001    package nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin;
003    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
004    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
005    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
006    import javax.swing.JButton;
007    import javax.swing.JLabel;
008    import javax.swing.JPanel;
010    /**
011     * The ContainerPanel class forms a container panel for
012     * a contentpanel and a warning panel.
013     *
014     * @author Arjen van Schie
015     * @date 16-3-2007
016     */
017    public class ContainerPanel extends JPanel{
018            private static final long serialVersionUID = -5928381544709327449L;
020            private JPanel m_contentPanel = null;
021        private JPanel m_warningPanel = null;
022        private JLabel m_warningLabel = null;
024        private static final String constWarningChanged = "The RStore has changed, this view might be outdated.";
025        private static final String constWarningUnloaded = "The RStore of this fact has been unloaded!";
027        /**
028         * Generate a container panel for the warningpanel
029         * and the content panel and hide the warningpanel by default
030         *
031         * @author Arjen van Schie
032         * @date 16-3-2007
033         * @param JPanel content
034         */
035        public ContainerPanel(JPanel content){
036        // make the panel fullscreen
037        this.makePanelFullscreen();
039            // get the child panel-references
040            m_warningPanel = this.generateWarningPanel();
041            m_contentPanel = content;
043            // add the panels
044            this.add( m_warningPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH );
045            this.add( m_contentPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER );
047            // hide the warning panel by default
048        this.hideWarning();
049        }
051        /**
052         * Show a warning-message for the RStore-changed event
053         *
054         * @author Arjen van Schie
055         * @date 16-3-2007
056         */
057        public void showRstoreChangedWarning(){
058            m_warningLabel.setText( constWarningChanged );
059            m_warningPanel.setVisible(true);
060        }
062        /**
063         * Show a warning-message for the RStore-unloaded event
064         *
065         * @author Arjen van Schie
066         * @date 16-3-2007
067         */
068        public void showRstoreUnloadedWarning(){
069            m_warningLabel.setText( constWarningUnloaded );
070            m_warningPanel.setVisible(true);
071        }
073        /**
074         * Hide the warning messages of a window
075         *
076         * @author Arjen van Schie
077         * @date 16-3-2007
078         */
079        public void hideWarning(){
080            m_warningPanel.setVisible(false);
081        }
083        /**
084         * Make the panel fullscreen
085         *
086         * @author Arjen van Schie
087         * @date 16-3-2007
088         */
089        private void makePanelFullscreen(){
090            BorderLayout layout = new BorderLayout();
091            this.setLayout(layout);
092        }
094        /**
095         * Generate a panel for the warning messages
096         * @author Arjen van Schie
097         * @date 16-3-2007
098         */
099        private JPanel generateWarningPanel(){
100            // create a label and panel
101            JPanel warningArea = new JPanel();
102            m_warningLabel=new JLabel();
103             m_warningLabel.setForeground(java.awt.Color.red);
105             // add a button to hide the warnings
106             JButton hideWarningButton = new JButton();
107             hideWarningButton.setText("Hide Warning");
108             hideWarningButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
109                 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
110                     hideWarning();
111                 }
112             });
114            // connect the label & button
115            warningArea.add(m_warningLabel);
116            warningArea.add(hideWarningButton);
118            return warningArea;
119        }
121        /**
122         * return a reference to the contentpanel
123         * @author Arjen van Schie
124         * @date 16-3-2007
125         */
126        public JPanel getContentPanel() {
127            return m_contentPanel;
128        }
130        /**
131         * returns the current warning message (or "empty" in case it is invisible)
132         * @author Arjen van Schie
133         * @date 16-3-2007
134         */
135        public String getCurrentWarning(){
136            String warning="empty";
137            if( m_warningPanel.isVisible() ){
138                warning = m_warningLabel.getText();
139            }
140            return warning;
141        }
143    }