Concentration Inequalities reading group



Thursday, 11h-13h, CWI L016, every other week starting March 30.

The what, the how and the when

The purpose of the reading group is to read the book Concentration Inequalities: A Nonasymptotic Theory of Independence by Boucheron, Lugosi and Massart, learn the theory, and discuss it. I really hope that the different perspectives and applications brought to the table by our broad audience can make this worthwhile for all. If you did not get an announcement, or have any suggestions to make this even better, don't hesitate to let me know:

In the reading group sessions we will travel through the book with volunteers presenting chapters and leading the discussion.

The first meeting will be on Thursday 30 March, 11h-13h in L016. We will then meet every other week at this time.

The first meeting will cover the introductory chapters to get everyone on the same page, and we will make the schedule for the upcoming sessions.

If you want to participate, make sure you have access to the book and just come to the first session. If you are a connoisseur with advanced tastes, you can already think about special requests for later chapters.

The mailing list

To receive announcements by email about the reading group, please subscribe here.

The book

You can access the book in electronic form from within CWI.

The schedule

This schedule is still under construction. There are also ideas to continue after summer to cover the more advanced chapters. Let me know if you want to volunteer for leading a session.

Date Topic Presenter
Thu March 30 2017 Chapters 1 and 2.
Planning of the future sessions.
Wouter Koolen
Thu April 20 2017 Chapter 3. Ronald de Wolf
Wed April 26 2017 (due to King's day) Chapter 4. Rianne de Heide
Thu May 11 2017 Chapter 5. Sourav Chakraborty
Wed May 24 2017 (due to ascension), L017 Chapter 6. Cristóbal Guzmán
Thu June 8 2017 Chapter 7. Ralph Bottesch

We have covered half the book so far. The current plan is to continue our meetings in September 2017.