001    package toolbus.logging;
003    public interface ILogger{
004            public final static String LOGSTR =        "LOG";
005            public final static String FATALSTR =   "FATAL";
006            public final static String ERRORSTR =   "ERROR";
007            public final static String WARNINGSTR = "WARNING";
008            public final static String INFOSTR =       "INFO";
009            public final static String DEBUGSTR =   "DEBUG";
010            public final static String UNKNOWNSTR = "UNKNOWN";
012            public final static int OFF =           0x00000000;
014            public final static int LOG =           0x00000003;
015            public final static int FATAL =         0x00000007;
016            public final static int ERROR =         0x0000000f;
017            public final static int WARNING =       0x0000001f;
018            public final static int INFO =          0x0000003f;
019            public final static int DEBUG =         0x0000007f;
021            public final static int ALL =           0x000000ff;
023            /**
024             * Toggle timestamp printing in messages
025             * 
026             * @param on
027             *                      Sets timestamp on or off.
028             */
029            void setTimestamp(boolean on);
031            /**
032             * Logs the given message (but only if the message is 'important' enough).
033             * 
034             * @param message
035             *            The message that needs to be logged.
036             * @param loglevel
037             *            The log level of the message.
038             */
039            void log(String message, int loglevel);
041            /**
042             * Logs the given message, including the given stacktrace (but only if the message is
043             * 'important' enough).
044             * 
045             * @param message
046             *            The message that needs to be logged.
047             * @param throwable
048             *            The stacktrace associated with the message.
049             * @param loglevel
050             *            The log level of the message.
051             */
052            void log(String message, Throwable throwable, int loglevel);
053    }