(;GM[1]FF[4]SZ[19]CA[UTF-8] PW[前田陈尔 六段] PB[吴清源 六段] WR[1p] BR[1p] KM[3.5] TM[ºÚ: 02:37 °Ãâ€â€Â: 04:56] RE[共129手 黑中盘胜] DT[1935年(大阪朝日新闻9月17日至10月4日连载)] ;B[pd];W[ed];B[pp];W[fp];B[pj];W[kd];B[do];W[dp];B[cp];W[cq] ;B[bq];W[co];B[bp];W[cn];B[dq];W[ep];B[dr];W[ce];B[en];W[dn] ;B[em];W[eo];B[ej];W[mp];B[cj];W[fn];B[io];W[ek];B[dk];W[el] ;B[dl];W[fm];B[dm];W[gl];B[go];W[fo];B[pn];W[jn];B[fr];W[ch] ;B[dh];W[cg];B[ci];W[fj];B[ei];W[qf];B[qe];W[pf];B[nd];W[ng] ;B[nj];W[lg];B[ph];W[rf];B[rd];W[pq];B[qq];W[oq];B[qr];W[jq] ;B[kp];W[kq];B[rh];W[nb];B[nc];W[qc];B[pc];W[pb];B[qb];W[rb] ;B[rc];W[qa];B[lc];W[mb];B[ld];W[oa];B[ke];W[qi];B[qh];W[nf] ;B[oc];W[ob];B[id];W[pm];B[om];W[ol];B[pl];W[qm];B[ql];W[oi] ;B[pi];W[on];B[nm];W[po];B[qn];W[qo];B[rm];W[qp];B[no];W[np] ;B[dc];W[fc];B[dd];W[de];B[fb];W[gb];B[eb];W[bc];B[bb];W[cc] ;B[cb];W[hd];B[mh];W[le];B[lf];W[me];B[kc];W[kf];B[je];W[he] ;B[jf];W[kg];B[ee];W[ef];B[fe];W[ff];B[fd];W[jg];B[ec])
The PW, PB, RE and DT fields say
PW[Maeda Nobuaki 6d] PB[Go Seigen 6d] RE[129 moves, B+R] DT[1935 (Osaka Asahi Shimbun September 17 to October 4 serial)]But what is this strange TM field here?
TM[ºÚ: 02:37 °Ãâ€â€: 04:56]This still looks like the result of a Windows-1252 to UTF-8 conversion. Revert once more. We find
TM[ºÚ: 02:37 °×: 04:56]This still looks like the result of a Windows-1252 to UTF-8 conversion. Revert once more. We find
TM[ºÚ: 02:37 °×: 04:56]Revert once more. We find a text that read in GB2312 becomes
TM[黑: 02:37 白: 04:56]So that is how our TM field arose: it was originally in GB2312, but went four times through a Windows-1252_to_UTF-8 conversion.
(The 0x9d byte is not assigned in Windows-1252 and was left as U+009d, that is 0xc2 0x9d in UTF-8.)
(; EV[2015利民杯本戦16強戦] PB[申真ゾ BR[3p] ...looks like the terminating ']' was lost. What happened was that the player is called 申真ソ (Shin Jinseo), which in SJIS is 905c 905e 835c. The 83 5c code for ソ ends in 5c, the code for \, and if the SGF escape mechanism is applied on byte level the \] sequence is taken as a literal ], so that 83 5c turns into 83 5d, which is ゾ, and the closing ] is lost.