Strategic games


The course will start on 4th of February 2011. It will take place at Science Park in the room G.05.


Krzysztof R. Apt

Website of the course



To introduce the basic concepts of the theory of strategic games.


Really basic knowledge of linear algebra and calculus. Some maturity in following the mathematical arguments.


The aim of this course is to introduce the main concepts concerned with strategic games (sometimes called non-cooperative games). This branch of game theory deals with the analysis of interaction between rational players, where rationality is understood as utility maximization. In strategic games the players take their actions simultaneously and the utility (payoff) for each player depends on the resulting joint action.

The course will deal with the following concepts: best response, Nash equilibrium, pure and mixed strategies, strictly and weakly dominated strategies, Pareto efficient outcomes, social optimum, rationalizability, pre-Bayesian games, and Bayesian games.

We shall discuss such well-known examples as the prisoner's dilemma, the beauty contest games, and the tragedy of the commons. Also, we shall use the introduced concepts to analyze some well-known examples of strategic games studied in the economics: Cournot competition, Bernard competition and location game. We shall also study special classes of games, including zero-sum games, congestion games and network sharing games.

Finally, we shall consider mechanism design, the aim of which is to arrange the economic interactions in such a way that when everyone behaves in a self-interested manner, the result is satisfactory for everybody.

Grading Information

Problems 2 solve

will be posted here.
Note: you are welcome to send your solutions to me by email, to
apt at,
subject: Solution to an assignment
or hand them in at the beginning of the lecture.
I shall acknowledge all email submissions by email. So if you don't get any acknowledgement, please yell.
Assignment 1 Solution
Assignment 2 Solution
Assignment 3 Solution
Assignment 4 Solution
Assignment 5 Deadline: 26 May, 2011, 12:58

Course material

- Resources on Game Theory

- Lecture Notes

from most of the lectures will be added here.

Nash Equilibrium notes
Nash Equilibria and Pareto Efficient Outcomes notes
Strict Dominance notes
Weak Dominance and Never Best Responses notes
Regret Minimization and Security Strategies notes
Strictly Competitive Games notes
Sealed Bid Auctions notes
Repeated Games notes
Mixed Extensions notes
Elimination by Mixed Strategies notes
Mechanism Design notes
Pre-Bayesian Games notes
Alternative Concepts notes

Lecture Notes as one file

- Slides

from some of the lectures will be added here.

Nash Equilibria and Pareto Efficient Outcomes slides
Potential Games slides
Mixed Strategies slides
Mechanism Design slides
Pre-Bayesian Games slides

- Handouts

will be given during some lectures.