The Meta-Environment API


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00001 #ifndef __GRAPH_UTILS__
00002 #define __GRAPH_UTILS__
00004 #include <graph-namespace.h>
00005 #include <layoutgraph.idef>
00006 #include <graph-converter.idef>
00007 #include <graph-painter.idef>
00009 process GraphCleanup(GraphType: str, GraphId: term, Sid: session-id) is
00010   GP-AddCloseListener(GraphType, GraphId)
00011   . rec-note(gp-panel-closed(GraphType, GraphId)) 
00012   . snd-msg(em-delete-session(Sid)) 
00014 process RenderGraph(GraphType: str, GraphId: term, Shared: bool, 
00015                    Closable: bool, Graph: term?) is
00016 let
00017   Sid: session-id,
00018   PanelId: term,
00019   Id: int
00020 in
00021   AddJob("Rendering")
00022   .
00023   if equal(Shared, false) then
00024     snd-msg(em-create-session)
00025     . rec-msg(em-session(Sid?))
00026     . PanelId := Sid
00027     . create(GraphCleanup(GraphType, GraphId, Sid), Id?)
00028   else
00029     PanelId := GraphId
00030   fi
00031   . snd-msg(gp-create-panel(GraphType, PanelId, Shared, Closable))
00032   . rec-msg(gp-panel-created(GraphType, PanelId))
00033   . snd-msg(gp-render-graph(GraphType, PanelId, Graph))
00034   . rec-msg(gp-rendered-graph(GraphType, PanelId, Graph?))
00035   . snd-msg(gl-layout-graph(Graph))
00036   . rec-msg(gl-graph(Graph?))
00037   . snd-msg(gp-display-graph(GraphType, PanelId, Graph))
00038   . JobDone("Rendering")
00039 endlet
00041 /**
00042  * Merges a changed attribute with an already displayed graph.
00043  *
00044  * \param GraphType type of the graph
00045  * \param GraphId   unique graph identification
00046  * \param NodeId    the node id of the node having a changed attribute
00047  * \param Key       key of the changed attribute
00048  * \param Value     new value of the changed attribute
00049  */
00050 process UpdateGraphAttribute(GraphType: str, GraphId: term, NodeId: term, Key: term, Value: term) is
00051   snd-msg(gp-update-graph(GraphType, GraphId, NodeId, Key, Value))
00053 process ShowTree(Tree: term, ShowLayout: bool, ShowLeafs: bool, 
00054                  SharingOn: bool) is
00055 let
00056   Graph: term
00057 in
00058   snd-msg(gc-tree-to-graph(Tree, ShowLayout, ShowLeafs, SharingOn))
00059   . rec-msg(gc-graph(Graph?))
00060   . TODO("Change the way GraphType and GraphId are used\n")
00061   . RenderGraph("parsetree","0",false,true,Graph?)
00062 endlet
00065 #endif /*__GRAPH_UTILS__*/

Generated on Fri Sep 12 13:08:53 2008 for meta by  doxygen 1.4.6