001    package toolbus.viewer;
003    import toolbus.IOperations;
004    import toolbus.tool.ToolInstance;
005    import toolbus.util.collections.ConcurrentHashMap;
006    import toolbus.util.collections.ConcurrentHashSet;
007    import toolbus.util.collections.EntryHandlerConstants;
008    import toolbus.util.collections.ConcurrentHashMap.HashMapEntryHandler;
009    import aterm.ATerm;
011    /**
012     * Handles performance information dispatch and retrieval.
013     * 
014     * @author Arnold Lankamp
015     */
016    public class PerformanceInformationHandler{
017            private final IPerformanceMonitor performanceMonitor;
019            private final ConcurrentHashSet<ATerm> toolInstancesToMonitor;
020            private final ConcurrentHashSet<String> toolTypesToMonitor;
022            private final ConcurrentHashMap<ToolInstance, ATerm> arrivedPerformanceStats;
023            private final PerformanceStatsEntryHandler performanceStatsEntryHandler;
025            /**
026             * Constructor.
027             * 
028             * @param performanceMonitor
029             *            The tool performance monitor to use.
030             */
031            public PerformanceInformationHandler(IPerformanceMonitor performanceMonitor){
032                    super();
034                    this.performanceMonitor = performanceMonitor;
036                    toolInstancesToMonitor = new ConcurrentHashSet<ATerm>();
037                    toolTypesToMonitor = new ConcurrentHashSet<String>();
039                    arrivedPerformanceStats = new ConcurrentHashMap<ToolInstance, ATerm>();
040                    performanceStatsEntryHandler = new PerformanceStatsEntryHandler(performanceMonitor);
041            }
043            /**
044             * Initiates the monitoring of the tool associated with the given tool key.
045             * 
046             * @param toolKey
047             *            The tool key associated with the tool we want to monitor.
048             */
049            public void startMonitoringTool(ATerm toolKey){
050                    toolInstancesToMonitor.put(toolKey);
051            }
053            /**
054             * Stops monitoring the tool associated with the given tool key.
055             * 
056             * @param toolKey
057             *            The tool key associated with the tool which we want to stop monitoring.
058             */
059            public void stopMonitoringTool(ATerm toolKey){
060                    toolInstancesToMonitor.remove(toolKey);
061            }
063            /**
064             * Initiates the monitoring of the given tool type.
065             * 
066             * @param toolName
067             *            The tool type of tool we want to monitor.
068             */
069            public void startMonitorToolType(String toolName){
070                    toolTypesToMonitor.put(toolName);
071            }
073            /**
074             * Stops monitoring tools of the given type.
075             * 
076             * @param toolName
077             *            The type of tool which we want to stop monitoring.
078             */
079            public void stopMonitoringToolType(String toolName){
080                    toolTypesToMonitor.remove(toolName);
081            }
083            /**
084             * Invoked by the debug toolbus when communication with a tool instance occured.
085             * @param toolInstance
086             *            The tool instance that received the data.
087             * @param operation
088             *            The operation associated with the received data.
089             */
090            public void toolCommunicationTriggered(ToolInstance toolInstance, int operation){
091                    if(operation == IOperations.DEBUGPERFORMANCESTATS){
092                            arrivedPerformanceStats.put(toolInstance, toolInstance.getLastDebugPerformanceStats());
093                    }else if(operation == IOperations.CONNECT){
094                            performanceMonitor.toolConnected(toolInstance);
095                    }else if(operation == IOperations.END){
096                            performanceMonitor.toolConnectionClosed(toolInstance);
097                    }else if(toolInstance.isConnected()){
098                            if(toolInstancesToMonitor.contains(toolInstance.getToolKey()) || toolTypesToMonitor.contains(toolInstance.getToolName())){
099                                    toolInstance.sendDebugPerformanceStatsRequest();
100                            }
101                    }
102            }
104            /**
105             * Invoked by the debug toolbus when it wishes to process all currently received performance
106             * data.
107             */
108            public void handleRetrievedData(){
109                    arrivedPerformanceStats.iterate(performanceStatsEntryHandler);
110            }
112            /**
113             * Entry handler used for iterating over the arrived performance statistics.
114             * 
115             * @author Arnold Lankamp
116             */
117            private static class PerformanceStatsEntryHandler extends HashMapEntryHandler<ToolInstance, ATerm>{
118                    private final IPerformanceMonitor performanceMonitor;
120                    /**
121                     * Costructor.
122                     * 
123                     * @param performanceMonitor
124                     *            The performance monitor that handles the data.
125                     */
126                    public PerformanceStatsEntryHandler(IPerformanceMonitor performanceMonitor){
127                            super();
129                            this.performanceMonitor = performanceMonitor;
130                    }
132                    /**
133                     * @see toolbus.util.collections.ConcurrentHashMap.HashMapEntryHandler#handle(Object, Object)
134                     */
135                    public int handle(ToolInstance toolInstance, ATerm performanceStats){
136                            performanceMonitor.performanceStatsArrived(toolInstance, performanceStats);
138                            return EntryHandlerConstants.REMOVE;
139                    }
140            }
141    }