001    package toolbus;
003    import java.io.File;
004    import java.io.FileInputStream;
005    import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
006    import java.io.IOException;
007    import java.util.Map;
008    import java.util.HashMap;
009    import java.util.Iterator;
010    import java.util.Properties;
011    import java.util.regex.Matcher;
012    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
014    public class PropertyManager{
015            private final Properties properties;
016            private String propertyFileName = null;
017            private final Map<String, String> defines;
018            private final Map<String, String> toolClasspaths;
019            private String includes = "";
020            private String tbscript = null;
021            private int port;
022            private boolean withConsole = false;
024            public PropertyManager(String[] args){
025                    port = -1;
027                    defines = new HashMap<String, String>();
028                    toolClasspaths = new HashMap<String, String>();
030                    properties = new Properties(System.getProperties());
032                    handleComandLineArguments(args);
034                    FileInputStream fis = null;
035                    try{
036                            fis = new FileInputStream(getPropertyFile());
037                            properties.load(fis);
038                    }catch(FileNotFoundException fnfio){
039                            // Ignore this.
040                    }catch(IOException ioex){
041                            System.err.println("Cannot open configuration file; using built-in settings.");
042                    }finally{
043                            if(fis != null){
044                                    try{
045                                            fis.close();
046                                    }catch(IOException ioex){
047                                            System.err.println("Unable to close properties file stream."+ioex.getMessage());
048                                    }
049                            }
050                    }
052                    Iterator<String> definesIterator = defines.keySet().iterator();
053                    while(definesIterator.hasNext()){
054                            String key = definesIterator.next();
056                            set(key, defines.get(key));
057                    }
058                    Iterator<String> toolClasspathsIterator = toolClasspaths.keySet().iterator();
059                    while(definesIterator.hasNext()){
060                            String key = toolClasspathsIterator.next();
062                            set(key, defines.get(key));
063                    }
064                    if(includes != ""){
065                            set("include.path", includes);
066                    }
067                    if(tbscript != null){
068                            set("script.path", tbscript);
069                    }
070            }
072            private void handleComandLineArguments(String args[]){
073                    Pattern pdefine = Pattern.compile("-D(.*)=(.*)");
074                    Pattern pinclude = Pattern.compile("-I(.*)");
075                    Pattern pscript = Pattern.compile("-S(.*)");
076                    Pattern pport = Pattern.compile("-P(.*)");
077                    Pattern toolClassPath = Pattern.compile("-TC(.*)=(.*)");
079                    for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++){
080                            String arg = args[i];
081                            if(arg.equals("-properties") && i + 1 < args.length){
082                                    propertyFileName = args[++i];
083                            }else if(arg.equals("--with-console")){
084                                    withConsole = true;
085                            }else if(arg.equals("-output") && i + 1 < args.length){
086                                    set("gentifs.output", args[++i]);
087                            }else{
088                                    Matcher mdefine = pdefine.matcher(arg);
089                                    if(mdefine.matches()){
090                                            String name = mdefine.group(1);
091                                            String val = "\"" + mdefine.group(2) + "\"";
092                                            //System.err.println("define: name = " + name + ", " + " val = " + val);
093                                            defines.put(name, val);
094                                    }else{
095                                            Matcher idefine = pinclude.matcher(arg);
096                                            if(idefine.matches()){
097                                                    String name = idefine.group(1);
098                                                    //System.err.println("include: name = " + name);
099                                                    includes = (includes == "") ? name : includes + ", " + name;
100                                            }else{
101                                                    Matcher sdefine = pscript.matcher(arg);
102                                                    if (sdefine.matches()) {
103                                                            String name = sdefine.group(1);
104                                                            //System.err.println("tbscript: name = " + name);
105                                                            if (tbscript != null) {
106                                                                    System.err.println("tbscript: already defined (" + tbscript + ")");
107                                                            }
108                                                            tbscript = name;                                        
109                                                    }else{
110                                                            Matcher portDefine = pport.matcher(arg);
111                                                            if(portDefine.matches()){
112                                                                    String portNumber = portDefine.group(1);
113                                                                    port = Integer.parseInt(portNumber);
114                                                            }else{
115                                                                    Matcher toolClassPathMatcher = toolClassPath.matcher(arg);
116                                                                    if(toolClassPathMatcher.matches()){
117                                                                            String toolClasspathName = toolClassPathMatcher.group(1);
118                                                                            String classpath = toolClassPathMatcher.group(2);
120                                                                            toolClasspaths.put(toolClasspathName, classpath);
121                                                                    }
122                                                            }
123                                                    }
124                                            }
125                                    }
126                            }
127                    }
128            }
130            /**
131             * Get the name of the property file to be used
132             */
133            private String getPropertyFile() throws FileNotFoundException{
134                    if(propertyFileName != null){
135                            return propertyFileName;
136                    }
137                    String user = System.getProperty("user.name");
139                    String hostname = ToolBus.getHostName();
141                    String[] prefix = new String[]{user + "@" + hostname + "-", user + "-", ""};
142                    for(int i = 0; i < prefix.length; i++){
143                            String fname = prefix[i] + "toolbus.props";
144                            File f = new File(fname);
145                            if(f.exists()){
146                                    return fname;
147                            }
148                    }
150                    throw new FileNotFoundException("Property file");
151            }
153            public String get(String p){
154                    return properties.getProperty(p);
155            }
157            public String get(String p, String def){
158                    return properties.getProperty(p, def);
159            }
161            public void set(String key, String val){
162                    properties.setProperty(key, val);
163            }
165            public int getUserSpecifiedPort(){
166                    return port;
167            }
169            public boolean withConsole(){
170                    return withConsole;
171            }
172    }