Special Functions, An Introduction to the Classical Functions of Mathematical Physics

Wiley, ISBN: 0471-11313-1 (1996).

About the book

  1. Preface
  2. Contents
  3. Reviews
  4. Errata and Comments


For the Preface to the book, see PDF.


  1. Bernoulli, Euler and Stirling Numbers, 1
  2. Useful Methods and Techniques, 29
  3. The Gamma Function, 41
  4. Differential Equations, 79
  5. Hypergeometric Functions, 107
  6. Orthogonal Polynomials, 133
  7. Confluent Hypergeometric Functions, 171
  8. Legendre Functions, 193
  9. Bessel Functions, 219
  10. Separating the Wave Equation, 257
  11. Special Statistical Distribution Functions, 275
  12. Elliptic Integrals and Elliptic Functions, 315
  13. Numerical Aspects of Special Functions, 333
  14. Bibliography, 349
  15. Notations and Symbols, 361
  16. Index, 365


  1. SIAM Review, Vol. 39 (2) 355 - 356 (1997). Review by F.W.J. Olver.
  2. The Mathematical Intelligencer, Vol. 19 (4) 75 - 76 (1997). Review by R.S.C. Wong.
  3. American Journal of Physics, Vol. 65 (4) 452 (1997). Review by D. Zwillinger.
  4. Mathematical Reviews, Review 97e: 33002 (1997). Review by J.M.H. Peters.
  5. Zentalblatt fuer Mathematik, Review 865.33001 (1997). Review by H. Stahl.
  6. Mathematics of Computation, Vol. 67 No. 222 872 - 874 (1998). Review by J. Wimp.
  7. Mathematics Today, August 1998, 119 (1998). Review by V.V.S.S. Sastry.

Errata and Comments

    For a list of errata and comments, see PDF.
Last updated on December 31, 2005. Please send me the errata that you have found!

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I can also be contacted by e-mail at Nico.Temme@cwi.nl.