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4th Meijin title


The lowest three players from the previous year are demoted, and entrance matches determine which three new players enter the League.

game date black white result #moves sgf
Qualification final 1978-11-16 Shimamura Toshihiro Yamashiro Hiroshi W+2.5 277 sgf
Qualification final 1978-11-22 Kajiwara Takeo Ushinohama Satsuo W+8.5 279 sgf
Qualification final 1978-11-30 Yamabe Toshiro Takemiya Masaki W+R 136 sgf


Results (in the first column the white player, on the top row the black player). The ordering of the first six players is according to their results in the previous year. The last three are the winners of the entrance matches.

# player result 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Rin Kaiho 4-4 W+R W+R B+2.5 B+R
2. Kato Masao 5-3 B+4.5 W+2.5 W+1.5 W+R
3. Sakata Eio 6-2 W+0.5 W+0.5 W+R W+R
4. Cho Chikun 4-4 W+4.5 B+R B+R W+3.5
5. Hashimoto Utaro 4-4 B+R B+4.5 W+R B+R
6. Ishida Yoshio 3-5 B+R B+1.5 W+3.5 W+3.5
7. Ushinohama Satsuo 2-6 B+R W+21.5 B+8.5 B+2.5
8. Takemiya Masaki 5-3 B+5.5 B+4.5 W+1.5 W+4.5
9. Yamashiro Hiroshi 3-5 W+9.5 W+4.5 B+R W+4.5

Ushinohama Satsuo, Yamashiro Hiroshi, and Ishida Yoshio are demoted.

4th Meijin Title

date black white result #mv sgf
1979-09-12,13 Otake Hideo Sakata Eio B+6.5 254 sgf
1979-09-26,27 Sakata Eio Otake Hideo W+0.5 248 sgf
1979-10-03,04 Otake Hideo Sakata Eio W+R 168 sgf
1979-10-17,18 Sakata Eio Otake Hideo W+R 168 sgf
1979-10-23,24 Otake Hideo Sakata Eio B+7.5 245 sgf

Otake Hideo won 4-1.