002    package nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.graphplugin;
004    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
006    import nl.cwi.sen1.gui.plugin.prefusedot.DotEdgeRenderer;
007    import nl.cwi.sen1.gui.plugin.prefusedot.DotLabelLayout;
008    import nl.cwi.sen1.gui.plugin.prefusedot.DotNodeLayout;
009    import nl.cwi.sen1.gui.plugin.prefusedot.DotNodeRenderer;
010    import prefuse.Constants;
011    import prefuse.Display;
012    import prefuse.Visualization;
013    import prefuse.action.ActionList;
014    import prefuse.action.RepaintAction;
015    import prefuse.action.assignment.ColorAction;
016    import prefuse.action.assignment.FontAction;
017    import prefuse.action.layout.Layout;
018    import prefuse.controls.DragControl;
019    import prefuse.controls.FocusControl;
020    import prefuse.controls.PanControl;
021    import prefuse.controls.WheelZoomControl;
022    import prefuse.controls.ZoomControl;
023    import prefuse.data.Graph;
024    import prefuse.data.Schema;
025    import prefuse.render.AbstractShapeRenderer;
026    import prefuse.render.DefaultRendererFactory;
027    import prefuse.render.EdgeRenderer;
028    import prefuse.render.LabelRenderer;
029    import prefuse.util.ColorLib;
030    import prefuse.util.FontLib;
031    import prefuse.util.PrefuseLib;
032    import prefuse.visual.VisualItem;
033    import prefuse.visual.expression.InGroupPredicate;
035    /**
036     * Builder to create a display (formatting, colors and layout) for a graph.
037     * 
038     * @author A. Belgraver
039     * @author Anton Gerdessen (reviewer)
040     * @author Jurgen Vinju
041     * @date 07-3-2007  
042     */
043    public class GraphDisplayBuilder {
044            private DotNodeLayout dotLayout;
046            private static final Schema LABEL_SCHEMA = PrefuseLib.getVisualItemSchema(); 
047            { 
048            LABEL_SCHEMA.setDefault(VisualItem.INTERACTIVE, false); 
049            LABEL_SCHEMA.setDefault(VisualItem.TEXTCOLOR, ColorLib.gray(100)); 
050            LABEL_SCHEMA.setDefault(VisualItem.FONT, FontLib.getFont("Tahoma", 16)); 
051            } 
053        /**
054         * Main method for the graph creation.
055         *
056         * @param graph the graph to be displayed.
057         * @return
058         * @author A. Belgraver
059         * @author Anton Gerdessen (reviewer)
060         * @date 07-3-2007  
061         */
062        public Display createDisplayFromGraph(Graph graph){
064            // Setup the visualization type and renderer
065            Visualization vis = new Visualization();
066            vis.addGraph(GraphConstants.GRAPH, graph);
067            vis.addDecorators(GraphConstants.LABELS, GraphConstants.NODES);
069            DefaultRendererFactory drf = new DefaultRendererFactory();
071                    LabelRenderer lr = new LabelRenderer(GraphConstants.LABEL);
072                    lr.setHorizontalTextAlignment(Constants.CENTER);
073                    lr.setVerticalTextAlignment(Constants.CENTER);
074                    lr.setRenderType(LabelRenderer.RENDER_TYPE_NONE);
075                    drf.add(new InGroupPredicate(GraphConstants.LABELS), lr);
077            DotNodeRenderer nr = new DotNodeRenderer();
078            nr.setRenderType(AbstractShapeRenderer.RENDER_TYPE_DRAW_AND_FILL);
079                    drf.add(new InGroupPredicate(GraphConstants.NODES), nr);
081                    EdgeRenderer er = new DotEdgeRenderer(Constants.EDGE_TYPE_LINE, Constants.EDGE_ARROW_FORWARD);
082                    drf.add(new InGroupPredicate(GraphConstants.EDGES), er);
084                    vis.setRendererFactory(drf);
086                    // Create an actions avaible for the graph.
087                    ActionList layout = new ActionList();
088            dotLayout = new DotNodeLayout(GraphConstants.GRAPH);
089                    layout.add(dotLayout);
090                    Layout labelLayout = new DotLabelLayout(GraphConstants.LABELS);
091                layout.add(labelLayout);
092                    layout.add(new RepaintAction());
093                    vis.putAction(GraphConstants.LAYOUT, layout);
094                    vis.putAction(GraphConstants.LABELLAYOUT, labelLayout);
096                    vis.setInteractive(GraphConstants.LABELS, null, false);
098            // Add the actions available for this graph.
099                    ActionList colors = createColorActions();
100                    vis.putAction(GraphConstants.COLOR, colors);
102            // Setup the display in which to display the graph
103            Display display = createDisplay(vis);
105            // Start the graph.
106            vis.run(GraphConstants.COLOR);
107            vis.run(GraphConstants.LAYOUT);
109            return display;
110        }
112        /**
113         * Set the color for the nodes, if no color is set they will be black and white.
114         * 
115         * @return ActionList holding needed color actions.
116         * @author A. Belgraver
117         * @author Anton Gerdessen (reviewer)
118         * @date 07-3-2007  
119         */
120        private ActionList createColorActions() {
121            // Text options.
122            ColorAction text = new ColorAction(GraphConstants.LABELS, VisualItem.TEXTCOLOR,
123                    ColorLib.gray(0));
124            text.setDefaultColor(GraphConstants.TEXTCOLOR);
125            FontAction nFont = new FontAction(GraphConstants.LABELS, GraphConstants.NODE_FONT);
127            // Outer line color.
128            ColorAction nStroke = new ColorAction(GraphConstants.NODES,
129                    VisualItem.STROKECOLOR);
130            nStroke.setDefaultColor(GraphConstants.NODE_LINECOLOR);
132            // Fill color.
133            ColorAction nFill = new ColorAction(GraphConstants.NODES, VisualItem.FILLCOLOR);
134            nFill.setDefaultColor(GraphConstants.NODE_FILLCOLOR);
136            // Edge lines and heads.
137            ColorAction nEdges = new ColorAction(GraphConstants.EDGES, VisualItem.STROKECOLOR);
138            nEdges.setDefaultColor(GraphConstants.ARROWCOLOR);
139            ColorAction nHeads = new ColorAction(GraphConstants.EDGES, VisualItem.FILLCOLOR);
140            nHeads.setDefaultColor(GraphConstants.ARROWCOLOR);
142            // Bundle the color actions in an actionlist.
143            ActionList colors = new ActionList();
144            colors.add(nFont);
145            colors.add(nStroke);
146            colors.add(nFill);
147            colors.add(nEdges);
148            colors.add(nHeads);
149            colors.add(text);
150            colors.add(new RepaintAction());
152            return colors;
153        }
155        /**
156         * Create and configure the visualization display.
157         * 
158         * @param vis The visualisation to display
159         * @return A configured display object
160         * @author A. Belgraver
161         * @author Anton Gerdessen (reviewer)
162         * @date 07-3-2007  
163         */
164        private Display createDisplay(Visualization vis) {
165            Display d = new Display(vis);
167            // Anti aliasing on
168            d.setHighQuality(true);
170            // Allow manipulation of those nodes while visible in the panel
171            d.addControlListener(new FocusControl());
172            d.addControlListener(new DragControl() {
173                    public void itemDragged(VisualItem item, MouseEvent e) {
174                            super.itemDragged(item, e);
175                            // This is a bit sluggish, because it relayouts all labels instead of just
176                            // the one that has moved
177                            item.getVisualization().run(GraphConstants.LABELLAYOUT);
178                    }
179            });
180            d.addControlListener(new PanControl());
182            // Allowing zooming in the panel.
183            d.addControlListener(new ZoomControl());
184            d.addControlListener(new WheelZoomControl());
186            return d;
187        }
188    }