these cases it is unavoidable that we need to define an equation for each possible language construct that has to be processed. The number of equations will then be at least equal to the number of grammar rules in the syntax of the language. In the case of real languages, like Java or COBOL, this amounts to hundreds and hundreds of syntax rules and by implication of hundreds of equations as well.

There are, fortunately, also many other applications where something interesting has to be done at only a few nodes. Examples are:

  • Computing program metrics like counting the number of identifiers, goto statements, McCabe complexity and the like.

  • Extracting function calls.

ASF+SDF provides traversal functions that automate these cases. There are two important aspects of traversal functions:

  • The kind of traversal:

    • accumulate a value during the traversal, this is indicated by: traversal(accu). A typical example is a function that counts statements.

    • transform the tree during the traversal, this is indicated by: traversal(trafo). A typical example is a function that replaces certain statements.

    • accumulate and transform at the same time, this is indicated by: traversal(accu,trafo):

  • The order of traversal:

    • top-down versus bottom-up: In Figure 1.19, “Top-down versus bottom-up” the difference is shown: a top-down traversal starts with the root node and then traverses the root's children from the left to right, and so on. A bottom-up traversal, however, starts with the left-most leave of the tree and works its way up in the tree towards the root which is visited last.

    • break (stop at the first node where something can be done) or continue after visiting a node.

Figure 1.19. Top-down versus bottom-up

Top-down versus bottom-up

Simple trees

Consider the following very simple language of trees:

module Tree-syntax
imports Naturals
  sorts TREE
  context-free syntax
    NAT           -> TREE 1
    f(TREE, TREE) -> TREE 2 
    g(TREE, TREE) -> TREE
    h(TREE, TREE) -> TREE
  variables 3
    “N”[0-9]*     -> NAT
    “T”[0-9]*     -> TREE



The leaves of a tree are natural numbers.


The symbols f, g and h can be used to construct composite trees.


The variables N and T (both possibly followed by digits) are defined for the convenient use in the following examples.

An example of a tree defined in this way is f(g(1,2), 3). Graphically, it looks as in Figure 1.20, “Example f(g(1,2),3) as tree”.

Figure 1.20. Example f(g(1,2),3) as tree

Example f(g(1,2),3) as tree

Counting tree nodes (classical solution)

The classical solution for counting the nodes in a tree is as follows:

module Tree-cnt
imports Tree-syntax
context-free syntax
  cnt(TREE)       -> NAT 1
[1] cnt(N)        = 1 2
[2] cnt(f(T1,T2)) = 1+cnt(T1)+cnt(T2) 3
[3] cnt(g(T1,T2)) = 1+cnt(T1)+cnt(T2)
[4] cnt(h(T1,T2)) = 1+cnt(T1)+cnt(T2)



The function cnt visits all nodes in a tree and returns the number of nodes.


Visiting a leaf (a number) counts for one.


Visiting a non-leaf counts for one (this node) plus the counts for the left and the right subtree. An equation is needed for every constructor in the tree language.

Counting the nodes of our previous example is achieved as follows:

cnt(f(g(1, 2), 3))

and returns:


The steps to arrive at this result are shown in Figure 1.21, “Reducing cnt(f(g(1, 2), 3)).

Figure 1.21. Reducing cnt(f(g(1, 2), 3))

Reducing cnt(f(g(1, 2), 3))

Counting tree nodes (using an accumulator)

Let's now reformulate the node counting example using traversal functions:

module Tree-cnt
imports Tree-syntax
 context-free syntax
    cnt(TREE, NAT) -> NAT {traversal(accu,  1
[1] cnt(T, N) = N + 1  2



Define cnt as a bottom-up accumulator that continues after each matching node. The second argument is the accumulator used for counting. Observe that in this example, it is arbitrary whether we do a bottom-up or a top-down traversal.


A single equation is needed to count any node (both leaves and complex nodes). The first argument T matches any tree, and the accumulator value N is incremented for it. Given this incremented value, the following nodes of the tree will be visited and counted.

Counting the nodes of the example

cnt( f( g( f(1,2), 3 ),
           g( g(4,5), 6 )),



Increment and modify tree leaves (using a transformer)

Now we switch to a simple transformation example: given a tree construct a new one that is identical except that all values at the leaves are incremented by one. This is achieved as follows:

module Tree-inc
imports Tree-syntax
context-free syntax
  inc(TREE) -> TREE {traversal(trafo, 1
[1] inc(N) = N + 1  2



The transformer inc will compute the desired tree. Observe the type of this functions: it transforms trees to trees.


The single equation that performs the replacement. Observe that this equation only matches at nodes that contain an integer (this is due to the N argument on the left-hand side). When the equation is applicable it replaces the give integer leaf by an incremented one.

The example:

inc( f( g( f(1,2),  3 ),
           g( g(4,5), 6 )) )


f( g( f(2,3), 4 ),
      g( g(5,6), 7 ))

Increment with variable amount and modify tree leaves (using transformer)

Continuing the incrementing example, we now want to make the amount of the increment variable.

module Tree-incp
imports Tree-syntax
context-free syntax
  inc(TREE, NAT) -> TREE {traversal(trafo, 1
[1] inc(N1, N2) = N1 + N2 2



We define a new inc function with a second argument that represents the amount of the increment.


The equation has to be adjusted as well. N1 matches an node (as before) and N2 represents the desired increment. Application of this equation replaces the current leaf by its value increment with N2.


inc( f( g( f(1,2),  3 ),
           g( g(4,5), 6 )),
       7 )


f( g( f( 8,  9), 10),
      g( g(11,12),  13))

Tree replacement

Performing replacements in trees is a frequently occurring operation. Typically, certain values in a tree have to be replaced by other ones. These values can be simple or complex. One can distinguish different forms of replacement:

  • Deep replacement replaces only occurrences close to the leaves of the tree.

  • Shallow replacement replaces only occurrences close to the root.

  • Full replacement replaces all occurrences in a tree.

These forms of replacement form a nice test case for traversal functions and we will discuss each in detail. The task at hand will be: perform a deep/shallow/full replacement of all function symbols g by a new function symbol i.

Deep replacement

Deep replacement only replaces occurrences close to the leaves of the tree. This suggests a bottom-up approach where on each path from the root of the tree to each leaf, at most one replacement may occur. This is exactly what the break attribute of traversal function achieves.

module Tree-drepl
imports Tree-syntax
context-free syntax
   i(TREE, TREE)   -> TREE 1
   drepl(TREE)      -> TREE {traversal(trafo,
                                       break)} 2
[1] drepl(g(T1, T2)) = i(T1, T2) 3



Add the additional tree constructor i to make examples slightly more interesting.


The function drepl is a bottom-up transformer that stops at the first match on each path from root to leaf.


The equation that performs the actual replacement: the subtree g(T1, T2) is replaced by i(T1, T2).

An example:

drepl( f( g( f(1,2), 3 ),
          g( g(4,5), 6 )) )

results in:

f( i( f(1,2), 3 ),
     g( i(4,5), 6 ))

Indeed, only the deepest occurrences of g have been replaced.

Shallow replacement

Shallow replacement only replaces occurrences close to the root of the tree. This suggests a top-down approach where on each path from the root of the tree to each leaf, at most one replacement may occur. This is exactly what the break attribute of traversal function achieves.

module Tree-srepl
imports Tree-syntax
context-free syntax
   i(TREE, TREE)   -> TREE
   srepl(TREE)      -> TREE {traversal(trafo, 
                                       break)} 1
[1] srepl(g(T1, T2)) = i(T1, T2)



The function srepl is a top-down transformer that stops at the first match on each path from root to leaf.

The example:

srepl( f( g( f(1,2), 3 ),
          g( g(4,5), 6 )) )

results in:

f( i( f(1,2), 3 ),
     i( g(4,5), 6 ))

As expected, only the outermost occurrences of g have been replaced.

Full replacement

Full replacement replaces all occurrences in the tree. In this case, there is no difference between a top-down or a bottom-up approach. The continue attribute of traversal function achieves traversal of all tree nodes.

module Tree-frepl
imports Tree-syntax
context-free syntax
   i(TREE, TREE)   -> TREE
   frepl(TREE)      -> TREE {traversal(trafo,
[1] frepl(g(T1, T2)) = i(T1, T2)

The example

frepl( f( g( f(1,2), 3 ),
          g( g(4,5), 6 )) )

results in:

f( i( f(1,2), 3 ),
     i( i(4,5), 6 ))

Indeed, all occurrences of g have now been replaced.

A real example: COBOL transformation

Now let's turn our attention to a real example of traversal functions. The problem is that COBOL75 has two forms of if-statement:

  • "IF" Expr "THEN" Stats "END-IF"?

  • "IF" Expr "THEN" Stats "ELSE" Stats "END-IF"?

In other words, COBOL75 has an if-then statement and an if-then-else statement and both end on an optional keyword END-IF. This leads to the well known dangling else problem that may cause ambiguities in nested if statements. Given

IF expr1 THEN IF expr2 THEN stats1 ELSE stats2

Is this an if-then statement with an if-then-else statement as then branch as suggested by the following layout:

IF expr1 THEN 
   IF expr2 THEN 

Or is it the other way around, an if-then-else statement with an if-then statement as then branch:

IF expr1 THEN 
   IF expr2 THEN 

This is utterly confusing and error-prone, therefore it is a good idea to add END-IF to all if-statement to indicate that either

IF expr1 THEN 
   IF expr2 THEN 


IF expr1 THEN 
   IF expr2 THEN 

is intended.

The following excerpt from a real application achieves this:

module End-If-Trafo
imports Cobol   1
context-free syntax
  addEndIf(Program) -> Program {traversal(trafo,
                                          top-down)} 2
 "Stats"[0-9]*      -> StatsOptIfNotClosed
 "Expr"[0-9]*       -> L-exp
 "OptThen"[0-9]*    -> OptThen
[1] addEndIf(IF Expr OptThen Stats)  =
             IF Expr OptThen Stats END-IF 3

[2] addEndIf(IF Expr OptThen Stats1 ELSE Stats2) =
             IF Expr OptThen Stats1 ELSE Stats2 END-IF



Import the COBOL grammar. It is huge and consists of hundreds of syntax rules.


The transformer addEndIf will perform the desired transformation.


Two equations define the transformation for an if-then, respectively, an if-then-else statement with missing END-IF keyword.

It must be stressed that, due to the nesting of if-statements, such a kind of transformation can never be done by a tool that is based on lexical analysis alone. The enormous savings due to the use of traversal functions should also be stressed: only two equations suffice to define the required transformation. Compare this with the hundreds of equations that would have been needed without traversal functions.

A funny Pico typechecker

To conclude these illustrations of the use of traversal functions, we reconsider the problem of Pico typechecking and present a completely alternative solution that does not use type environments. Given a Pico program, the overall approach is to remove those part that are type correct and to repeat this process as long as possible. A type correct program will hence be reduced to an empty program, while a type-incorrect program will be reduced to a program that precisely contains the incorrect statements. The replacement strategy is as follows:

  • Replace all constants by their type, e.g., 3 becomes type(natural).

  • Replace all variables by their declared type, e.g., x + 3 becomes type(natural) + type(natural).

  • Simplify type correct expressions, e.g., type(natural) + type(natural) becomes type(natural).

  • Remove all type correct statements, e.g., type(natural) := type(natural) is removed.

Consider the erroneous program:

   declare x : natural,
                y : natural,
                s : string;
      x := 10; s := "abc";
      if x then 
             x := x + 1
             s := x + 2
      y := x + 2;

(take a second to spot the error) will thus reduce to:

  type(string) := type(natural);

This style of type checking leads to descriptive messages concerning the cause of errors and is an alternative to the style where explicit error locations have to be taken into account in the specification.

The "funny" Pico typechecker is defined as follows:

module Pico-typecheck
imports Pico-syntax
context-free syntax
 type(TYPE)                  -> ID  1
 replace(STATS, ID-TYPE) 2 -> STATS {traversal(trafo,
 replace(EXP     , ID-TYPE)  -> EXP   {traversal(trafo,
[0] begin declare Id-type, Decl*; Stat* end = 3
      begin declare Decl*; replace(Stat*, Id-type) end

[1] replace(Id     , Id : Type) = type(Type) 4
[2] replace(Nat-con, Id : Type) = type(natural)
[3] replace(Str-con, Id : Type) = type(string)

[4] type(string) || type(string)  = type(string) 5
[5] type(natural) + type(natural) = type(natural)
[6] type(natural) - type(natural) = type(natural)

[7] Stat*1; if type(natural) then Stat*2 else Stat*3 fi ; Stat*4
     = Stat*1; Stat*2; Stat*3; Stat*4 6

[8] Stat*1; while type(natural) do Stat*2 od; Stat*3
     = Stat*1; Stat*2; Stat*3

[9] Stat*1; type(Type) := type(Type); Stat*2
     = Stat*1; Stat*2



First we have to extend the Pico syntax, to allow type indications in the code. Here, we allow at every position where an identifier may occur a type indication of the form type(natural) or type(string).


The traversal function replace will replace a specific identifier (as defined by its second argument) in a Pico program. Since programs are composed of subtrees of various sorts (e.g., PROGRAM, DECL, STAT, EXP, ...) the first argument of replace may range over all these sorts. Each variant that is used in the equations has to be declared here.


Visit each variable declaration and use replace to replace the variable by its type in the body of the program.


Replace constants and variables by their type.


Replace type-correct expressions by their type.


Remove type-correct expressions and statements.

Take home points

This intermezzo introduces the following points:

  • For tree traversals that have to do work at every node, it is unavoidable to write many equations to describe the traversal: at least one equation is needed for every rule in the grammar of the language in question. Examples are typechecking, evaluation and code generation.

  • Other applications only have to do work at a few types of nodes. This is exemplified by various forms of metrics calculation and fact extraction.

  • Traversal functions automate such applications: only equations are needed for the cases where real work has to be done at a node; the other cases are handled automatically.

  • An accumulator is a traversal function that computes a certain value during the traversal of the tree.

  • A transformer is a traversal function that transform the tree during the traversal.

  • An accumulating transformer combines these functionalities.

  • Traversal functions can traverse the tree from root to leaves (top-down) or from leaves to root (bottom-up).

  • Traversal functions can visit all nodes on each path from root to tree (continuous) or only the first matching node (break).

Define a fact extractor for Pico

The goal of a fact extractor is to extract information from source files that can be used by later analysis tools. Fact extraction is tightly coupled to the requirements of the analysis tools and can differ widely per application. Here we show a simple fact extractor that extracts:

  • A control flow graph.

  • A statement histogram.

The import structure is shown in Figure 1.22, “Import structure Pico fact extractor”.

Figure 1.22. Import structure Pico fact extractor

Import structure Pico fact extractor

Two imported modules require explanation, but we do not go into too much details.

The module utilitities/Rstores defines rstores, relation stores, that are used to maintain mapping between a typed variable and a set or relation. Rstores are used to collect the extracted facts and can be used later on by analysis tools. Typical operations are:

  • create-store: create a new rstore.

  • declare: define a new variable with its type and initial value.

  • set: assign a value to a variable in the rstore.

The module utilities/Parsing defines parsing and unparsing functions for values of specific sorts. The only function that we will use is:

  • unparse-to-string: convert an arbitrary value (like an identifier, expression, or statement in a Pico program) to a string value. This conversion is necessary since sets and relations can only contain basic values like integers and strings and no complex values like fragments from parse trees.


The syntax definition of the Pico fact extractor:

module languages/pico/extract/Pico

imports utilities/RStores
imports languages/pico/syntax/Pico
imports basic/Integers
imports utilities/Parsing[PICO-ID] 1
imports utilities/Parsing[STATEMENT]
imports utilities/Parsing[EXP]
imports utilities/PosInfo[STATEMENT]
imports utilities/PosInfo[EXP]

context-free syntax
  controlFlow(PROGRAM, RStore)        -> RStore  2
  statementHistogram(PROGRAM, RStore) -> RStore  3

context-free syntax 4
  countStatements(PROGRAM, RStore)    -> RStore  
  countStatements(STATEMENT, RStore)  -> RStore 
  cflow({STATEMENT ";"}*)             -> <RElem,RElem,RElem>                                        

context-free start-symbols
  PROGRAM RStore RElem

  "Program" [0-9]* -> PROGRAM           
  "Decls" [0-9]*   -> DECLS             
  "Stat" [0-9]*    -> STATEMENT         
  "Stat*" [0-9]*   -> {STATEMENT ";"}*  
  "Stat+" [0-9]*   -> {STATEMENT ";"}+  
  "Exp" [0-9]*     -> EXP               
  "Id" [0-9]*      -> PICO-ID           
  "Entry" [0-9]*   -> RElem             
  "Exit" [0-9]*    -> RElem             
  "Rel" [0-9]*     -> RElem             
  "Control" [0-9]* -> RElem             

variables 5
  "Store"[0-9]*    -> RStore  {strict}
  "Int" [0-9]*     -> Integer {strict} 



The modules utilities/Parsing and utilities/PosInfo are instantiated for all relevant sorts.


Given a Pico program and an rstore, the function controlFlow adds a controlflow relation to the given rstore.


Similarly, function statementHistogram adds a histogram relation to the rstore.


These two functions are implemented using auxiliary traversal functions.


Variables can be annotated with the attributes wild and strict. They do not change the meaning of variables but help in enforcing their correct usage:

  • Wild variables may only be used once in an equation to receive a value (as a result of matching on the left hand side of an equation or on the left hand side of a matching condition). but that value may not be user later on in the equation. Wild variables serve to match an arbitrary part of the input that is not re-used later. Typical error case: using the same variable to match two arbitrary parts of the input term and by doing so erroneously enforcing that both arbitrary parts are identical.

  • Strict variables receive a value and that value must be used more than once after it was introduced. Typical error case: using some intermediate variables to represent a global state and forgetting to pass the latest version of the global state to another function.

The equations for the Pico fact extractor:


[main] Store1 := create-store(),
       Store2 := statementHistogram(Program, Store1),
       Store3 := controlFlow(Program, Store2)
       =============================================== 1
       start(PROGRAM, Program) = start(RStore, Store3)


[hist] statementHistogram(Program, Store) = 2


[cS1] countStatements(Id := Exp, Store)  =  3
      inc(Store, StatementHistogram, "Assignment")

[cS2] countStatements(if Exp 
                      then Stat*1 
                      else Stat*2 fi, 
                      Store) = 
      inc(Store, StatementHistogram, "Conditional")

[cS3] countStatements(while Exp do Stat* od, Store) = 
      inc(Store, StatementHistogram, "Loop")


[cfg] Store1 := declare(Store, 
      <Entry, Rel, Exit> := cflow(Stat*)
      ============================================ 4
      controlFlow(begin Decls Stat* end, Store) = 
      set(Store1, ControlFlow, Rel)


     <Entry1, Rel1, Exit1> := cflow(Stat), 
     <Entry2, Rel2, Exit2> := cflow(Stat+)
     ===================================== 5
     cflow(Stat ; Stat+) = 
      union(Rel1, union(Rel2, product(Exit1, Entry2))), 

[cfg-2] cflow() = <{}, {}, {}>


     <Entry, Rel, Exit> := cflow(Stat*),
     Control := <unparse-to-string(Exp), 
     ================================== 6
     cflow(while Exp do Stat* od) = 
      union(product({Control}, Entry), 
            union(Rel, product(Exit, {Control}))),

     <Entry1, Rel1, Exit1> := cflow(Stat*1), 
     <Entry2, Rel2, Exit2> := cflow(Stat*2),
     Control := <unparse-to-string(Exp), 
     ==========================================  7
     cflow(if Exp then Stat*1 else Stat*2 fi) =
      union(product({Control}, Entry1), 
            union(product({Control}, Entry2), 
                  union(Rel1, Rel2))),
      union(Exit1, Exit2)

    Control := <unparse-to-string(Stat), 
    cflow(Stat) = <{Control}, {}, {Control}>



A start equation that links the extractor to the Meta-Environment: it creates a new rstore, fills it with the two defined extractions, and returns it as result.


Add a new variable StatementHistogram of type rel[str,int] to the store and apply the auxiliary function countStatements to collect the desired facts.


Perform the counting for three statement categories: assignments, conditionals and loops. For each category a tuple of the form <Category, N> is added to the relation. The function inc (imported via the module RStores) adds the value of N for the relavant category (or creates a new tuple if it did not yet exist).


The function controlFlow declares a new variable ControlFlow of type rel[<str,loc>,<str,loc>] and applies the auxilary function cflow to collect the facts.


The function cflow retruns a triple: the entry points, the internal control flow, and the exit points of the investigated language construct. In the case of a statement sequence, the exits of the first statement and the entries of the following statements have to be connected via a Carthesian product to create all possible control flow transfers between them. The internal relations Rel1 and Rel2 are added to this and the appropriate triple is returned.


A slightly more complex construction in order to cater for all control flows in a while loop. Observe that the control expression is the entry as well as the exit of the while-statement. Internally, the exits of the body of the loop have to be connected whith the control expression.


Here again, some plumbing is necessary to collect all the possible control flow from control expression, via then or else branch to the exits of the statement.

Using the Pico extractor in the Meta-Environment

To run a fact extraction on a Pico program perform the following steps:

  • Open the module languages/pico/extract/Pico.sdf from the ASF+SDF Library.

  • Open the term fac.trm over this module (you may need to copy it first from this article or from the SDF Library in the examples directory).

  • Open the Pico menu and select the entry extract.

After some delay the extraction is complete (check, for instance, the progress messages at the bottom of the window). The result is an rstore that we can inspect with the fact browser that is available in the left pane under Facts. For the various variables in the rstore different visualisations are available (they depend on the actual type of each variable). The effect of selecting the graph visualization for the ControlFlow variable is shown in Figure 1.23, “Graph display of ControlFlow”.

Figure 1.23. Graph display of ControlFlow

Graph display of ControlFlow

Another example is the visualization of the StatementHistogram variable as bar chart shown in Figure 1.24, “Bar chart display of StatementHistogram”.

Figure 1.24. Bar chart display of StatementHistogram

Bar chart display of StatementHistogram

Take home points

The Pico extractor illustrates the following points:

  • Traversal functions are very useful for writing relatively short extraction functions.

  • Rstores can be used to represent extracted facts.

  • Fact extract can be integrated in The Meta-Environment and is activated via the extract button.

  • The Meta-Environment supports various visualizations for rstores.

To Do

  • Complete the compiler section.