001    package toolbus.logging;
003    import java.util.HashSet;
004    import java.util.Set;
006    //TODO make configurable.
008    /**
009     * Factory for creating a logger. Follows singleton design pattern.
010     * 
011     * @author Arnold Lankamp
012     */
013    public class LoggerFactory{
014            private final static Set<String> registeredTypes = new HashSet<String>();
015            private final static Set<String> registeredNames = new HashSet<String>();
016            private static int nrOfRegisteredNames = 0;
017            private static String filter = "";
019            /*
020             * All configuration is now done here in line in the code;
021             * This should be moved to the property file and/or commandline.
022             */
023            static{
024                    // Register all the log types that should be logged.
025                    registerType(IToolBusLoggerConstants.TOOL);
026                    registerType(IToolBusLoggerConstants.TOOLINSTANCE);
027                    registerType(IToolBusLoggerConstants.COMMUNICATION);
028                    //registerType(IToolBusLoggerConstants.PARSING);                
029                    //registerType(IToolBusLoggerConstants.MESSAGES);
030                    //registerType(IToolBusLoggerConstants.NOTES);
031                    //registerType(IToolBusLoggerConstants.CALLS);
032                    //registerType(IToolBusLoggerConstants.EXECUTE);
033                    //registerType(IToolBusLoggerConstants.TOOLCOM);
035                    //registerName("EditSyntax");
036                    //filter = "EditSyntax";
037            }
039            /**
040             * Default constructor. Private to prevent instantiation.
041             */
042            private LoggerFactory(){
043                    super();
044            }
046            /**
047             * Registers the given string as a log type identifier. All registered log types will be logged.
048             * All messages with log types that aren't registered will be ignored.
049             * 
050             * @param type
051             *            The log type identifier.
052             */
053            public static void registerType(String type){
054                    registeredTypes.add(type);
055            }
057            /**
058             * Deregisters the given string as log type identifier, so the messages that are associated with
059             * it will no longer be logged.
060             * 
061             * @param type
062             *            The log type identifier.
063             */
064            public static void deregisterType(String type){
065                    registeredTypes.remove(type);
066            }
068            /**
069             * Registers the given string as a name. Only messages containing name will be logged.
070             * 
071             * @param name
072             *            The name of interest.
073             */
074            public static void registerName(String name){
075                    registeredNames.add(name);
076                    nrOfRegisteredNames++;
077            }
079            /**
080             * Deregisters the given string as a name, so the messages that are associated with
081             * it will no longer be logged.
082             * 
083             * @param name
084             *            The name of interest.
085             */
086            public static void deregisterName(String name){
087                    registeredNames.remove(name);
088                    nrOfRegisteredNames--;
089            }
091            /**
092             * Convenience method for debugging.
093             * @param processName TODO
094             * @param message
095             *            The message that needs to be logged.
096             * @param type
097             *            The type of the message.
098             */
099            public static void log(String processName, String message, String type){
100                    if((nrOfRegisteredNames == 0 || registeredNames.contains(processName)) &&
101                                    registeredTypes.contains(type)){
102                            String msg = "[" + processName + "]: " + message;
103                            //if(msg.contains(filter)){
104                                    //System.err.println("contains: " + filter + " in " + msg);
105                                    getLogger().log(msg, ILogger.DEBUG);
106                            //}
107                    }
108            }
110            /**
111             * Convenience method for logging.
112             * 
113             * @param message
114             *            The message that needs to be logged.
115             * @param loglevel
116             *            The log level of the message.
117             */
118            public static void log(String message, int loglevel, String type){
119                    if(!registeredTypes.contains(type)) return;
120                    if(message.contains(filter)){
121                            getLogger().log(message, loglevel);
122                    }
123            }
125            /**
126             * Convenience method for logging.
127             * 
128             * @param message
129             *            The message that needs to be logged.
130             * @param throwable
131             *            The stacktrace associated with the message.
132             * @param loglevel
133             *            The log level of the message.
134             */
135            public static void log(String message, Throwable throwable, int loglevel, String type){
136                    if(!registeredTypes.contains(type)) return;
137                    if(message.contains(filter)){
138                            getLogger().log(message, throwable, loglevel);
139                    }
140            }
142            /**
143             * Returns a reference to the instantiated logger.
144             * 
145             * @return A reference to the instantiated logger.
146             */
147            public static ILogger getLogger(){
148                    return LoggerKeeper.logger;
149            }
151            /**
152             * Instance keeper; for ensuring thread-safe, lazy intialization of the logger.
153             * 
154             * @author Arnold Lankamp
155             */
156            private static class LoggerKeeper{
157                    public final static ILogger logger;
159                    static{
160                            // TODO Increase the log level to warning later.
161                            // TODO make the logger type configurable.
162                            logger = new CommandLineLogger(ILogger.WARNING); 
163                            //logger = new FileLogger(ILogger.DEBUG);
164                    }
165            }
166    }