001    package nl.cwi.sen1.tunit;
003    import junit.framework.TestCase;
004    import nl.cwi.sen1.tunit.execution.DefaultTestToolExecutorFactory;
005    import toolbus.ToolBus;
006    import toolbus.adapter.AbstractTool;
007    import aterm.ATermFactory;
009    /**
010     * The TUnitTestCase class is a base class for testing toolbus scripts. This
011     * class can start / stop the toolbus and connect / disconnect stubs from the
012     * toolbus.
013     * 
014     * @author Bas Basten & Anton Lycklama a Nijeholt
015     */
016    public abstract class TUnitTestCase extends TestCase {
017            protected volatile ToolBus toolbus;
018            protected final ATermFactory factory;
019            protected final DefaultTestToolExecutorFactory defaultTestToolExecutorFactory;
021            private volatile boolean errorsOccured = false;
023            public TUnitTestCase() {
024                    super();
026                    factory = AbstractTool.getFactory();
027                    defaultTestToolExecutorFactory = new DefaultTestToolExecutorFactory(
028                                    this);
029            }
031            /**
032             * Get the absolute top path of the current package.
033             */
034            public String getTopSrcDir() {
035                    // Get the environment variable BUILDFILE that is passed
036                    // from the ant file that is generated from the build scripts.
037                    String topSrcDir = System.getenv("BUILDFILE");
039                    if (topSrcDir != null) {
040                            int pos = topSrcDir.indexOf("/meta-build.ant");
041                            if (pos != -1) {
042                                    return topSrcDir.substring(0, pos);
043                            }
044                    }
046                    // When the unit test is not called from an ant script, we just
047                    // return the current working directory. (For use in Eclipse)
048                    return ".";
049            }
051            /**
052             * Starts the toolbus at a given port and executes a script. If a script
053             * uses include scripts the searchPath will be used to include the include
054             * scripts from.
055             * 
056             * @param searchPath
057             *            The directories to search for the included script files of the
058             *            specified script.
059             * @param scriptName
060             *            The script to be executed.
061             */
062            protected void startToolbus(String searchPath, String scriptName){
063                    String[] args = { "-I" + searchPath, "-S" + scriptName };
065                    toolbus = new ToolBus(args);
066                    toolbus.setToolExecutorFactory(defaultTestToolExecutorFactory);
068                    try{
069                            toolbus.parsecup();
070                            toolbus.prepare();
071                            new Thread(new Runnable(){
072                                    public void run(){
073                                            toolbus.execute();
074                                    }
075                            }).start();
076                    }catch(Exception e){
077                            e.printStackTrace();
078                            fail(e.getMessage());
079                    }
080            }
082            /**
083             * Stops the toolbus.
084             */
085            protected void stopToolbus() {
086                    toolbus.shutdown(factory.makeList());
087            }
089            public int getPort() {
090                    return toolbus.getPort();
091            }
093            public void connectToolComValidator(ToolComValidator toolComValidator)
094                            throws Exception {
095                    toolComValidator.connect(toolbus);
096            }
098            public void addComValidatorForExecutableTool(String name,
099                            Class<ToolComValidator> toolStubClass) {
100                    defaultTestToolExecutorFactory.addComValidatorForExecutableTool(name,
101                                    toolStubClass);
102            }
104            public void testFailed(String message) {
105                    errorsOccured = true;
106                    stopToolbus();
108                    fail(message);
109            }
111            public boolean hasFailed() {
112                    return errorsOccured;
113            }
114    }