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18th Meijin title


The lowest three players from the previous year are demoted, and entrance matches determine which three new players enter the League.

game date black white result sgf
Qualification final 1992-10-15 Miyazawa Goro Fujisawa Shuko B+0.5 sgf
Qualification final 1992-10-22 Ohira Shuzo Kato Masao W+2.5 sgf
Qualification final 1992-10-22 Komatsu Hideki Kataoka Satoshi W+3.5 sgf


Results (in the first column the white player, on the top row the black player). The ordering of the first six players is according to their results in the previous year. The last three are the winners of the entrance matches.

# player result 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Otake Hideo 7-1 B+R W+R W+0.5 W+R
2. Cho Chikun 6-2 B+R B+R W+2.5 W+R
3. Yoda Norimoto 4-4 B+2.5 W+5.5 B+7.5 W+2.5
4. Awaji Shuzo 1-7 B+R B+2.5 B+4.5 B+R
5. Takemiya Masaki 5-3 B+2.5 W+6.5 W+1.5 W+R
6. Rin Kaiho 4-4 B+1.5 W+R B+5.5 W+R
7. Kato Masao 4-4 B+2.5 B+3.5 W+1.5 B+R
8. Miyazawa Goro 1-7 B+R B+R B+R B+R
9. Kataoka Satoshi 4-4 B+R W+0.5 W+F B+R

Demotion Playoff

Kataoka Satoshi and Kato Masao both had 4 wins, and played a demotion playoff that was won by Kato Masao.

game date black white result sgf
Demotion playoff 1993-08-16 Kataoka Satoshi Kato Masao W+2.5 sgf

Miyazawa Goro, Awaji Shuzo, and Kataoka Satoshi are demoted.

18th Meijin Title

game date black white result sgf
1 1993-09-01,02 Otake Hideo Kobayashi Koichi W+1.5 sgf
2 1993-09-15,16 Kobayashi Koichi Otake Hideo B+1.5 sgf
3 1993-09-29,30 Otake Hideo Kobayashi Koichi B+6.5 sgf
4 1993-10-06,07 Kobayashi Koichi Otake Hideo B+R sgf
5 1993-10-20,21 Otake Hideo Kobayashi Koichi W+R sgf

Kobayashi Koichi won 4-1.