The Meta-Environment API


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00001 #ifndef __PRETTY_PRINT_UTILS__
00002 #define __PRETTY_PRINT_UTILS__
00004 #include <pandora.idef>
00006 process PrettyPrint(Path : str,
00007             Tree : term, 
00008             Result : term?) is
00009 let
00010   Id : int,
00011   Feedback: summary
00012 in
00013   Id := process-id
00014   . AddJob("Generic pretty printing")
00015   . RemoveSummary("pandora", "all")
00016   . snd-msg(pretty-print(Tree))
00017   .
00018   (
00019     rec-msg(pretty-print-result(Result?))
00020     . AnnotateTree(Result, Path, Result?)
00021   +
00022     rec-msg(pretty-print-error(Feedback?))
00023     . DisplaySummary(Feedback)
00024     . Result := UNDEFINED
00025   )
00026   . JobDone("Generic pretty printing")
00027 endlet
00029 #endif /* __PRETTY_PRINT_UTILS__ */

Generated on Fri Sep 12 13:08:53 2008 for meta by  doxygen 1.4.6