The SIGCHI Bulletin

ACM SIGCHI Bulletin: Volunteering

Here are a selection of tasks that we need help with in the Bulletin. Everyone that helps gets a credit in the inside front cover. If you think you can help, please fill in the volunteer form. Thanks!

Editorial Assistant

For this you need to know and have Frame Maker. Every issue (i.e. 4 times per year) there are a number of articles that need formatting. You can format as many or as few as you like (at least one though, please). Many articles need little work (15 minutes is typical) and involve formatting, spell-checking and proof-reading, but some have tricky tables or diagrams.

We are also looking for people to work directly with certain column editors (for instance 'Events') on a regular basis.

HCI Bibliography Project Representative

Every issue needs to be added to the HCI Bibliography, one of the most important HCI resources there is. This task involves producing an entry in the HCI Bibliography format for each article in the Bulletin, and sending it off.

Producing the Electronic SIGCHI Bulletin.

The Bulletin is online since January 1996. This task involves taking the basic HTML produced by 'Frame2html', fixing up any problems, and adding standard headers and footers.

"Tools and Techniques" Editor

The Bulletin has several department editors. An area that needs its own editor is "Tools and techniques", focusing on the software side of HCI. The job involves writing a quarterly column (1000-2000 words), or getting others to write it, and soliciting articles that you think the readership would find interesting.

Contributing Editor for Books and Publications News

The primary responsibility of this editor is to keep track of new and noteworthy publications with respect to HCI. This includes new books, technical reports, and suitable material on the web. Other responsibilities include soliciting and organising book reviews.

Contributing Editor for Calls and Events

The primary responsibility of this editor is to provide the Bulletin with information about upcoming events. This information includes a brief list of important upcoming events in the field of HCI, and selected calls for conferences and workshops. For the calls section we envision an editorial approach, where a few selected calls are not just reproduced, but also discussed and introduced. We believe that such an approach will yield added value for SIGCHI Bulletin readers, now that most verbatim calls can be found on the World Wide Web. Examples of such an editorial approach would be to highlight several related calls relevant to -- but not necessarily originating from -- the HCI community, or to introduce new (kinds of) conferences in a more verbose way.

Steven Pemberton