001    package nl.cwi.sen1.visbase.factbrowser.data;
003    import java.util.ArrayList;
004    import java.util.Collections;
005    import java.util.Observable;
007    /**
008     * This class represents the FactTypes which are used within facts. It will be
009     * used to couple FactTypes to visualisation plugins. This class acts as a
010     * container in which the visualisation plugins are added. When a new
011     * visualisation is added all the member Facts are notified so they can update
012     * there view.
013     *
014     * @author Renze de Vries
015     * @date 14-02-2007
016     *
017     */
018    public class RStoreFactType extends Observable {
019        private String factType;
021        private ArrayList<VisualisationPlugin> visualisationPlugins;
023        /**
024         * This is the default constructor and is mainly used as a failsafe. The
025         * constructor to use is the following: RStoreFactType(String factType)
026         *
027         * @author Renze de Vries
028         * @date 14-02-2007
029         */
030        public RStoreFactType() {
031            factType = "";
032            visualisationPlugins = new ArrayList<VisualisationPlugin>();
033        }
035        /**
036         * The constructor with the factType which looks for example like this:
037         * <str, str> or something similar.
038         *
039         * @param factType
040         *            The FactType
041         *
042         * @author Renze de Vries
043         * @date 14-02-2007
044         */
045        public RStoreFactType(String factType) {
046            this.factType = factType;
047            visualisationPlugins = new ArrayList<VisualisationPlugin>();
048        }
050        /**
051         * Return the FactType string for comparison elsewhere
052         *
053         * @return The String FactType
054         *
055         * @author Renze de Vries
056         * @date 14-02-2007
057         */
058        public String getFactType() {
059            return factType;
060        }
062        /**
063         * This method makes it possible to add a visualisation plugin to the
064         * container. When a plugin is added notify all the observing Facts.
065         * When the new VisalisationPlugin is added to the container we need to
066         * resort the container. This is so the VisualisationPlguins are always
067         * displayed in the same order.
068         *
069         * @param visPlugin
070         *            The plugin to add to the container.
071         *
072         * @author Renze de Vries
073         * @date 14-02-2007
074         */
075        public void addVisualisationPlugin(VisualisationPlugin visPlugin) {
077            //check if the visualisationPlugin is not already present
078            if(!visualisationPlugins.contains(visPlugin))
079            {
080                visualisationPlugins.add(visPlugin);
081            }
083            Collections.sort(visualisationPlugins);
085            this.setChanged();
086            this.notifyObservers();
087        }
089        /**
090         * This method returns the list with all the visualisation plugins
091         *
092         * @return The List with visualisation plugins
093         *
094         * @author Renze de Vries
095         * @date 14-02-2007
096         */
097        public ArrayList<VisualisationPlugin> getVisualisationPlugins() {
098            return visualisationPlugins;
099        }
101    }