Stochastics Meeting Lunteren 2009

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The 38th annual meeting of the Dutch probability and statistics community.

November 16-18, 2009
Conference Centre De Werelt
Westhofflaan 2, 6741 KH Lunteren
Tel: +31 (0)318-484641
R.D. Gill (Leiden)
M.S. Keane (Wesleyan)
M.N.M. van Lieshout (CWI)
Gebiedsbestuur Exacte Wetenschappen (NWO)
Sectie Mathematische Statistiek (VVS)
Mathematical Research Institute (MRI)
Thomas Stieltjes Institute for Mathematics



Luca Avena (U Leiden)
Random walk in a dynamic random environment.
Henk Don (TU Delft)
Correlated fractal percolation.
Robert Fitzner (TU Eindhoven)
A central limit theorem for memory walks.
Tim Hulshof (TU Eindhoven)
Random walks on the incipient infinite cluster in high-dimensional percolation.
Rene de Jonge (TU Eindhoven)
Adaptive nonparametric regression using a kernel mixture prior.
Matthijs Joosten (VU Amsterdam)
Scaling limits of 2D percolation models.
Mioara Alina Nicolaie (U Leiden)
Vertical modeling: a pattern mixture approach for competing risks modeling.
Jakub Pecanka (VU Amsterdam)
A powerful test for gene-to-gene interactions in a genome-wide setting.
Florian Voellering (U Leiden)
Concentration inequalities via coupling methods.
Birgit Witte (TU Delft)
Consistent estimators in censoring problems.