001    package nl.cwi.sen1.gui.plugin.prefusedot;
003    import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
004    import java.io.BufferedReader;
005    import java.io.IOException;
006    import java.io.InputStream;
007    import java.io.InputStreamReader;
008    import java.io.OutputStream;
009    import java.io.PrintStream;
010    import java.text.CharacterIterator;
011    import java.text.StringCharacterIterator;
012    import java.util.HashMap;
013    import java.util.Iterator;
014    import java.util.LinkedList;
015    import java.util.List;
016    import java.util.Map;
017    import java.util.regex.Matcher;
018    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
020    import prefuse.data.Edge;
021    import prefuse.data.Graph;
022    import prefuse.data.Node;
024    /**
025     * @author Jurgen Vinju
026     * 
027     * This class wraps a prefuse Graph in order to provide a bridge to AT&T's
028     * graphviz. The idea is to build a graph via this interface and call the
029     * doDotLayout() method after constructing the graph in memory. This will start
030     * a session with the external dot tool via pipes, and annotate the graph with
031     * x,y position information, and store the locations for the curved edges also.
032     * @see DotNodeLayout.java for how this information will later be used to actually
033     *      layout the graph.
034     */
035    public class DotAdapter extends Graph {
036            private static final int dpi = 72;
038            public static final String DOT_CURVE_POINTS = "curve-points";
039            public static final String DOT_X = "dotX";
040            public static final String DOT_Y = "dotY";
041            public static final String DOT_WIDTH = "dotWidth";
042            public static final String DOT_HEIGHT = "dotHeight";
043            public static final String DOT_LABEL = "label";
044            public static final String DOT_ID = "id";
045            public static final String DOT_SHAPE = "shape";
047            private double scale;
049            private Map<String, Node> nodeIds = new HashMap<String, Node>();
051            public DotAdapter() {
052                    super(true);
053                    addColumn(DOT_ID, String.class);
054                    addColumn(DOT_LABEL, String.class);
055                    addColumn(DOT_X, int.class);
056                    addColumn(DOT_Y, int.class);
057                    addColumn(DOT_CURVE_POINTS, Point2D[].class);
058                    addColumn(DOT_WIDTH, int.class);
059                    addColumn(DOT_HEIGHT, int.class);
060                    addColumn(DOT_SHAPE, String.class);
061            }
063            /**
064             * Run the Dot layout algorithm and store the results as attributes in the graph
065             * table. These attributes can later be used by a prefuse layout algorithm.
066             * @see DotNodeLayout and @see DotLabelLayout for details. This method assumes
067             * you have added nodes and edges using the @method addNode() and @method addEdge() methods.
068             *
069             */
070            public void doDotLayout() {
071                    executeDot();
072            }
074            private void executeDot() {
075                    try {
076                            String command = "dot -y -Tplain";
077                            Process child = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
079                            OutputStream out = child.getOutputStream();
080                            printDot(new PrintStream(out));
081                            out.close();
083                            InputStream in = child.getInputStream();
084                            parseDot(in);
085                            in.close();
086                    } catch (IOException e) {
087                            // TODO do something with this error
088                    }
089            }
091            private Node getNode(String id) {
092                    return nodeIds.get(id);
093            }
095            private void storeNode(String id, Node node) {
096                    nodeIds.put(id, node);
097            }
099            /**
100             * This private class stores pre-compiled regular expressions for parsing
101             * the dot -Tplain output format.
102             */
103            private static class Patterns {
104                    /*
105                     *   graph scale width height
106             *   node name x y width height label style shape color fillcolor
107             *   edge tail head n x1 y1 .. xn yn [label xl yl] style color
108             *   stop
109                     */
110                    static final String id = "(\\w+|(?:\"(?:[^\\\"]|(?:\\\")|(?:\\\\))*\"))";
111                    static final String w = "(\\S+)";
112                    static final String d = "([0-9]+)";
113                    static final String r = "([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)";
114                    static final String s = "\\s+";
115                    static final String any = "(.*)";
117                    static final Pattern start = Pattern.compile("graph" + s + r + s + r
118                                    + s + r);
119                    static final Pattern node = Pattern.compile("node" + s + id + s + r + s
120                                    + r + s + r + s + r + s + any);
121                    static final Pattern edge = Pattern.compile("edge" + s + id + s + id
122                                    + s + d + s + any);
123                    static final Pattern point = Pattern
124                                    .compile("\\s*(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)(.*)");
125            }
127            private void parseDot(InputStream in) {
128                    BufferedReader i = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
130                    try {
131                            do {
132                                    String line = i.readLine();
134                                    if (line != null) {
135                                            Matcher m;
137                                            m = Patterns.start.matcher(line);
138                                            if (m.matches()) {
139                                                    parseStart(m.group(1), m.group(3));
140                                                    continue;
141                                            }
143                                            m = Patterns.node.matcher(line);
144                                            if (m.matches()) {
145                                                    parseNode(m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3), m.group(4), m.group(5));
146                                                    continue;
147                                            }
149                                            m = Patterns.edge.matcher(line);
150                                            if (m.matches()) {
151                                                    parseEdge(m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3), m
152                                                                    .group(4));
153                                                    continue;
154                                            }
155                                    }
156                            } while (i.ready());
157                    } catch (IOException e) {
158                            // TODO : do something with this error
159                    }
160            }
162            /**
163             * Returns a list of edges from the source node to the target node.
164             */
165            public List<Integer> getAllEdges(int source, int target) {
166                    List<Integer> result = new LinkedList<Integer>();
167                    int outd = getOutDegree(source);
168                    if (outd > 0) {
169                            int[] edges = (int[]) m_links.get(source, OUTLINKS);
170                            for (int i = 0; i < outd; ++i) {
171                                    if (getTargetNode(edges[i]) == target) {
172                                            result.add(new Integer(edges[i]));
173                                    }
174                            }
175                    }
176                    return result;
177            }
179            /**
180             * Returns a list of edges between the source and target node
181             * 
182             * @param source
183             *            the source Node
184             * @param target
185             *            the target Node
186             * @return an Edge with given source and target nodes, or null if no such
187             *         edge is found.
188             */
189            public List<Edge> getAllEdges(Node source, Node target) {
190                    nodeCheck(source, true);
191                    nodeCheck(target, true);
192                    List<Integer> edges = getAllEdges(source.getRow(), target.getRow());
193                    List<Edge> result = new LinkedList<Edge>();
194                    for (Integer i : edges) {
195                            result.add(getEdge(i.intValue()));
196                    }
197                    return result;
198            }
200            private void parseEdge(String toString, String fromString,
201                            String pointCount, String pointsStr) {
202                    String to = idFromDot(toString);
203                    String from = idFromDot(fromString);
204                    Point2D[] points = parseEdgePoints(Integer.parseInt(pointCount),
205                                    pointsStr);
207                    List<Edge> edges = getAllEdges(getNode(to), getNode(from));
208                    for (Edge edge : edges) {
209                            Object tmp = edge.get(DOT_CURVE_POINTS);
210                            if (tmp == null) {
211                                    edge.set(DOT_CURVE_POINTS, points);
212                                    break;
213                            }
214                    }
215            }
217            private Point2D[] parseEdgePoints(int count, String rest) {
218                    List<Point2D> points = new LinkedList<Point2D>();
220                    for (; count > 0; count--) {
221                            Matcher n = Patterns.point.matcher(rest);
223                            if (n.matches()) {
224                                    int x = (int) (Double.parseDouble(n.group(1)) * scale * dpi);
225                                    int y = (int) (Double.parseDouble(n.group(2)) * scale * dpi);
226                                    points.add(new Point2D.Float(x, y));
227                                    rest = n.group(3);
228                            } else {
229                                    break;
230                            }
231                    }
233                    Point2D[] result = new Point2D[points.size()];
234                    Iterator<Point2D> iter = points.iterator();
236                    for (int i = 0; iter.hasNext(); i++) {
237                            result[i] = iter.next();
238                    }
240                    return result;
241            }
243            private void parseNode(String id, String xstr, String ystr, String widthStr, String heightStr) {
244                    id = idFromDot(id);
245                    int x = (int) (Double.parseDouble(xstr) * scale * dpi);
246                    int y = (int) (Double.parseDouble(ystr) * scale * dpi);
247                    int width = (int) (Double.parseDouble(widthStr) * scale * dpi);
248                    int height = (int) (Double.parseDouble(heightStr) * scale * dpi);
250                    x = x - width / 2;
251                    y = y - height / 2;
252                    Node node = getNode(id);
254                    if (node != null) {
255                            node.setInt(DOT_X, x);
256                            node.setInt(DOT_Y, y);
257                            node.setInt(DOT_WIDTH, width);
258                            node.setInt(DOT_HEIGHT, height);
259                    } else {
260                            System.err.println("Node not found: " + id);
261                    }
262            }
264            private void parseStart(String scaleStr, String heightStr) {
265                    scale = Double.parseDouble(scaleStr);
266            }
268            /**
269             * Prints out the prefuse graph to Graphviz Dot format
270             * @param b PrintStream to output the graph to
271             */
272            public void printDot(PrintStream b) {
273                    b.append("digraph prefuseGraph {\n");
274                    printNodes(b);
275                    printEdges(b);
276                    b.append("}\n");
277            }
279            private void printEdges(PrintStream b) {
280                    Iterator iter = edges();
282                    while (iter.hasNext()) {
283                            Edge t = (Edge) iter.next();
284                            int from = t.getInt(Graph.DEFAULT_SOURCE_KEY);
285                            int to = t.getInt(Graph.DEFAULT_TARGET_KEY);
286                            String fromId = getNode(from).getString(DOT_ID);
287                            String toId = getNode(to).getString(DOT_ID);
288                            b.append(idToDot(fromId) + " -> " + idToDot(toId) + "\n");
289                    }
290            }
292            private void printNodes(PrintStream b) {
293                    Iterator iter = nodes();
295                    while (iter.hasNext()) {
296                            Node t = (Node) iter.next();
297                            String id = idToDot(t.getString(DOT_ID));
298                            storeNode(id, t);
299                            b.append(id + " [");
301                            for (int i = t.getColumnCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
302                                    String key = t.getColumnName(i);
303                                    if (t.canGetString(key)) {
304                                      String value = t.getString(i);
305                                      if (value != null) {
306                                        b.append(" " + key + "=\"" + escape(value) + "\" ");
307                                      }
308                                    }
309                            }
310                            b.append(" ]\n");
311                    }
312            }
314            private String escape(String string) {
315                    StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
316                    StringCharacterIterator i = new StringCharacterIterator(string);
317                    char ch = i.current();
319                    while (ch != CharacterIterator.DONE) {
320                            switch (ch) {
321                            case '\"':
322                                    result.append('\\');
323                                    result.append('\"');
324                                    break;
325                            case '\n':
326                                    result.append('\\');
327                                    result.append('n');
328                                    break;
329                            case '\t':
330                                    result.append('\\');
331                                    result.append('t');
332                                    break;
333                            case '\\':
334                                    if (ch != CharacterIterator.DONE) {
335                                            ch = i.next();
336                                            switch (ch) {
337                                            case '\"':
338                                            case '\n':
339                                            case '\t':
340                                                    result.append('\\');
341                                                    result.append('\\');
342                                                    result.append('\\');
343                                                    break;
344                                            default:
345                                                    result.append('\\');
346                                            }
347                                    } else {
348                                            result.append(ch);
349                                    }
350                            default:
351                                    result.append(ch);
352                            }
354                            ch = i.next();
355                    }
357                    return result.toString();
358            }
360            /**
361             * A safe method to set an attribute of a node. If the attribute's column
362             * was not declared yet, it will be declared by this method first.
363             * @param node 
364             * @param key
365             * @param value
366             */
367            public void setNodeAttribute(Node node, String key, Object value) {
368                    if (node.getColumnIndex(key) == -1) {
369                            addColumn(key, value.getClass());
370                    }
372                    node.set(key, value);
373            }
375            private String idToDot(String string) {
376                    String result = escape(string);
377                    return "\"" + result + "\"";
378            }
380            private String idFromDot(String id) {
381                    if (id.charAt(0) == '\"') {
382                            return id;
383                    }
384                    return "\"" + id + "\"";
385            }
387            public static void main(String[] args) {
388                    DotAdapter a = new DotAdapter();
390                    Node n = a.addNode();
391                    n.set(DotAdapter.DOT_ID, "{ aap }");
392                    n.set(DotAdapter.DOT_LABEL, "{ aap }");
393                    a.setNodeAttribute(n, "height", "1.5");
394                    a.setNodeAttribute(n, "width", "2.5");
396                    Node m = a.addNode();
397                    m.set(DotAdapter.DOT_ID, "[A-Z a-z]");
398                    m.set(DotAdapter.DOT_LABEL, "[A-Z a-z]");
399                    a.setNodeAttribute(n, "height", "2.5");
400                    a.setNodeAttribute(n, "width", "1.25");
402                    a.addEdge(m, n);
404                    n = a.addNode();
405                    n.set(DotAdapter.DOT_ID, "Aap");
406                    n.set(DotAdapter.DOT_LABEL, "Aap");
408                    m = a.addNode();
409                    m.set(DotAdapter.DOT_ID, "Noot");
410                    m.set(DotAdapter.DOT_LABEL, "Noot");
412                    a.addEdge(m, n);
413                    a.addEdge(m, n);
414                    a.printDot(System.err);
415                    a.doDotLayout();
416                    return;
417            }
420    }