Version management in The Meta-Environment

Gerco Ballintijn

Jurgen Vinju

2007-10-18 23:00:33 +0200 (Thu, 18 Oct 2007)

Table of Contents

Migration from CVS to Subversion
Development branches
Release branches
ChangeLog entries
The use of the SvnMerge script
Generated commit message
Differences between CvsMerge and SvnMerge
Example 1: Start a Branch
Example 2: Work on Branch
Example 3: End a Branch
Document TODO's


One can use a version management system in different ways. This document describes our methods concerning checkout, commits, branching, and tool support. The standard version control system is Subversion. The reader of this text is therefore expected to understand Subversion concepts:

  • Repositories

  • Working copies

  • Revisions

  • Tags and branches

The following links provide ample documentation on these subjects:


The Meta-Environment development team has two overall version management goals:

  • To always have a reasonably up-to-date version available of the Meta-Environment software of production quality.

  • To allow developers as much freedom to experiment as possible

The version management policies and mechanisms described here, were chosen specifically to support these two goals.


The Meta-Environment consists of between 40 and 60 packages. These packages are managed using the Subversion version management system, stored in a single repositories located at:

svn+ssh:// To manage packages, the developers use the Subversion trunk, branch, and tags concepts. Since every package is individually version-managed, every package has its own trunk, zero or more branches, and zero or more tags. To achieve the first goal, the version of the code on the trunk should be kept stable, that is, the trunk should always store a reasonably up-to-date version of the package of production quality. It is the responsibility of every developer not to "break the code" on the trunk. The GLT development team distinguishes two types of changes:

  • Low-impact: changes that do NOT threaten the stability of code.

  • High-impact: changes that threaten the stability of the code.

Low-impact changes are trivial changes, such as the correction of typo's, and can be commit directly to the trunk. High-impact changes are basically all other, non-trivial changes. Since non-trivial changes threaten the stability of the code and the code on the trunk has to remain stable, all non-trivial changes require some form of consultation, peer review, and testing before being integrated into the trunk. The use of branches facilitates these activities since they allow version management for these changes, such as intermediate commits and rollbacks, independent of code on the trunk. Branches also allow version management for experiments, even if these experiments will not be integrated into the trunk, thus facilitating the second goal. The GLT team also uses a separate form of branches, called release branches, that facilitate maintenance on previously released code. As a consequence, the GLT team recognizes the following four types of branches:

  • The trunk (i.e., the integration branch)

  • Developmental branches

  • Experimental branches

  • Release branches

Migration from CVS to Subversion

On May 12th 2006, we have migrated the GLT modules from two CVS repositories, located at CWI and INRIA, to a single Subversion repository, located at CWI. Because of this migration, the cvsmerge script has lost its purpose. Instead you should use the SvnMerge script ("svnmerge") provided with the Subversion source.

Development branches

To protect the stability of the trunk, a developer should always create a branch for an intended change, unless he is sure the change is trivial. When the development effort has resulted in stable code on the branch, the changes can be integrated (merged) into the trunk. The trunk should thus be considered the "integration branch" for the next release. This way of working is described by the mainline and task-branch SCM patterns. To prevent developmental and experimental branches from diverging (too much) from the trunk, developers should use the SvnMerge script to incorporate (merge) concurrent changes on the trunk into their branch. By using the script to stay up-to-date, merging changes back into the trunk becomes much easier because the process of resolving merge conflicts is spread over time.

Release branches

A second source of branches is the release process. Every time a package is released, a branch is created for this release. All bug fixes for the released package are performed on this branch, and when desired foreward ported (e.g., merged) to the trunk. Release branches are never merged with the trunk. The process of forward porting changes on the release branch to the trunk is NOT supported by the SvnMerge script.

ChangeLog entries

Each package has a ChangeLog file in its root directory that records all (important) changes to the package. The ChangeLog file consists of entries that provide a description of the change, including the date of the change, and that are sorted last change first. This change information can then be used, for instance, during debugging. When working on a branch, however, recording changes in the ChangeLog file requires special attention. The problem with the ChangeLog file occurs when changes (and their entries) are imported from the trunk. Since these changes have occured concurrently on the trunk and other branches, their dates overlap, and consequently their entries should be interleaved in the ChangeLog file. Interleaving the change information like this is, however, confusing. The solution to this problem is to use a separate ChangeLog file per branch (e.g., ChangeLog.<branch-name>) and record all changes on the branch in this file. This file is added to the branch and grows with every commit. Change entries from imported changes would still simply be added to the normal ChangeLog file. When work on the branch has completed and the changes can be integrated back into the trunk (i.e., "integration branch"), two extra steps are needed. The first step is that after the "svn merge" command (but before the associated commit), an entry is added to the ChangeLog file, which summarizes the whole ChangeLog.<branch-name>. The second step is the removal of the file ChangeLog.<branch-name>, that is, the file is not added/commited to the trunk.

The use of the SvnMerge script


The svnmerge script simplifies the use of branches using the mainline and task branch SCM patterns. In these usage patterns, the Subversion trunk is a stable code line where all new features and bug fixes eventually end up, that is, the trunk is the integration branch. For trivial changes, a developer can simply checkout the trunk and commit its changes directly to the trunk. For changes that have a larger impact and require a longer development effort (the usual case), branches allow independent parallel development with the possibility to commit intermediate changes to the branch. These branches (and their associated working copies) can be kept up-to-date with the trunk using the svnmerge script. Further information can be found at:

Generated commit message

To ease the writing of correct commit messages the SvnMerge script creates its own commit message, per default in the file svnmerge-commit-message.txt. This file can be read, and edited if needed, during the svn commit.

Differences between CvsMerge and SvnMerge

The following table describes some difference between the use of cvsmerge and svnmerge. Options and arguments for CvsMerge and SvnMerge have been left out. Unlike the CvsMerge script, the SvnMerge operations are all started from the working copy of the branch. It is preferable to give the trunk location explicitly with svnmerge init since svnmerge sometimes computes the wrong location.

TaskCVS implementationSubversion implementation
Start a branchcvsmerge begin-branchsvn copy ; svnmerge init ; svn commit
Track changes(not available)svnmerge avail
Merge changescvsmerge import-from-trunk cvs commitsvnmerge merge ; svn commit
Revert changesrm cvs update cvsmerge reset-importsvn revert (or) cd ..; rm -rf
End a branchcvsmerge end-branch cvs commitsvn merge svn commit

Example 1: Start a Branch

  • svn checkout svn+ssh:// aterm

  • cd aterm

  • svn copy . svn+ssh://

  • svn switch svn+ssh://

  • svnmerge init svn+ssh://

  • svn propget svnmerge-integrated . # check the source and revision information

  • svn commit

Example 2: Work on Branch

  • svnmerge avail # check which revisions are available

  • svnmerge avail -l # check their commit messages

  • svnmerge avail -d # check their differences

  • svnmerge merge [-r18694] # merge all, or optionally specific revisions

  • [... deal with possible conflicts created by svnmerge ...]

  • [... edit ChangeLog file for this branch ...]

  • svn commit

Example 3: End a Branch

  • svn checkout svn+ssh:// aterm

  • cd aterm

  • svn merge svn+ssh:// svn+ssh://

  • [... deal with possible conflicts created by svn ...]

  • [... edit the ChangeLog file, merge it with the ChangeLog file local for the branch manually and consistently ...]

  • svn propdel svnmerge-integrated . # not needed on the trunk

  • svn commit

Document TODO's

  • Examples of high- and low-impact (risk) changes

  • More explicitly mention the possibility, use, and value of delayed integration of changes (branches)

  • Splitting up a specific package needs to be explained

  • Explicitly mention with new packages