Learn a language: Clojure

by Tijs van der Storm


Install Eclipse, if you haven’t already. To get a “main-stream” IDE for Clojure, install the CounterClockwise plugin for Eclipse. I use it with Eclipse Indigo, but I have no idea whether other versions will work too.

The webpage for the plugin can be found here: http://code.google.com/p/counterclockwise/. Use the Eclipse help menu to install extra software, add the update site: http://ccw.cgrand.net/updatesite/.

Select the Clojure plugin. Next, accept, next, finish, restart Eclipse. Then File->New… select Clojure project. Finish. To create a file, right-click on the project, select New->Other->Clojure namespace. To load/start a REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) for the file, right-click the editor, and select load into REPL. Your functions are now accessible in the REPL.

Some notes on the IDE:

Clojure resources


Warming up

Type the following expression in the REPL.

 (print "Hello world!")
 (+ 1 2)
 (+ 1 2 3 4)
 (map (fn [x] (+ x 2)) [1 2 3 4])
 (def f (fn [x] (+ x 2)))
 (defn g [x] (+ x 2))
 (map f [1 2 3 4]))
 (vec (map f [1 2 3 4])))
 (reduce * [1 2 3 4])
 (if (> 2 1) 'yes 'no)


 '(+ 3 4)
 '[Hello world!]
 (quote (+ 3 x))
 (list '+ 3 x)
 `(list '+ 3 x)
 (let [x 3] `(+ 3 ~x))
 (let [x '(4 5 6)] `(+ 3 ~@x))
 (let [x '(4 5 6)] (concat (list '+ 3) x))

Functional programming

  1. Write the factorial function.
  2. Implement the Fizz Buzz Test (see C2 http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?FizzBuzzTest). Tip: use doseq and range.
  3. Write the power function using recursion.
  4. Write the power function using squaring (see Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponentiation_by_squaring)
  5. Write the power function using reduce and repeat.

Macro programming

In Clojure, a macro is defined using defmacro:

(defmacro m [a1 … an] body)

Here, m is the name of macro, a1 … an are the formal parameters and body is the body of the macro. Macros are functions that return code. How the result is created does not matter, but it is typical to use the quasiquote (backtick, `), unquote (~) and unquote splicing (~@). Note that when a macro is invoked (m e1 … en), the argument expressions e1 … en are not evaluated. In other words, the formal parameters a1 … an of m are bound to the code trees of e1 … en. For instance, when calling (m (+ 1 2)), a1 is bound to '(+ 1 2) and not to 3.

Tips for debugging macros:

Assert statement

Write a macro that implements an assert statement, as found in Java. The macro should be called as follows:

(assert* cond "some message")

The result of assert* should be nil). If the condition cond fails (i.e., returns false or nil) an exception should be thrown with a message containing the literal expression cond and the label string.

Use throw to throw an exception, which can be created as follows (Exception. "some message"). Use the str function to concatenate strings. NB: the failing expression should be in the message. Tip: unquotes (~) can be in quotes (')…


Does assert* have to be a macro? If so why? If not, how would you implement it?


Practical Common Lisp devotes a chapter to writing a simple unit-test framework using macros:


The let construct to introduce local variables is a built-in special form in Clojure. However, it is well-known that let can be implemented as a macro: an invocation of let expands to a function application. Write such a macro. Your version of let (let*) should expand as follows:

(let* [var exp] body) => ((fn [var] body) exp)

To simplify the exercise, you may assume that let only binds a single variable. If this is too simple, implement another version that supports multiple bindings.


Write a macro times that takes an expression e and a number n and expands to a do form that just executes the expression n times. E.g.:

(times 5 'hello) => (do 'hello 'hello 'hello 'hello 'hello)

Tip: use the splicing unquote ~@ in combination with the core function repeat. Note that repeat generates an (lazily) infinite sequence, you have to provide the number of repetitions.

Special power

Partial evaluation is a program optimization technique that can be applied if certain arguments to a function are statically known. A traditional example is the power function. Often, the exponent argument (n in (power x n)) is statically known. Can we specialize the power function for a fixed n? Partial evaluation in general is not for the faint of heart, but using macros we can do this specifically for power.

The goal is to write a macro that generates the code for a power function that is specialized for some n. Let’s call it gen-power. Now, if (gen-power 3) returns a function f, then it should hold that (= (f x) (power x 3)) for all x.

Here’s an example of what the invocation (gen-power 3) could expand to:

 (fn* ([x] 
    (clojure.core/* x 
    (clojure.core/* x 
    (clojure.core/* x 1)))))

NB: fn* is an internal form Clojure to represent functions. Note that the * function has been qualified with the namespace it is defined in. In the macro you can just use the normal fn and * to generate code.


Split the solution in two parts:

  1. The top-level macro creates the function and calls a sub-function (gen-body 'x n), where x represents the name of the parameter of the created function, and where n is the exponent.
  2. The gen-body function recursively creates an expression to multiply x n times.

Argue why the specialized power functions produced by gen-power would/should be faster than the general power function.

Computing derivatives

Check out this page to refresh your derivative chops:

In this exercise, the goal is to compute the derivative of restricted, but otherwise ordinary Clojure functions. The restrictions are:

Basically, such functions describe simple polynomials. An example is the following:

(fn [x] (+ (* 3 (* x x)) (+ (* 2 x) 1))))

The derivative of this function is:

(fn [x] (+ (* 6 x)) 2))

The exercise is to write a macro that returns and expression that computes this function. NB: this does not mean that it is syntactically the same as the derivative shown above; it should however give the same answers for the same inputs.

The macro is invoked as follows:

(deriv (fn [x] (+ (* 3 (* x x)) (+ (* 2 x) 1)))))

Split your solution in two parts:

  1. The top-level macro that analyzes the fn argument to obtain the name of the parameter and the body expression, passes it to 2), and upon return constructs a new fn with the same parameter.
  2. The helper function diff that receives and expression e and a variable name v which computes the derivative expression.

Some useful functions: