The Meta-Environment API


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00001 /* $Id: sdf2-language.tb.src 17510 2006-01-30 14:28:40Z kooiker $ */
00002 #ifndef __RSCRIPT_LANGUAGE__
00003 #define __RSCRIPT_LANGUAGE__
00005 process Open-Rscript-Language is
00006 let 
00007   Error: term,
00008   Table: term,
00009   Type: term,
00010   ModuleId: term
00011 in
00012   Type := rscript
00013   . Table := UNDEFINED
00014   .
00015   (
00016     rec-msg(get-parsetable(ModuleId?, Type))
00017     .
00018     if equal(Table, UNDEFINED) then 
00019       snd-msg(io-read-and-pack-term("/export/scratch1/daybuild/sisyphus-builds/install/12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890/rscript/26342/64759/share/rscript/rscript.trm.tbl"))
00020       .
00021       (
00022         rec-msg(io-packed-term(Table?))
00023         . snd-msg(parsetable(ModuleId, Type, Table))
00024       +
00025         rec-msg(io-error-reading(Error?))
00026         . snd-msg(no-parsetable(ModuleId, Type))
00027       )
00028     else
00029       snd-msg(parsetable(ModuleId, Type, Table))
00030     fi
00031   )
00032   * delta
00033 endlet
00035 toolbus(Open-Rscript-Language)
00037 #endif /* __RSCRIPT_LANGUAGE__ */

Generated on Fri Sep 12 13:18:43 2008 for rscript-meta by  doxygen 1.4.6