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55th Honinbo title

Preliminary finals

We give the finals of the Last preliminary tournament.

date black white result #mv sgf
1999-07-22 Otake Hideo Kudo Norio B+7.5 221 sgf
1999-07-22 Kato Masao Ryu Shikun W+R 190 sgf
1999-07-29 Nakamura Hidehito O Meien W+R 248 sgf
1999-08-19 Kanda Ei Rin Kaiho W+R 176 sgf


In the first column the white player, on the top row the black player.

# player result 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Cho Chikun 4-3 W+R B+3.5 W+R
2. Hikosaka Naoto 3-4 B+R B+R B+R W+2.5
3. O Rissei 2-5 B+0.5 W+R B+5.5
4. Yamada Kimio 4-3 B+R B+0.5 W+0.5 W+R
5. Rin Kaiho 2-5 B+3.5 B+R B+R
6. Otake Hideo 4-3 W+0.5 W+R B+R B+3.5
7. O Meien 5-2 W+R W+R B+2.5
8. Ryu Shikun 4-3 W+R W+R W+4.5 B+3.5

Demotion Playoff

The bottom four players are demoted: O Rissei and Rin Kaiho and Hikosaka Naoto and one more. Ryu Shikun and Otake Hideo played a playoff, lost by Ryu Shikun.

date black white result #mv sgf
2000-04-13 Ryu Shikun Otake Hideo W+0.5 229 sgf

55th Honinbo Title

date black white result #mv sgf
2000-05-24 Cho Sonjin O Meien B+R 59 sgf
2000-06-07,08 O Meien Cho Sonjin B+0.5 247 sgf
2000-06-21,22 Cho Sonjin O Meien W+4.5 224 sgf
2000-06-28,29 O Meien Cho Sonjin W+R 166 sgf
2000-07-04,05 Cho Sonjin O Meien W+1.5 224 sgf
2000-07-17,18 O Meien Cho Sonjin B+10.5 262 sgf

O Meien won 4-2. He lost the first game because of a funny ladder.