date: August 6, 2004 authors: Katya, Joost This bluebook note is a result from discussions during the aug 5 leesklub: "Discourse ontology workshop (2)". The objective of this note is to find out to what extent the various projects within the group use similar structures for the representations of the different (discourse) stages. World - (RDF/Database) It is difficult to make a generic/reusable structure for the world since we, in general can not influence its structure. Having said this it is always possible to transform it to an RDF graph, which we assume is the case in the rest of the note. Aria - DB DISC - RDF IWA - RDF Sample - RDF Topia - RDF Fabula - (RDF) Fabula is a subgraph of the world. In some cases, such as Sample and Disc this is implicitly realized by iterative querying the world. Note that the fabula contains domain relations and is structured as a graph. In addition there exists a domain ontology which describes the domain schema. Aria - XML DISC - RDF IWA - RDF Sample - RDF Topia - RDF Genre Template (new state) We feel the step from fabula to plot is a large one and consists of intermediate state(s). In order to transform a graph to a structured progression at least two things need to be done 1) transform a graph to a presentation tree 2) map domain relations to order, grouping, priorities, recurrences as defined by the structured progression. In both disc an Sample there is a notion of a Genre template which consist of structures like: Essay: Intro Main principles related Conclusion Biography Facts Work Private life These are rather generic templates of which the leaf nodes present domain concepts. In Disc this is done by Narrative Units(NU) which link to terms from the domain ontology schema. Sample has similar (unnamed) structures and can possibly reuse the NU structures defined as in Disc. The problem here is the definitions of Genre templates. In theory the can exist a wide variety of templates which can be created individually. However this is not very convenient. There are similarities between different genre templates, such as intro, main, conclusion which you'd like to reuse among different templates. Furthermore the templates like Artist biography can be very similar to Person Biography in which case you only want to extend the person biography with specific artist data. Narrative Units contain domain relations (table) and can possibly be organized in a hierarchy. For example ArtistPersonalLife extends PersonalLife. The problem is how to model generic templates in a convenient and extensible way? Possible alternatives are: 1) Genre Essay Essay of Movement Main StylePrincples Members Conclusion Artworks Essay of Artist Intro Facts Main StylePrincples Conclusion Artworks 2) Genre Intro Facts (Essay of Artist) Main StylePrincples (Essay of Movement) Members (Essay of Movement) Conclusion Artworks (Essay of Artist, Essay of Movement) Problem with 1 a repetition of genre template structure (intro, main, conclusion) and define whole template individually Problem with 2 is less flexibility (all top-level genre section are the same) Annotate each NU with applicable Genre. Plot - (Structured Progression) Aria - SP DISC - SP IWA - Sample - Sample does not have a an explicit fabula but it does not go from world to plot (=sp) directly. Sample has an intermediate state like the genre structure. The plot is more or less the end of the sample focus and in theory this can be fed into Cuypers which does all the remaining presentation stuff. Topia - SP Story - (HFO) Aria - HFO DISC - HFO IWA - Sample - HFO Topia - User-experience -