The Meta-Environment API


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef __PARSE_FOCUSES__
00002 #define __PARSE_FOCUSES__
00004 #include <sglr.idef>
00005 #include <unparser.idef>
00006 #include <position-annotator.idef>
00007 #include <error-support.idef>
00008 #include <restorebrackets.idef>
00009 #include <ambiguity-reporter.idef>
00011 process AnnotateTree(Tree: term, File: str, AnnotatedTree: term?) is
00012   AddJob("Adding position information")
00013   . snd-msg(add-posinfo-packed(File, Tree))
00014   . rec-msg(tree-with-pos-info(AnnotatedTree?))
00015   . JobDone("Adding position information")
00017 process ReportAmbs(Tree: term, File: str, Summary: summary?) is
00018   AddJob("Computing ambiguity report")
00019   . snd-msg(ar-report-ambiguities(Tree, File))
00020   . rec-msg(ar-ambiguity-report(Summary?, File))
00021   . JobDone("Computing ambiguity report")
00023 process HasTextChanged(Sid: session-id, TextChanged: bool?) is
00024   snd-msg(te-is-modified(Sid))
00025   . rec-msg(te-is-modified(Sid, TextChanged?))
00027 process AddFilenameToParseError(Error: term, Filename: str, Result: term?) is
00028   snd-msg(es-add-filename-in-error(Filename, Error))
00029   . rec-msg(es-filename-in-error(Filename, Result?))
00031 process ParseText(Pid: int, Text: str, Table: term, Nonterminal: term, Heuristics: term) is
00032 let
00033   ErrorSummary: term,
00034   ParseResult: term
00035 in
00036   snd-msg(sglr-parse(Text, Table, Nonterminal, Heuristics))
00037   . AddJob("Parsing")
00038   .
00039   (
00040     rec-msg(sglr-parse-tree(ParseResult?, ErrorSummary?))
00041     . snd-msg(sglr-parse-tree(Pid, ParseResult, ErrorSummary))
00042   +
00043     rec-msg(sglr-parse-error(ErrorSummary?))
00044     . snd-msg(sglr-parse-error(Pid, ErrorSummary))
00045   )
00046   . JobDone("Parsing")
00047 endlet
00049 process AmbiguityHandler(ParseResult: term, Path: str) is
00050 let
00051   Summary : summary
00052 in
00053     RemoveAmbiguitySummary(Path)
00054     . ReportAmbs(ParseResult, Path, Summary?)
00055     . DisplaySummary(Summary)
00056 endlet
00058 process RemoveAmbiguitySummary(Path: str) is
00059   RemoveSummary("ambtracker", Path)
00061 process ParseTreeHandler(ModuleId: module-id, Path: str) is
00062 let
00063   ParseSummary: term,
00064   ParseResult: term,
00065   Pid: int,
00066   Summary: summary,
00067   P : int
00068 in
00069   Pid := process-id
00070   . RemoveSummary("parser", Path)
00071   .
00072   (
00073     (
00074       rec-msg(sglr-parse-tree(Pid, ParseResult?, ParseSummary?))
00075       .
00076       if not-equal(ParseSummary, UNDEFINED) then
00077         snd-msg(es-set-summary-id(ParseSummary, Path))
00078         . rec-msg(es-summary(Summary?))
00079         . AddFilenameToSummary(Summary, Path, Summary?)
00080         . DisplaySummary(Summary)
00081       else
00082         tau
00083       fi
00084     )
00085     . snd-msg(parse-handler-done(Pid, ModuleId, ParseResult))
00086   +
00087     rec-msg(sglr-parse-error(Pid, ParseSummary?))
00088     . snd-msg(es-set-summary-id(ParseSummary, Path))
00089     . rec-msg(es-summary(Summary?))
00090     . AddFilenameToSummary(Summary, Path, Summary?)
00091     . DisplaySummary(Summary)
00092     . snd-msg(parse-handler-done(Pid))
00093   )
00094 endlet
00096 process UnParseTerm(Tree: term, Text: str?) is
00097   snd-msg(unparse(Tree))
00098   . rec-msg(unparsed-text(Text?))
00100 process AddFilenameToSummary(ParseSummary: summary, Path: str, Summary: summary?) is
00101 let
00102   Error: term,
00103   Errors: list,
00104   Id: str,
00105   NewErrors: list,
00106   Producer: str
00107 in
00108   snd-msg(get-summary-errors(ParseSummary))
00109   . rec-msg(summary-errors(Errors?))
00110   . NewErrors := []
00111   .
00112   if not-equal(Errors, []) then
00113     Error := first(Errors)
00114     . Errors := next(Errors)
00115     . snd-msg(es-add-filename-in-error(Path, Error))
00116     . rec-msg(es-filename-in-error(Path, Error?))
00117     . NewErrors := join(NewErrors, [Error])
00118   fi
00119   *
00120   if equal(Errors, []) then
00121     snd-msg(get-feedback-producer(ParseSummary))
00122     . rec-msg(producer(Producer?))
00123     . snd-msg(get-feedback-identification(ParseSummary))
00124     . rec-msg(identification(Id?))
00125     . snd-msg(es-make-summary(Producer, Id, NewErrors))
00126     . rec-msg(es-summary(Summary?))
00127   fi
00128 endlet
00130 process RestoreTermBrackets(ModuleId: module-id, Tree: term, Result: term?) is
00131 let
00132   Table: term
00133 in
00134   GetParseTable(ModuleId, trm, Table?)
00135   . 
00136   if not-equal(Table, UNDEFINED) then
00137     snd-msg(restore-brackets(Tree, Table))
00138     . rec-msg(brackets-restored(Result?))
00139   else
00140     Result := UNDEFINED
00141   fi
00142 endlet
00144 process AddTermBrackets(ModuleId: module-id, Tree: term, Result: term?) is
00145 let
00146   Table: term
00147 in
00148   GetParseTable(ModuleId, trm, Table?)
00149   . 
00150   if not-equal(Table, UNDEFINED) then
00151     snd-msg(add-brackets(Tree, Table))
00152     . rec-msg(brackets-added(Result?))
00153   else
00154     Result := UNDEFINED
00155   fi
00156 endlet
00160 #endif /*__PARSE_FOCUSES__*/

Generated on Fri Sep 12 13:08:53 2008 for meta by  doxygen 1.4.6