The Meta-Environment API


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef __EDITING__
00002 #define __EDITING__
00004 #include <editor-manager.idef>
00005 #include <editor-plugin.idef>
00006 #include <structure-editor.idef>
00008 #include <module-manager.tb>
00009 #include <io-utils.tb>
00010 #include <config-utils.tb>
00011 #include <editor-error-display.tb>
00012 #include <text-utils.tb>
00014 /**
00015  * Starts an editor without a language for structure editing.
00016  */
00017 process EditAnonymousLocation(Path: str, Area: term) is
00018 let
00019   AlreadyExists: bool,
00020   EditorType: term,
00021   Offset: int,
00022   Line: int,
00023   Column: int,
00024   Sid: session-id
00025 in
00026   Edit(Path, Sid?)
00027   . EditorType := quote(anonymous-editor)
00028   . EditText(Sid, EditorType, AlreadyExists?)
00029   .
00030   if equal(AlreadyExists, false) then
00031     snd-msg(te-set-selection(Sid, Area))
00032     .
00033     (
00034       MenuSelected(Sid, EditorType)
00035     +
00036       rec-msg(te-mouse-click-at-offset(Sid, Offset?))
00037     +
00038       rec-msg(te-mouse-click-at-line-column(Sid, Line?, Column?))
00039     +
00040       rec-msg(te-contents-changed(Sid))
00041     )
00042     *
00043     EditorDisconnected(Sid)
00044     . DeleteSession(Sid)
00045   else
00046     snd-msg(te-set-selection(Sid, Area))
00047   fi
00048 endlet
00050 process DisplayMessage(EditorId : session-id, Message : str) is
00051   snd-msg(te-display-message(EditorId, Message))
00053 process GetModuleId(Sid: session-id, ModuleId: module-id?) is
00054   snd-msg(em-get-moduleid(Sid))
00055   .
00056   (
00057     rec-msg(em-moduleid(Sid, ModuleId?))
00058   +
00059     rec-msg(em-no-such-session(Sid))
00060     . printf("FIX ME: PushActiveModule: No such session\n")
00061     . ModuleId := UNDEFINED
00062   +
00063     rec-msg(em-session-not-bound(Sid))
00064     . printf("FIX ME: PushActiveModule: Session not bound\n")
00065     . ModuleId := UNDEFINED
00066   )
00068 process GetFocus(Sid: session-id, Tree: term?) is
00069 let
00070   Registered: bool
00071 in
00072   IsStructureEditorRegistered(Sid, Registered?)
00073   .
00074   if equal(Registered, true) then
00075     snd-msg(se-get-cursor(Sid))
00076     .
00077     (
00078       rec-msg(se-cursor(Sid, Tree?))
00079     +
00080       rec-msg(se-no-cursor(Sid))
00081       . Tree := UNDEFINED
00082     )
00083   else
00084     Tree := UNDEFINED
00085   fi
00086 endlet
00088 process ReplaceFocus(Sid: session-id, Tree: term) is
00089 let
00090   Text: str,
00091   Filename: str,
00092   Error: str
00093 in
00094   snd-msg(unparse(Tree))
00095   . rec-msg(unparsed-text(Text?))
00096   . snd-msg(te-set-contents(Sid, Text))
00097   . UpdateTextRepository(Sid)
00098   . SE-UpdateTree(Sid, Tree)
00099   . snd-msg(te-clear-focus(Sid))
00100 endlet
00102 process GetPath(Sid: session-id, Path: str?) is
00103   snd-msg(em-get-path(Sid))
00104   . rec-msg(em-path(Sid, Path?))
00106 process Edit(Path: str, Sid: session-id?) is
00107 let
00108   TooBig: bool
00109 in
00110   CheckFileSize(Path, TooBig?)
00111   .
00112   if equal(TooBig, true) then
00113     Sid := UNDEFINED
00114   else
00115     snd-msg(em-create-session(Path))
00116     . rec-msg(em-session(Path, Sid?))
00117   fi
00118 endlet
00120 process IsStructureEditorRegistered(Sid: session-id, Registered: bool?) is
00121   snd-msg(em-is-editor-registered(Sid, structure))
00122   .
00123   (
00124     rec-msg(em-editor-registered(Sid, structure))
00125     . Registered := true
00126   +
00127     rec-msg(em-editor-not-registered(Sid, structure))
00128     . Registered := false
00129   )
00131 process IsTextEditorRegistered(Sid: session-id, Registered: bool?) is
00132   snd-msg(em-is-editor-registered(Sid, text))
00133   .
00134   (
00135     rec-msg(em-editor-registered(Sid, text))
00136     . Registered := true
00137   +
00138     rec-msg(em-editor-not-registered(Sid, text))
00139     . Registered := false
00140   )
00142 /**
00143  * This is the basic utility for constructing a new editor. Call it
00144  * to start an fresh editor process, or to bring an existing editor
00145  * to the front.
00146  */
00147 process EditText(Sid: session-id, Type: term, AlreadyExists: bool?) is
00148 let
00149   Path: str,
00150   Categories: list
00151 in
00152   IsTextEditorRegistered(Sid, AlreadyExists?)
00153   .
00154   if equal(AlreadyExists, true) then
00155     snd-msg(te-editor-to-front(Sid))
00156   else
00157     snd-msg(em-register-editor(Sid, text))
00158     . GetPath(Sid, Path?)
00159     . snd-msg(te-edit-text(Sid, Path))
00160     . SetEditActions(Sid, Type)
00161     . snd-msg(get-text-categories)
00162     . rec-msg(text-categories(Categories?)) 
00163     . snd-msg(te-register-text-categories(Sid, Categories))
00164   fi
00165 endlet
00167 process SetEditActions(Sid: session-id, Type: term) is
00168 let
00169   Events: list
00170 in
00171   snd-msg(cm-get-events(Type))
00172   . rec-msg(cm-events(Events?))
00173   . snd-msg(te-add-actions(Sid, Events))
00174 endlet
00176 process SE-UpdateTree(Sid: session-id, Tree: term) is
00177 let
00178   Registered: bool,
00179   Slices: list
00180 in
00181   if not-equal(Tree, UNDEFINED) then
00182     IsStructureEditorRegistered(Sid, Registered?)
00183     .
00184     if equal(Registered, true) then
00185       snd-msg(se-update(Sid, Tree))
00186     else
00187       snd-msg(em-register-editor(Sid, structure))
00188       . snd-msg(se-create(Sid, Tree))
00189     fi
00190     . AddJob("Highlighting")
00191     . snd-msg(se-get-tree-slices(Sid))
00192     .
00193     (
00194       rec-msg(se-tree-slices(Sid, Slices?))
00195       . JobDone("Highlighting")
00196       . snd-msg(te-highlight-slices(Sid, Slices))
00197     +
00198       rec-msg(se-no-tree-slices(Sid))
00199     )
00200   else
00201     tau 
00202   fi
00203 endlet
00205 process SynchronizeFocus(Sid: session-id) is
00206 let
00207   Focus: term,
00208   Sortname: str
00209 in
00210   snd-msg(se-get-sort-at-cursor(Sid))
00211   .
00212   (
00213     rec-msg(se-sort-at-cursor(Sid, Sortname?))
00214     . snd-msg(se-get-focus-at-cursor(Sid))
00215     . rec-msg(se-focus-at-cursor(Sid, Focus?))
00216     . snd-msg(te-set-focus(Sid, Focus))
00217     . snd-msg(te-display-message(Sid, Sortname))
00218   +
00219     rec-msg(se-no-cursor(Sid))
00220   )
00221 endlet
00223 process GetFocusSort(Sid: session-id, Sort: str?) is
00224   Sort := ""
00225   . snd-msg(se-get-sort-at-cursor(Sid))
00226   .
00227   (
00228     rec-msg(se-sort-at-cursor(Sid, Sort?))
00229   +
00230     rec-msg(se-no-cursor(Sid))
00231   )
00233 process UpdateTextRepository(Sid: session-id) is
00234 let
00235   Contents: str,
00236   ModuleId: module-id,
00237   Path: str
00238 in
00239   snd-msg(te-get-contents(Sid))
00240   . rec-msg(te-contents(Sid, Contents?))
00241   . GetPath(Sid, Path?)
00242   . PutCachedValue(TEXT_REPOSITORY, Path, Contents)
00243 endlet
00245 /**
00246  * Default handler that an editor may use in its event loop
00247  * for dealing with menu's
00248  */
00249 process MenuSelected(Sid: session-id, EditorType: term) is
00250 let
00251   Event: term,
00252   Pid: int
00253 in
00254   rec-msg(te-event(Sid, Event?)) 
00255   . create(AsyncMenuSelected(Sid, EditorType, Event), Pid?)
00256 endlet
00258 process AsyncMenuSelected(Sid: session-id, EditorType: term, Event: term) is
00259 let
00260   Action: str,
00261   ModuleId: module-id,
00262   Sort: str
00263 in
00264   snd-msg(em-request-transaction(Sid))
00265   .
00266   (
00267     rec-msg(em-no-transaction(Sid))
00268   +
00269     rec-msg(em-transaction-started(Sid))
00270     . GetModuleId(Sid, ModuleId?)
00271     . GetFocusSort(Sid, Sort?)
00272     . snd-msg(cm-get-action(EditorType, Sort, Event))
00273     . rec-msg(cm-action(Action?))
00274     . UpdateTextRepository(Sid)
00275     . 
00276     (
00277       printf("Warning: process %s was not found\n", Action)
00278     +>
00279       Action(Sid, EditorType, Sort)
00280     +>
00281       Action(Sid)
00282     )
00283     . snd-msg(em-end-transaction(Sid))
00284   )
00285 endlet
00287 /**
00288  * Default handler that an editor may use in its event loop
00289  * for dealing with mouse clicks
00290  */
00291 process MouseClicked(Sid: session-id) is
00292 let
00293   Column: int,
00294   Line: int,
00295   Offset: int,
00296   Pid: int,
00297   Registered: bool
00298 in
00299   (
00300     rec-msg(te-mouse-click-at-offset(Sid, Offset?))
00301     . create(OffsetHandler(Sid, Offset), Pid?)
00302   +
00303     rec-msg(te-mouse-click-at-line-column(Sid, Line?, Column?))
00304     . create(LineColumnHandler(Sid, Line, Column), Pid?)
00305   ) 
00306   . snd-msg(em-request-transaction(Sid))
00307   .
00308   (
00309     rec-msg(em-no-transaction(Sid))
00310   +
00311     rec-msg(em-transaction-started(Sid))
00312     . IsStructureEditorRegistered(Sid, Registered?)
00313     .
00314     if equal(Registered, true) then
00315       snd-msg(handle-mouse-event(Pid))
00316       . SynchronizeFocus(Sid)
00317     else
00318       tau
00319     fi
00320     . snd-msg(em-end-transaction(Sid))
00321   )
00322 endlet
00324 /**
00325  * Default handler that an editor may use for synchronizing
00326  * with the structure editor
00327  */
00328 process OffsetHandler(Sid: session-id, Offset: int) is
00329 let
00330   Pid: int
00331 in
00332   Pid := process-id
00333   . rec-msg(handle-mouse-event(Pid))
00334   . snd-msg(se-set-cursor-at-offset(Sid, Offset))
00335 endlet
00337 process LineColumnHandler(Sid: session-id, Line: int, Column: int) is
00338 let
00339   Pid: int
00340 in
00341   Pid := process-id
00342   . rec-msg(handle-mouse-event(Pid))
00343   . snd-msg(se-set-cursor-at-line-column(Sid, Line, Column))
00344 endlet
00346 process EditorDisconnected(Sid: session-id) is
00347   (
00348     rec-msg(te-text-editor-disconnected(Sid))
00349   +
00350     rec-msg(kill-editor(Sid))
00351   )
00353 process DeleteTextEditor(Sid: session-id) is
00354   snd-msg(te-kill-text-editor(Sid))
00355   . snd-msg(em-unregister-editor(Sid, text))
00357 process DeleteStructureEditor(Sid: session-id) is
00358 let
00359   Registered: bool
00360 in
00361   snd-msg(se-delete(Sid))
00362 endlet
00364 process DeleteSession(Sid: session-id) is
00365 let
00366   Registered: bool
00367 in
00368   snd-msg(em-request-transaction(Sid))
00369   .
00370   (
00371     rec-msg(em-no-transaction(Sid))
00372   +
00373     rec-msg(em-transaction-started(Sid))
00374     . IsTextEditorRegistered(Sid, Registered?)
00375     .
00376     if equal(Registered, true) then
00377       DeleteTextEditor(Sid)
00378     else
00379       tau
00380     fi
00381     . IsStructureEditorRegistered(Sid, Registered?)
00382     .
00383     if equal(Registered, true) then
00384       DeleteStructureEditor(Sid)
00385     else
00386       tau
00387     fi
00388     . snd-msg(em-delete-session(Sid))
00389     . snd-msg(em-end-transaction(Sid))
00390   )
00391 endlet
00393 process DeleteSessions(ModuleId: module-id) is
00394 let
00395   Sid: session-id,
00396   Sids: list
00397 in
00398   snd-msg(em-get-sessions-by-moduleid(ModuleId))
00399   .
00400   (
00401     rec-msg(em-sessions(ModuleId, Sids?))
00402     .
00403     (
00404       if not-equal(Sids, []) then
00405         Sid := first(Sids)
00406         . DeleteSession(Sid)
00407         . Sids := next(Sids)
00408       fi
00409     )
00410     *
00411     if equal(Sids, []) then
00412       tau
00413     fi
00414   +
00415     rec-msg(em-no-such-session(ModuleId))
00416   )
00417 endlet
00419 process GetModuleByPath(Path: str, ModuleId: module-id?) is
00420 let
00421   Sid: session-id
00422 in
00423   GetEditorByPath(Path, Sid?)
00424   .
00425   if not-equal(Sid, UNDEFINED) then
00426     snd-msg(em-get-moduleid(Sid))
00427     . rec-msg(em-moduleid(Sid, ModuleId?))
00428   else
00429     ModuleId := UNDEFINED
00430   fi
00431 endlet
00433 process GetEditorByPath(Path: str, Sid: session-id?) is
00434   snd-msg(em-get-session-by-path(Path))
00435   .
00436   (
00437     rec-msg(em-session(Path, Sid?))
00438   +
00439     rec-msg(em-no-such-session(Path))
00440     . Sid := UNDEFINED
00441   )
00443 process CheckFileSize(Path: str, TooBig: bool?) is
00444 let
00445   Size: int
00446 in
00447   snd-msg(io-get-file-size(Path))
00448   . rec-msg(io-file-size(Path, Size?))
00449   . 
00450   if less(Size, 1048576) then
00451     TooBig := false
00452   else
00453     TooBig := true
00454   fi
00455 endlet
00457 process CheckSanity(Path: str, RequestedModuleId: module-id, Valid: bool?) is
00458 let
00459   Available: bool,
00460   CurrentModuleId: module-id
00461 in
00462   GetModuleByPath(Path, CurrentModuleId?)
00463   . 
00464   if equal(CurrentModuleId, UNDEFINED) then
00465     Valid := true
00466   else
00467     Valid := equal(CurrentModuleId, RequestedModuleId)
00468   fi
00469 endlet
00471 process MoveCursorLeftAction(EditorId : session-id) is
00472   MoveCursor(EditorId, left)
00474 process MoveCursorRightAction(EditorId : session-id) is
00475   MoveCursor(EditorId, right)
00477 process MoveCursorUpAction(EditorId : session-id) is
00478   MoveCursor(EditorId, up)
00480 process MoveCursorDownAction(EditorId : session-id) is
00481   MoveCursor(EditorId, down)
00483 process MoveCursor(Sid: session-id, Direction: term) is
00484 let
00485   Registered: bool
00486 in
00487   IsStructureEditorRegistered(Sid, Registered?)
00488   .
00489   if equal(Registered, true) then
00490     snd-msg(se-move-cursor(Sid, Direction))
00491     . SynchronizeFocus(Sid)
00492   else
00493     tau
00494   fi
00495 endlet
00497 /**
00498  * This process is the default function to call when you
00499  * want to start an editor for a location. It uses the
00500  * configuration manager to find out if for certain files
00501  * (based on the extension) a specialized editor process
00502  * has been registered. If not it starts an editor without
00503  * parsing/structure editing capabilities. If an editor
00504  * is already open for that file, it will not create a
00505  * new editor.
00506  */
00507 process EditLocation(Location: term) is
00508 let
00509   Extension: str,
00510   EditorAction: str,
00511   Filename: str,
00512   Path: str,
00513   Prefix: str,
00514   Sid: session-id,
00515   Area: area
00516 in
00517   snd-msg(get-location-filename(Location))
00518   . rec-msg(location-filename(Path?))
00519   . snd-msg(has-location-area(Location))
00520   . 
00521   (
00522     rec-msg(location-has-area(Location))
00523     . snd-msg(get-location-area(Location))
00524     . rec-msg(location-area(Area?))
00525   +
00526     rec-msg(location-has-no-area(Location))
00527     . Area := quote(area(0,0,0,0,0,0))
00528   )
00529   . snd-msg(em-get-session-by-path(Path))
00530   .
00531   (
00532     rec-msg(em-session(Path, Sid?))
00533     . snd-msg(te-editor-to-front(Sid))
00534     . snd-msg(te-set-selection(Sid, Area))
00535     . GoToEditorArea(Sid, Area)
00536   +
00537     rec-msg(em-no-such-session(Path))
00538     . SplitFilename(Path, Filename?, Prefix?, Extension?)
00539     . snd-msg(cm-get-extension-editor(Extension))
00540     .
00541     (
00542       rec-msg(cm-extension-editor(Extension, EditorAction?))
00543       . 
00544       (
00545         EditAnonymousLocation(Path, Area)
00546         +>
00547         EditorAction(Path, Area)
00548       )
00549     +
00550       rec-msg(cm-no-extension-editor(Extension))
00551       . EditAnonymousLocation(Path, Area)
00552     )
00553   )
00554 endlet
00556 process ShowOriginAction(EditorId : session-id) is
00557 let
00558   Origin: term
00559 in
00560   GetFocusOrigin(EditorId, Origin?)
00561   . 
00562   if equal(Origin, no-origin) then
00563     DisplayMessage(EditorId, "No origin information available")
00564   else
00565     ShowAreaAction("Origin", Origin)
00566   fi
00567 endlet
00569 process ShowAreaAction(Message : str, Location : term) is
00570   EditLocation(Location)
00572 process ShowFeedbackLocation(Location : term) is
00573   EditLocation(Location)
00575 process ShowSubjectHandler(Subject: term) is
00576 let
00577   Pid: int,
00578   Sid: session-id
00579 in
00580   Pid := process-id
00581   .
00582   (
00583     rec-msg(session(Pid, Sid?))
00584     . ShowSubject(Sid, Subject)
00585   +
00586     rec-msg(no-such-session(Pid))
00587   )
00588 endlet
00590 process ShowErrorHandler(Location: term) is
00591 let
00592   Pid: int,
00593   Sid: session-id
00594 in
00595   Pid := process-id
00596   .
00597   (
00598     rec-msg(session(Pid, Sid?))
00599     . ShowLocation(Sid, Location)
00600   +
00601     rec-msg(no-such-session(Pid))
00602   )
00603 endlet
00605 process CleanupEditTerm(Sid: session-id) is
00606   TODO("Dit werkt dus niet!\n")
00608 process GetFocusOrigin(EditorId : session-id, Origin: term?) is
00609 let
00610   Cursor : term
00611 in
00612   snd-msg(se-get-cursor(EditorId))
00613   . rec-msg(se-cursor(EditorId, Cursor?))
00614   . snd-msg(pa-get-origin(Cursor))
00615   .
00616   (
00617     rec-msg(pa-origin(Origin?))
00618   +
00619     rec-msg(pa-no-origin)
00620     . Origin := no-origin
00621   )
00622 endlet
00624 process EditorPopup(Sid : session-id, EditorType: term, FocusSort: term) is
00625 let
00626   MenuList : list
00627 in
00628   snd-msg(cm-get-events(EditorType, FocusSort))
00629   . rec-msg(cm-events(MenuList?))
00630   . snd-msg(te-show-popup(Sid, MenuList)) 
00631 endlet
00633 #endif /* __EDITING__ */

Generated on Fri Sep 12 13:08:53 2008 for meta by  doxygen 1.4.6