In this experiment we test several disambiguation strategies for particular types of resources. First, we test the strategies restricted to only one type of resource. Secondly, we experiment with the combination of different strategies when used in an unrestricted setting. STRATEGIES There are two global variables: the information to present in order to improve selection and disambiguation of the controlled terms and how to present this information. We will experiment with the following information about terms: - rdf:type Class (and super classes) - alternative label - description (incl. wn:gloss) - broader term (used transitive) - narrower term (used transitive) - related term - linguistic relations Visualization - clustering - by property (group values by similar property) - by label (group additional information by same label) - sublabel (more than one sublabel can be used for a term) - mouse over (indirect method of visualization) In this experiment we focus on the "important" dimensions Person, Location, Time and Object. For these dimension we find several strategies in existing web applications, such as rkd artists (Person), geonames (Location), wordnet search (Object/Concept). As I understand currently experts might use these (or similar) tools to find the right term. We can apply the same strategies to autocompletion results. This should be done in a restricted setting, in which values from only a single dimension are allowed. Persons: RKD artists chooses to show the birth/death date and the nationality. Location: Location search is very common on the web, for example, google maps and geonames. The place hierarchy is very well suited for disambiguation. In geonames we find 1702 records for paris. It shows the country and district. However, this is not always sufficient because within a country the same name can be used for a city and a region. So the place type is required in this case as well. Time: I think we should not consider time here. Object: In wordnet pipe occurs 5x as a noun and 4x as a verb. The online search facility of princeton wordnet first groups these results by wordtype (noun and verb), displays the other sense labels and the wordnet gloss. I am not sure how we should evaluate these strategies. Should we compare them against other strategies? How do we choose these? We also have to deal with a problem that arises by using prefix autocompletion, which drastically increases the number of hits. Instead of only the five exact matches on car we also find a lot of terms with longer labels. What do we want to do with this? Should we test different strategies here as well or do we fix this as a variable? I think a good solution would be to find the relations among the search results, and use these relations for grouping. For example, a search on "computer" in wordnet finds many compound terms, such as computer science, computer industry and computer operation. All these terms are derived from the same concept computer. What I want to achieve is that the disambiguation is only focused on the different senses of a word, and that all derived terms are captured within these senses. I am not sure how to do this, nor how to test it. If we do not manage to solve this we should restrict ourselves to exact matches. Visualization I want to test when it is useful to group by property. And when to group by the word. The former is useful to distinguish between place and location. However, in the first setup we are in a restricted setting in which the type is fixed and the location-person distinction is not required. Any other property can be used instead for grouping, for example locations can be grouped by place type or country/continent and persons by role or nationality. Grouping by word could be used for a wordnet match. For example, car has five matches. We can show car once and the various senses as items of this group. In an unrestricted setting values from all dimensions are suggestion candidates, therefore different strategies have to be combined. Grouping by type seems the most obvious solution. This seems suited for Person and location, but for AAT concepts and wordnet terms this is less straightforward. We can use the facets as class hierarchies, however the root nodes in these hierarchies are not well suited for novice users. We could setup an experiment in which we use different levels in the hierarchy for grouping. I think this is to tricky to do.