289 emperor Napoleon I Polish I want to know everything about the emperor Napoleon I and Polish people. Polish history is closely related to Napoléon I of France. But also, Napoléon I knew very well some Polish people (among which Marie Laczynska and the Prince Poniatowski). I want to know about the big History (how Napoléon had influence on the history of Poland) and the small history (Napoléon mistress, marshals, etc.). My aim is simply to know better the ins and outs of the question, and to understand how much personal relationships of Napoleon influenced his behaviour as a head of state. Relevant elements should make me able to give a summary of this subject. duchy of Warsaw, Marie Laczynska, countess Malewski, Prince Poniatowski, Eylau, Russia 290 genetic algorithm Find information about the history, algorithm, function, data structures and implementation of genetic algorithms. I am doing an experiment which needs to tune more than 4 paramenters. I was told that the genetic algorithms is a suitable method for this. I want to have an overview of this type of algorithms, and especially I am interested in the algorithms, functions, data structures and implementations of genetic algorithm. Relevant elements should mention any of the above information of genetic algorithms. genetic algorithm; GA; algorithm 291 Olympian god or goddess I want some figures showing a representation of an Olympian god or goddess. In Greek mythology, Olympian gods are twelve: Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Hestia, Poseidon and Zeus. I want to illustrate a small record about them, and I need some portraits, sculptures, vases, busts of all of them. Greece, greek mythology, Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Hestia, Poseidon, Zeus, bust, sculpture, vase 292 Italian Flemish painting Renaissance -French -German I want figures containing Renaissance paintings of Flemish or Italian artists, but not French or German ones. Renaissance is a great artistic period, notably for painting. Italian, German, French and Flemish Renaissance paintors are especially famous, but I personally think that Italian and Flemish are the most interessant. I want to compare their works. It could eventually help me to figure out the influence of cultural, political or economic environment on the Renaissance art, and on the art in general. I should be able to write a survey on the differences between Flemish and Italian arts in the XVIth century. Bosch, Bruegel, Campin, Christus, van Cleve, David, van Eick, van der Goes, Isenbrant, Limbourg, Matsys, Memling, Patinir, van der Weyden, Angelico, di Bondone, Donatello, Masaccio, Veneziano, Lippi, del Castagno, di Cosimo, Uccello, da Massina, Pisanello, Mantegna, Signorelli, Baldovinetti, della Francesca, Masolino, Verrocchio, Ghirlandaio, Gozzoli, Crivelli, Mainardi, Raphael, Titian, da Vinci, Botticelli, Michelangelo, Buonarroti, XVIth century 293 wifi security encryption Find information about wifi security and encryption schemes Today wifi is a widely used standard. wifi is used in many organizations and by personal people. Because most of us uses it on an everyday basis it has become important to know what are the security risks and how to protect wireless networks. I am interested to expand my knoweledge in wifi security and wifi encryption schemes for protecting wireless networks. By being familiar with WIFI security and encryption schemes I could protect my wireless network from hackers and avoid serious problems such as online fraud or even identity theft. WPA WPA2 WEP SSID encryption key 294 user interface design usability guidelines Find information about user interface design and usability guidelines Today there is a wide usage of graphical user interface in every product we use, ranging from TV, DVD, PDA, computer software etc. I would like to learn the guidelines of GUI design. And to know what is considered good user interface, with emphasis on human interaction and usability. This could help me avoid the problem of creating a user interface for a product or a computer application that will be unusable for the average user. HIG heuristic evaluation 295 software intellectual property patent license Find information about software patents software license and software intellectual property I want to expand my knowledge on software patents, software license and software intellectual property. I would like to know if this can restrict me when developing new software that takes general ideas that already exists and being used by other companies or organizations. proprietary , innovation 296 Borussia Dortmund + European Championship Intercontinental Cup I would like to know more about Borussia Dortmund and their European Championship and Intercontinental Cup title. BVB (Borussia Dortmund) won the German champion (Bundesliga championships) more than one time and also has won European Championship and Intercontinental Cup in 1997. I live now in Dortmund and I see BVB has difficult times and is having a miserable season. I want to know more about Borussia Dortmund and more information about that time when they have got the Champions League title. Relevant information should say something about statistics and successes of the BVB and Champions League final against Juventus, and against South American champions Belo Horizonte in Tokyo in the World Cup for the clubs tournament, their coaches, famous players and other special honours of BVB players. Irrelevant documents may also talk about Dortmund city, the football stadium Westfalenstadion or world cup 2006. Borussia Dortmund BVB UEFA Champions League UEFA European/South American CUP Horizonte Juventus Toyota Intercontinental Cup Matthias Sammer 297 cool jazz West coast musician Find information about cool jazz or west coast music. The results should contain information about artists. Cool jazz is a type of jazz that is understated and subtle and often encompasses West coast jazz or West coast cool. I would like to find article elements which contain information about this type of music, the history and musicians who play this type of music. Elements which contain links to media samples, will be very useful. I would like to get information about related records and artists. This information will help me to find rare albums of cool jazz music. artists genre California 298 George Orwell life books essays 1984 Eric Arthur Blair Animal Farm Find articles about George Orwell's also known as Eric Arthur Blair's life.I would also like sections about george orwell's essays or books such as 1984 or Animal Farm. After reading the famous novels the dystopian 1984 and political satire Animal Farm I became interested in George Orwell also known as Eric Arthur Blair. I want to find biographic material about Orwell, ideally with a focus on his published works, with a view to writing a paper about his life. To be relevant to my search I expect to find sections which contain information regarding his essays or books. The aim of my paper is to write about his experiences and compare with current standards of life throughout Europe. I don't want any articles or sections which describe places or people who share his pen name as these would be totally irrelevant. Political satire, dystopian, Fascist octopus, Nineteen-eighty four, Animal Farm, Big Brother, Goldstein 299 software development process model iterative Find section about iterative models for software development process A software development process is a structure imposed on the development of a software product. There are several models for such processes, each describing approaches to a variety of tasks or activities that take place during the process. I would like to find information on iterative models which can help me in developing my software. To be relevant, an element should discuss the fundamentals of the given model, and its advantages and disadvantages. management 300 Airbus A380 ordered Find information about the air companies that have ordered Airbus A380 aircrafts The new aircraft A380 produced at Toulouse in France is actually an important event in the aeronautic history of France and more particularly of Toulouse. Since I am living in Toulouse, I am interesting in the future of this special giant aircraft. The future success of this aircraft depends on the number of planes ordered by the air companies all over the world. For my own personal interest, I would like to evaluate the possible success of the A380 listing the companies that ordered yet planes including the number of ordered planes. As the A380 is not the only aircraft produced by Airbus, relevant information may be found as elements in larger documents that deal with Airbus or an air company e.g. as sections in documents about Air). To be relevant an element should mention the name of an air company and the number of planes it ordered. Information on the aircraft itself without explicit indication of ordered planes is not relevant; nor is general information on Airbus or other aircrafts constructed by Airbus (e.g. A340) aircraft 301 Algebraic Vector Space Model generalized vector space model Latent Semantic Indexing Topic-Based vector space model extended Boolean model enhanced topic based Salton SMART Seek articles about about Algebraic models such as Vector Space Model, the generalized vector space model or Latent Semantic Indexing. I also need sections with titles Topic-Based vector space model, Latent Semantic Indexing, extended Boolean model, enhanced topic based and finally Salton SMART I am implementing a search engine using the Lucene API, an example of a vector space model. The vector space model is a type of algebraic model. My aim is to understand the theories behind the vector space model and other algebraic models such as Generalized, topic based, Latent Semantic Indexing and the Extended Boolean. Not only would I like to extend my knowledge of vector space models, but I would like any information about pioneer Gerard Salton and the SMART system, (an early example of a Vector Space model). I intend to compose a paper explaining all my experimentation with my vector space model engine. Knowledge of other models should highlight future research opportunities and help steer my research activities. Any articles or sections which describe the Boolean or Probabilistic models would be highly irrelevant. Algebraic, Vector Space, Latent Semantic Indexing, Generalized, Topic based, Null Vector, vectorial semantics, synonymy , polysemy 302 web services security standards I need to find information about standards for Web Services security. I need to give an overview of Web Services security-related standards. I want to compile a list of relevant standards and (if possible) a brief description of the problem that the standard addresses. I need this information for preparing a seminar presentation giving an overview of that topic. Relevant elements should ideally provide information on a security-related standard, but the complete title of the standard (with an external link to the text of the standard) is sufficient. Elements that only discuss the security of HTTP-based protocols, like firewall piercing, are not relevant. I am not interested in the discussion of security technologies not intended for (ore frequently used for) Web Services. SAML SPML WS-Security OASIS Web Services Security WS-I Basic Security Profile 303 fractal applications -art Besides art, what other applications have fractals been applied to? I have always found fractal art interesting and was wondering if the ideas and theory underlying fractals have been practically applied elsewhere. I want to discover which applications exist and how they make use of fractals. Since I already know a about the theory and history behind fractals, I do not want to see pages that explain this material. I am also already quite familiar with fractal art do not want to see pages on Mandelbrot, Julia, or other types of fractal art, including software packages that produce fractal art. Pages describing fractal music, however, are okay. fractal, antenna, compression, cryptography, music 304 allergy treatments What are the various treatment options for allergies? I suffer from several types of allergies and would like to know what treatment options are available. I am interested in learning about natural remedies, drugs, surgeries, and other possible treatments. There is no single type of allergy that I am most interested in. Instead, I would like to find as many treatment options for as many types of allergies as possible so that I can better understand the wide range of treatment options that are available. allergies, treatment, hay fever, ragweed, pollen, peanut, food, latex, drug, antihistamine, loratadine 305 revision control system Find information about the features and limitations of revision control systems. I want to use a revision control system (RCS) for storing my source code. In order to choose a suitable system, I need an overview of existing systems and their capabilities and limitations. Since I am already familiar with basic RCS concepts, I am not interested in general descriptions that do not mention any concrete products. Elements mentioning only an RCSs name without describing any features are irrelevant. On the other hand, even brief descriptions like a distributed revision control system are relevant. Examples on usage of a concrete RCS and links to external sites describing or comparing RCSs are relevant. darcs bazaar RCS CVS sccs git arch tla subversion svn SCM git DCVS AccuRev Perforce SourceSafe Bitkeeper Mercurial 306 theories Studies genre classification structuralist Plato forms Aristotle forms Seek articles about genre theory,classification and other structuralist approaches. In particular I would like sections regarding Plato and Aristotle's ideas of form. I am just beginning a Research Degree in the information retrieval branch of computer science. My work mainly involves the field of Genre but could also be known as Structuration Theory or Theory of Forms. To begin my research I want to read sections or paragraphs describing theories by early philosophers Aristotle and Plato. Plato's doctrine was of Ideas and Forms while Aristotle believed that the whole visual world was constituted by Form and Substance. Any philosophers connected to Aristotle and Plato, such as Socrates, may also be useful to my work. I am going to write a paper explaining my experiments with Classification of documents by genre and need background material. Aristotle, Plato, form theories, Structuralist, structuralism, structuration, Genre, ideas and forms, form and substance Phaedo, literary genres 307 Islamic faith Qur'an prophet Muhammad I require articles about Islam with an aim of understanding the islamic faith.I also require sections about the teachings of the Qu'ran by the prophet Muhammad. I am repeatedly annoyed by the negativity of the world media towards the Islamic faith. To help my children and I understand the religion, I seek articles about Islam and the teachings of the Qu'ran. Any article which describes the different branches of the Moslem faith (e.g., Shi'ite, Sunni and Mu'tazilite), and the reasons for the divisions among them would be relevant. As there are overlaps with Christianity and other religions, information which contrasts Islam with other religions would also be relevant. Any information describing the deeper meaning of passages within the Qu'ran would also be irrelevant as the interpretations may be totally subjective. Any information about authors, self proclaimed 'experts' or historians of the faith would also be irrelevant to the search. Allah, Alaha, Prophet Muhammed, Islam, Islamic, Tawrah, Injil, Zabur, Tablets of Abraham, Shi'ite, Sunnite, Mu'tazilite 308 wedding traditions and customs Find information about wedding traditions and customs for the day of the ceremony. I will get married next month. I've learned from my mother and my grand-mother that there are a number of things that I have to do the D day if I want to respect traditions and customs. I think I already know some of them (like for example the white dress, the veil or traditional gifts), but I do not know their real signification. It would also be great to know some others traditions. They could be from all over the world and can be about (this is not an exhaustive list) how the bride and the groom should be dressed, what to listen or say during the church wedding, what to eat during the reception, what are the traditional gifts,... The aim of this search is to respect most of the traditions, even if they are not originally from France. There is however a restriction concerning the religious wedding, since I will not change my religion (my wedding will be a Christian one). To be relevant, elements should be about traditions concerning the D day of wedding. Pre-wedding customs like the engagement ring or how to do invitations and post-wedding customs like honeymoon of wedding anniversary are not relevant. As the traditions concerning the D Day are only a part of all the wedding traditions, I expect to find relevant information in general articles about marriage (although they could also be in articles about some particular contries and their traditions). dress, veil, ring, reception, wedding cake, wedding ceremony 309 Ken Doherty finals tournament When did Ken Doherty reach the finals of a tournament? I am a fan of snooker player Ken Doherty, and I want to find out when he reached the finals of professional tournaments. Relevant elements should include both the name of the tournament and the year when Ken Doherty was a finalist; a list of finalists without any mention of the tournament is not helpful. The information will most likely be in articles about the tournaments, but occasionally, it may be contained in articles about other snooker players or articles about sports in a given year. winners year snooker 310 Novikov self-consistency principle and time travel Find articles about Novikov self-consistency principle that contain a section about time travel. I am writing an essay about the possibility of time travel. More specifically, I am very intrigued how and whether the problem of paradoxes in time travel could be solved. A colleague of mine has recommended that I read about the Novikov self-consistency principle (also known as the Novikov self-consistency conjecture), which is a principle developed by Dr. Igor Dmitrievich Novikov in the mid-1980s to solve the problem of paradoxes in time travel. I want to find documents or document components that explain the Novikov self-consistency principle. I expect most comprehensive answers to represent full articles (or in some cases sections of articles), since paragraphs that are contained by an article would very likely be too small to represent meaningful answers. Relevant articles should provide a detailed description of Novikov self-consistency principle: what does it mean, where could the principle be applied, and what are the implications of this principle on the possibility of time travel. Articles that show examples of applications of this principle (such as the time loop logic application), or discuss about movies that utilise this principle in their core idea (such as Twelve Monkeys), are also relevant. Articles that only discuss about the academic and personal life of Dr. Igor Dmitrievich Novikov and mention his publications, or discuss about other scientists whose surname is also Novikov, are not relevant. Novikov, self-consistency principle, self-consistency conjecture, time travel, grandfather paradox, billiard ball, counterfactual definiteness, CFD, Twelve Monkeys the movie, time loop logic application. 311 global warming cause and effects Find sections about global warming cause and effects. Over the past decade there have been extensive scientific and political debates over the global warming controversy. The controversy is mainly driven by the following two questions: whether humans are solely responsible for the global climate change, and which policies should be followed to avoid the possible effects of global warming. I would like to actively participate in this debate, and I am currently in the process of writing a short scientific paper that will convey my thoughts about this matter. However, I want first to fully understand what really causes the global warming, and what are the possible effects and consequences, both for the environment and for human life, as a result of this phenomenon. I want to find documents or document components, most probably sections, that explain the cause of global warming and its effects. To be relevant, the document component should extensively discuss about either or both of the following: the possible causes of global warming, such as man-made increases in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, changes in the Earth's orbit around the Sun, solar activity, and volcanic emissions; and the possible effects of global warming, such as sea level rise, impacts on agriculture, reductions in the ozone layer, increased extreme weather, and the spread of various diseases. Document components that discuss about concepts such as global dimming, global cooling, and business action on climate change are not relevant, unless there is a clear relationship between these concepts and the global warming. global warming, cause, effects, anthropogenic global warming, climate change, carbon dioxide, greenhouse gas emissions, sea level rise, ozone layer reductions, increased extreme weather, spread of disease. 312 recessive genes and hereditary disease or genetic disorder article about recessive genes and hereditary disease or genetic disorder Several children were born holding hereditary diseases. However these diseases have not been seen in the parents. The scientists explain the occurrence of such problems as a consequence of the pairing of recessive genes of parents. I would like to know more about recessive genes and the hereditary diseases caused by pairing of these types of genes. How we can discover these diseases before the wedding. I do not want details on genetic sciences. allele; partner; pairing; symptom 313 immanuel kant moral philosophy categorical imperative Retrieve detailed information about Immanuel Kant's moral philosophy, including the concept of categorical imperative. Immanuel Kant fascinates me because of the anecdotes I have read about him. I would like to know what his moral philosophy is about. I do not want to read a philosophical treatise about it but just to get the main idea of it. Relevant elements should explain details about Kant's moral philosophy, which I know to include the concept of categorical imperative. Relevant elements could also name his main works in the field of moral philosophy. Elements mentioning Immanuel Kant and moral philosophy or categorical imperative without further elaboration are not relevant. Criticism on Kant's philosophy is not relevant, unless Kant's moral philosophy is also described. immanuel kant moral philosophy categorical imperative critique of practical reason groundwork of the metaphysic of morals grundlegung zur metaphysik der sitten 314 food additive toxin carcinogen E number Find occurrences of toxic and carcinogenic food additives. Food additives are labeled by an E number in Europe. I was looking at the labels of groceries and was surprised of the large amount of food additivies. I'm eager to find out which food additivies are, or may be toxic. I'm also interested of those which have been prohibited as well. I think best amounts of text to fulfil my information needs are short. food additive toxin carcinogen E number 315 spider hunting insect Find information about the different ways spiders hunt insects. I am very interested in finding out the different ways spiders are able to get their food. I will put the findings in my blog. I know that they can jump on insects or that they sometimes use nets, but I want to know more about it. To be relevant, a document needs to talk about spiders and need to explain spiders get thier food. arachnid 316 differents disciplines and movements for gymnastics sport Find information about disciplines and movements for gymnastics sport Gymnastics is an artistic sport. I practised gymnastics for 7 years and I participated in national competitions for two disciplines: floor and vault. For my own personal interest, I would like to know more about the different disciplines of gymnastics and some movements of this type of sport. To be relevant, a document or a document element must describe one or more disciplines of gymnastics and give some information of movements. A document or element who talks about champions and their lives is not relevant. gym; gymnast ; code score 317 tourism paris visit museum cathedral Find information about tourism spots in our around Paris. In particular, I'd like to visit museums and cathedrals. I am planning a trip to Paris during my holidays, and I want to find in advance interesting places to visit there, in Paris itself or in the region around. To be relevant, a document needs to talk about tourism or about Paris and its region and needs to give names and/or information on the places to see. museum ; ile de France 318 the atlantic ocean islands and the slave trade i am looking for the list of atlantic ocean islands used used as a place of transit for slaves to the American and the European continents The purpose of the query is to retrieve any article about atlantic ocean islands that cite in theirs sections the slave trade. To be relevant, a component must give at least one name of an atlantic ocean island used for slaves trade. African, atlantic, ocean, islands, slave, trade, 319 northern lights polar lights aurora borealis solar wind magnetic field earth Find information for my presentation about northern lights, also known as polar lights or aurora borealis. I know they are caused by solar wind hitting earths magnetic field. I'm having a presentation in school about polar lights, also known as northern lights or aurora borealis. I know polar lights are are an astronomical phenomena caused by solar wind hitting earths magnetic field. I'm interested in any information concerning both of the nature and emergence of polar lights as well as the impacts of them. northern lights polar lights aurora borealis solar wind magnetic field aurora earth sun astronomy sunspot electromagnetic waves 320 paris transport Gare de Lyon Gare du Nord I'm looking for ways of transport from Gare de Lyon station to Gare du Nord in Paris. I want to travel from London to Dijon and I booked two train tickets. The first train is from London to Paris Nord and I'll change to another train from Gare de Lyon station, Paris. I want to find out what the easiest way is to get from Gare du Nord station to Gare de Lyon. I'm looking for any possible way of transport to get from one station to the other, including trains, buses, Paris metro, RER, but if all of these proves too difficult or offers a long journey, I'll be interrested in taxi services as well. The ideal document would tell me exactly what I should use, but any document that mentions these stations and the available transport from there to other Paris destinations is helpful, I'll probably be able to put some travel information together. I'm not interested in transportation to or from outside of Paris and don't want to see just a list of stations when only one of my targets is mentioned. Paris, France, Gare du Nord, Gare de Lyon, transport, bus, train, metro, taxi, RER 321 buildings designed Antoni Gaudi Barcelona architect Find sections about buildings in Barcelona, designed by the architect Antoni Gaudi After having visited Barcelona and having seen some impressive work of the architect Antoni Gaudi, I want to know what other buildings in Barcelona are designed by his hand. The objective of the search is to find information about buildings designed by the architect Antoni Gaudi. It should be clear that these buildings are located in Barcelona. If only the name of the building is found, without an additional description, I'm already satisfied. antoni gaudi architecture 322 castles kasteel in the netherlands Retrieve pieces of articles describing castles (kasteel in Dutch) in the Netherlands, but not just images of one or more castles, nor lists of names of castles, nor descriptions of entire areas or towns with only a brief mentioning of some castle. I am looking for information on castles to organize a tour throught country. Elements that contain just one or more images of castles but no descriptive text are not of my interest. Elements with lists of castels that don't contain any descriptions are not of my interest. Elements describing towns, only mentioning the name of a castle, are not of my interest. The castles should be in the Netherlands and not in Belgium (which is a former part of the Netherlands). castles kasteel in the netherlands 323 founder ikea Who is the founder of IKEA? A new IKEA store is build next to our village, therefore I would like to know who happens to be the founder of IKEA; Given the popularity of IKEA, he must be a rich man. Therefore, I'm looking for the name of the founder of IKEA. His name is: Ingvar Kamprad. Any element that contains this name in combination with founder of IKEA will satisfy my information need founder ikea Ingvar Kamprad 324 composition of planet rings Find any information about planets rings and about their composition. I am interested in finding out what are rings around planets. I like to have information about rings around existing planets. Information can be related with the kind of parts that compose rings, as well as knowing the names of the existing rings around planet and their relationships with planet moons of any. To be relevant, a document needs to talk about planets and about their rings. Neptune ; Saturn 325 Cirque du Soleil shows Find the different shows the Cirque du Soleil company has presented all around the world. I am very interested in art, and moreover in circus. I know the Cirque du Soleil is one of the most famous circus in the world and that it has began in Quebec City. I can remember Alegria and O are two of their shows, but I want to list all of them. For my own personal interest, I would like to learn more about the success story of this company in term of number and quality of shows' productions, and I expect to find some photos of the different shows to understand why people everywhere in the world are fascinated by the artists' performances in dreaming atmospheres always remembered. To be relevant, a document should give the name of a show and should describe the theme of this one. Documents about artists or the founders of the company are not relevant. circus ; Quebec 326 Scotland tourism Find information about tourism in scotland. We are planning for a self-served travel to Scotland. So we would like to search some information on the introduction of Scotland's famous spots. Relevant information should contain the introduction of some relevant spots. Scotland Tourism 327 cloning animals accepted United States of America Is cloning of animals accepted in the United States of America? I'm writing an essay on cloning of animals in the USA. I wish to discuss the ethical considerations of cloning animals and find out if there are situations of cloning animals that are acceptable. Therefore, I want to know what the different viewpoints regarding cloning are in the United States of America. Relevant elements should discuss these ethical viewpoints. Elements describing different techniques are not relevant, since, for this topic, I'm not nterested in how it works. Also, this topic is specific on cloning of animals, thus elements discussing cloning of plants or cloning in physics or computing are also not relevant. controversy, humane, animal welfare, ethics, objection 328 NBA European basketball player Find information about European basketball players that entered the NBA For a number of years, I've been following the NBA (basketball) and wonder how many european basketball players managed to enter into the NBA. The objective of my search is to find as much information as possible about european basketball players that have played, or currently play in the NBA, National Basketball Association. I'm satisfied, when at least the name of the player and the european country is listed, in combination with the fact that this player came out in the NBA. european players nba 329 national dress +Scottish Scottish national dress. Relevant document elements will describe something about national dress, particularly Scottish national dress. For instance, they will give examples of constituent parts of national dress, when such clothing etc. is worn and who by or any other details or descriptions of Scottish national dress, e.g. the history of Scottish national dress. The motivation for this query is an information meed for a (rough) definition of what is meant by Scottish national dress. A possible work-task motivating the query would be writing an essay on (Scottish) national dress. kilt sporran tartan Ghillie brogues Argyll jacket Prince Charlie jacket Montrose jacket Sgian Dubh Highland dress Sheriffmuir jacket ceilidh black tie 330 nobel prize laureate physics dutch Netherlands I'm searching for dutch Nobel prize laureates in physics. I'm working in the Nicolaas Bloembergen building at Utrecht University, and when exploring the background of the famous physicist, I also found out that he is a Nobel prize winner. This triggered me to search for other dutch nobel prize winners (laureates) in physics. All information that contains the names of dutch scientists that have won a Nobel prize in physics is relevant to my search. If the Nobel price winner is a physicist, but has won the Nobel price in a different category (chemistry/medicine) or is not a dutchman, then the information is not relevant. nobel prize dutch physics netherlands 331 figure tulips Find figures that depict tulips I'm interested in images that depict tullips. These are my favourite flowers, and you can get them in all kinds of colours, which I want to show my daughter. I'm therfore looking for pictures that show tulips. Only real flowers are relevant, not artificial flowers, or tulips trees. Other objects may be present in the picture. tulip 332 NCAA basketball tournament march madness Find information about the NCAA basketball tournament, also called March Madness. The NCAA basketball championship tournament, a.k.a. March Madness, is always a spectacle, and I want to find as much information on this subject as possible. I'm interested in anything that has to do with the March Madness NCAA basketball tournament. I want to exclude from this search anything that has to do with XBox, playstation, or other computer and video games. march madness NCAA basketbal 333 steve wozniak steve jobs retrieve article sections about steve wozniak and steve jobs collaborations I'm interested in the pre-Apple history of Steve Wozniak and the events that lead up to the Apple I. A discussion of how Wozniak met Jobs, probjects they worked on together before Apple, architectural decisions taken in the design of the Apple I are relevant. Post Apple I events are not relevant. Apple homebrew 334 Silk Road China Find information on the introduction of Silk Road from China to Europe. Chinese government plan to boost the old Silk Road. I want to know information about Silk Road in history. Relevant elements should introduce the history, route, role and contribution of the Silk Road. Silk Road 335 prepare acorn eat how should I prepare acorns for eating? I've recently discovered that acorns are edable if the tannin is leached out of them. To my supprise many human cultures have in the past used acorns as flour. As thereis an oak tree right outside my office I'm interested in collecting acorns and preparing somthing using them. Relevant information will discuss how to gather, store, and prepare acorns for human consumption. Non-relevant information is abound and discussed animal habbits along the same lines. tannin 336 species of monotreme what species of monotreme are there? I'm interested in the defining characteristics of monotremes and which species exist today (just interested, dunno why!). Information describing living species of momotreme is relevant, the characterisitcs of momotremes is relevant. The evolution is not, extinct species are not. echidna; platypus 337 security algorithms in computer networks find information about security algorithms used in computer networks I worked as teaching assistant for computer networks. This inspired my interest in algorithms used in computer networks. To be relevant an element should talk about security algorithms in computer networks. An element talking only about computer networks would not be relevant. security algorithms; computer networks; cryptography; encryption 338 high blood pressure effect Find information about effects of high blood pressure on the body. A friend of mine had a high blood pressure diagnostic. I would like to know what effects of this disease on the body to be able to assess the severity of these effects, in a way to give him this information. To be relevant, a document has to talk about high blood pressure and give any information on the effects of this. It also relevant to get this kind of information from documents that deal with treatments of this disease. HBT ; artery ; kidney 339 Toy Story Find information on the movie Toy Story. To be relevant, a document/component must discuss some detail of the techniques or computer infrastructure used in the creation of the first entirely computer-animated feature-length movie, Toy Story. Pixar, Disney, Buzz Lightyear, 3D-rendering, Sun, SGI 340 Reinforcement Learning + Q-Learning I want articles or elements from the articles that discuss about Reinforcement Learning or about Q-Learning. In order to write a report, I want some information on Reinforcement Learning. Any elements or articles which discuss about Reinforcement Learning or Q-Learning are sought after. Any problems such as Temporal Difference Learning which are solved through Reinforcement Learning are not considered relevant. Reinforcement, Learning, Q-Learning, agent, action, goal, environment, reward, punishment 341 microkernel operating systems Find Information about operating systems with microkernel I worked as teaching assistant for operating systems. This inspired my interest in microkernel operating systems. To be relevant an element should talk about operating systems with microkernel. An element talking only about operating systems or microkernel should be considered irrelevant. microkernel; operating systems; mach 342 birthday party nick cave I would like to find information about the Birthday Party, which was Nick Cave's previous band from the late 1970's/early 1980's I would like information about the Birthday Party, which was Nick Cave's first band. The purpose of my search is to get information in order to write an essay on Cave's early carreer. I am also interested in other side projects of Cave from the late 1970's/early 1980's. His current project Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds is also of interest, but that is not the focus of my essay the birthday party, nick cave and the bad seeds, rowland s howard, mick harvey, australian rock 343 fantasy novel goodkind book I want to retrieve information about the fantasy novels from Terry Goodkind. I've recently began to read some fantasy novels and a friend of mine has informed me that Terry Goodkind is a famous fantasy author. I'm also interested in finding the different novels he has written, and eventually a summary of each one. To be relevant, a document should be about Terry Goodkind's own work. Terry ; Richard ; Khalan ; wizard ; book 344 XML database I want to find out about storing XML in databases. For my XML retrieval engine, I need fast access to large volumes of XML documents, so I want to find out whether storing the documents in a database might help me. Relevant elements should either contain references to XML database products (both XML-enabled and native) or give an overview of the types and typical characteristics of XML database systems. Elements describing XML standards without direct references to XML databases are not relevant. Xindice MonetDB Adabas Oracle XML content server Tamino 345 Sex Pistols concert audience Manchester music scene What happend to the people who attended the infamous Sex Pistols concert in Manchester in the seventies. This gig is often marked as the start of the Manchester music scene. I'm writing a report on the Manchester music scene. I remember from the feature film '24 hour party' people' that there was an infamous Sex Pistols concert sometime in the mid seventies with only just over fourty people in the audience. Many of these people have started bands, record labels or clubs and become important names in the Manchester music scene. Now I want to find out who these people were and what they did afterwards. Ideal results would document the biography of one of these persons and mention his/her attendence at the specific gig. Documents only mentioning a persons attendence would also be relevant as these would allow me to search for more information on the person. However, documents discussing a person's life without acknowledging the attendance at the Sex Pistols concert are not considered relevant (even if the person in question did attend the gig). Also documents discussing the concert without mentioning any of the people in the audience are not relevant. Neither are documents discussing a second Sex Pistols concert in Manchester, a month later with a much larger crowd. Lesser Free Trade Hall, Free Trade Hall, Tony Wilson, Howard Devoto, Pete Shelley, Morrisey, Ian Curtis, Bernard Summer, Peter Hook, Mick Hucknall, Martin Hannett, Buzzcocks, Joy Division, New Order, Factory records 346 +unrealscript language api tutorial Locate articles on the programming language UnrealScript. Prefer those that can tell me about its paradigm and api, and maybe even point me to some tutorials. I've been playing the classic first-person shooter game Unreal Tournament by Epic Games for several years now and am the leader of a clan of competitive players. I've noticed how many extensions to/modifications of the game are availalable on the internet. For instance new/altered weaponry, additional game modes/rules, map voting systems, etc. All of these are developed by third parties, mostly private persons that are enthusiastic players themselves. From various documentation of these extensions, I've learned that they were written in a domain specific programming language called UnrealScript. I would like to contribute actively to the Unreal Tournament community myself. I have some ideas for some plugins for the game that would make administrating Unreal Tournament game servers a lot easier. I've been programming for many years in general purpose object oriented programming languages like C++ and Java, now I want to learn more about UnrealScript to see if I can expect to be able to pick up the language and accomplish implementing my ideas for an administration tool within a reasonable amount of time. Since all I know about the language is its name, anything that can tell me about its paradigm, structure, similarity to other languages that I may know is relevant. From these results I hope to pursue more detailed information (external), such as tutorials and API references. epic, dsl, programming 347 +state machine figure moore mealy I am looking for example figures of state machines of either the Moore or the Mealy variant. I am a software developer considering using a particular commercial framework for developing software using a virtual finite state machine approach. Upon reading the material on the framework developer's site, I note that they make a distinction between two different types of state machine models designated Moore and Mealy. Their software only properly supports specification of Mealy-type FSMs. They explain the distinction briefly but provide no visual examples of how they are modelled. To be sure I understand the difference, I'd like to see a couple of illustrations of both types. They don't have to model the same system, I just have to see a couple of models to verify my understanding, as this may have an important impact on the applicability of the framework to the project at hand. I am specifically searching for document fragments containing illustrations, not mere article text. I expect to be able to express this structural constraint in NEXI. fsm, fsa, mealy, edward 348 drinking water abstraction +germany I seek information about drinking water abstraction in Germany. To give a seminar talk at school, someone searches for information on the sources of drinking water in Germany. Possible answers may include names of rivers, dams, wells, companies, but also more general sources like groundwater, ideally with some quantitative information like amount of water taken, number of people supplied, or money involved. General information about techniques to produce drinkable water are not relevant, unless they are mentioned in a context that shows that these techniques are also used in Germany. Historical information is also not of interest, unless it is still valid for today (like a waterworks built early last century that is still operating). river pollution dam supply 349 proprietary implementation +protocol +wireless +security Find information about proprietary implementation of wireless security protocols As a graduate student who is in the middle stage of graduate study, I am collecting materials to prepare for my thesis work. Wireless security is my chosen field and protocols play a crucial role in providing secured communication. Basically, all standardized protocols are open for public review. However, vendor companies usually develop their own proprietary implementations of these protocols. When doing so, they also circulate white papers to claim the performance of their solutions. Sometimes, they generously reveal ad-hoc technical details. For the literature review purpose, I would like to collect information about the available protocols of wireless security. Also, to avoid reinvent the wheel, I would like to know what has been done so far in field, what is claimed to be achieved and what are the remaining issues. The Wikipedia collection is an idea starting mine of information as this collection provides thorough surveys about all topics and refers readers to related links. I pay special attention to the links to vendor companies for the reasons given above. To be relevant, an element of an article should list some wireless security protocols with brief descriptions. The external links at the end of article should direct readers to at least one company/academic organization who is developing their own implementation of one of these protocols. Alternatively, the link can point to further detailed description of the wireless security protocol. The position of the link is flexible, i.e. it can appear anywhere inside the content of the article. Information about hardware implementation of protocols is not relevant. Information about the historical development of protocols is considered relevant only if the external link points to at least one active organization that is working on this protocol. protocol, security, wireless, computer, implementation, company, organization 350 Animal flight Characteristics of animal flight and flying animals I am interested in all aspects of animal flight. What is the purpose, evolution, and mechanics of animal flight? How the different types of aerial locomotion (e.g., parachuting, gliding, soaring, flying) can be characterized? Which groups of animals can fly? A relevant element will cover one or more of these aspects. Even documents about specific flying animals are relevant, provided that they describe the characteristics of their flight. birds, insects, pterasaurs, bats 351 Chinese wedding custom tradition Find information on customs and traditions at Chinese wedding ceremonies. I need to find information about the traditions and customs at Chinese weddings, especially about the clothes which the guests should wear, the games or dances in which they have to participate, what kind of food and drinks are consumed. The reason why I am interested in these facts is because I am invited as a guest to a traditional Chinese wedding and have to prepare for that. marriage 352 Faster-than-light travel Is faster-than-light travel possible? I am interested in the concept of faster-than-light travel from a scientific point of view. Elements that discuss the theoretical possibility of faster-than-light travel and its consistency with the Theory of Relativity are relevant. Also, I am interested in any physical phenomenon that suggests that the speed of light can be overcome. Elements that refer to fictional work dealing with hyperspace or interstellar travel without a scientific basis are not relevant. wormholes, warp drive, Scharnhorst effect 353 pseudocode for in-place sorting algorithm I need to find pseudocode for in-place sorting algorithms. I need to find pseudocode for in-place sorting algorithms. The query is related to a seminar preparation concerning sorting algorithms. The students should get an overview about the strategy of in-place algorithms. The result should describe an in-place sorting algorithm like bubble sort. Each relevant document / document element should give an idea if the algorithm is in-place. The term in-place determines that no more extra memory is needed for sorting operation. Also each result should give an overview about the strategy of the algorithm. This should be in pseudocoud, but a good verbal description is also sufficient. compare; list; O(n) 354 novel adaptations for science fiction films science fiction novels that have been turned into movies I am interested in the influence of literature on science fiction films. Relevant elements will point out science fiction novels that have made into movies or movies that have been clearly inspired by the work of a classic science fiction author. I am especially interested in elements that describe the differences between the original novel and the film. Philip K. Dick, Arthur C. Clarke, Jules Verne, Isaac Asimov 355 +Best Actress +Academy Award -Supporting -nominated winner film Winners of the Academy Award for Best Actress (not winners of Best Supporting Actress, unsuccessful nominees or winners of other awards). Return elements that give details of which actresses have won an Academy Award for Best Actress. Elements that describe actresses who have only been nominated for the award or those that describe winners/nominees for similar awards (Best Actress in a Supporting Role, Golden Globes etc.) are not relevant. The element need not specify which film the award was won for but should definitely confirm the actress has won the award. Possible work-task: compiling a list of winners of the Academy Award for Best Actress. film winner won Oscar Oscar winning Academy Award winning 356 use of natural language processing in information retrieval Find information about use of natural language processing approaches in information retrieval. I have interest in natural language processing and information retrieval as they are part of my research area. I would like to retrieve articles that talk about natural language processing and information retrieval. Any element talking about only one of these would be considered irrelevant. natural language processing; information retrieval 357 babylonia babylonian assyriology Retrieve information about Babylonia and Babylonian culture. Culture of Assyria is closely related, and thus also Assyria and assyriology are partly of interest. I have heard a radio document about science in ancient Babylonia and would like to update my knowledge about this ancient culture. Relevant elements describe the history of Babylonia, or science, architecture or other aspects of Babylonian culture. Even short elements are relevant if they contain detailed information. Elements mentioning Babylonia without further information are not relevant. Also elements containing information that can not be interpreted alone are not relevant (like citations of ancient texts without explanations). Link lists alone are not relevant. babylonia babylonian assyria mesopotamia assyriology 358 ontologies information retrieval semantic indexing Retrieve sections of articles about the use of ontologies in information retrieval such as semantic indexing. I am interested in the use of ontologies in information retrieval. The aim is to have an idea of different uses of ontologies as well as types of ontologies used. I need it to write a state of the art on the matter. Articles of interest could discuss the use of annotation in the semantic web, the difficulty to find the right concept (need of disambiguation). They could also discuss the use of general resources (thesaurus, taxonomies, etc.) such as WordNet, CyC, or domain resources (eg. medical ontologies). Fields of interest could be : semantic indexing, semantic feedback, semantic retrieval, etc. I am also interested by articles discussing the use of formal ontologies. I am not interested by articles describing the ontology language itself or by a definition of the components of an information retrieval system. semantic web ; controlled vocabulary ; metadata ; annotation ; knowledge ; taxonomy ; thesaurus 359 graph theory algorithms solution to the Shortest path problem Find information about graph theory and be specific on solutions to the shortest path probelm The Shortest path problem is a common probelm of graph theory which its aim is to find a path between two vertices such that the sum of the weights of its constituent edges is minimized. To be relevant, an element should discuss Shortest path problem solutions including running time, Pseudocode and 'Related problems and algorithms' . This information will help me to find related algorithms which can be used in my software. pathing algorithm running time Pseudocode 360 solar energy for domestic electricity and heating Find information about domestic electricity and heating using solar energy. Relevant information might be found in sections of articles talking about solar energy. I am interested in using solar energy for electricity and heating in my new house. I want to know what are the existing technologies, types of panels or collectors and advantages and disadvantages of using this alternative type of energy. Relevant elements will discuss any of these issues, including existing materials used to produce the panels and different transformation ratios. Elements that discuss how the conversion works and define the main components of the process are somehow relevant. However, elements about solar power plants and stations or about use of solar energy in other scenarios (such as in cars, boats or spacecrafts) are not relevant. Elements that discuss other ways of generating electricity or other renewable energies are not relevant. solar collector, solar panel, solar photovoltaic panels, active solar heating, solar heating system, photovoltaic systems, renewable energies, house, roof, building. 361 Europe after the second world war + democracy I need a description of the evolution of the democracy in Europe after the second world war, that is not related to songs or games. The second world war has changed the world in many directions. One of these changes is the definition of the democracy, especially in Europe. There are many evolutions of this definition or of the story of the democracy. There are also many people, which have contributed to the democracy in Europe. I would be pleased to see a whole document on the development of the democracy in Europe after the second world war. Information on democracy, without any specific description of the place Europe or of the time after the second world war is not relevant for me. second world war; world war II; Europe; democracy; Evolution 362 effect nuclear power plant accident I want to learn about the possible effects of accidents in nuclear power plants. Our city has a nuclear power plant located within a relatively close distance. To be prepared for an accident there, I should collect information about possible effects of an accident, including emergence of radioactive material and threats to people (short-term like vegetables and deers being contaminated, but also long-term like increasing risk of getting cancer). I do not want information on the cause of accidents or what is done to prevent accidents, and I do not care about nuclear plants themselves. I am also not interested in other nuclear dangers (like nuclear bombs or nuclear material used in medicine). radioactive contamination potassium iodide cancer 363 Bob Dylan Eric Clapton I want to find songs written by either Bob Dylan or Eric Clapton and performed by the other one. Being a fan of both Bob Dylan and Eric Clapton, I want to compile a list of songs written by Dylan and performed by Clapton, or vice versa. Relevant elements should contain a reference to the song including title and composers and where it was performed or released. Born In Time Don't Think Twice, It's All Right If I Don't Be There By Morning Knockin' On Heaven's Door Love Minus Zero/No Limit Sign Language Walk Out In The Rain 364 +mushroom poisonous poisoning Information on poisonous mushrooms or mushroom poisoning. Return elements that contain information about poisonous mushrooms (e.g. examples of particular species that are poisonous or are confused with poisonous species, examples of mushroom families that have some/all poisonous members) or mushroom poisoning (e.g. examples of people who have suffered mushroom poisoning, the effects of mushroom poisoning, how to avoid mushroom poisoning). Generally, if an article is about a particular species that is considered poisonous (or family that is all poisonous), the whole article is relevant (c.f. castitle, structural hint). Otherwise, only those elements that refer to mushroom poisoning is relevant. Elements that state that a mushroom is not poisonous are not relevant. Possible work-task: writing an essay on mushroom poisoning. fungus fungi toxic lethal deadly fatal 365 economy peru international investment tourism I want to find out if the econimic climate in peru is good for international investment in tourism. I'm investigating the possibilities of starting up a travel agency in Peru to offer traveling packages in such a way as to support social development. For me, it is interesting to know whether the economy is stable, and what difficulties there might be for foreign companies to start an enterprise in Peru. This topic is to help me consider whether Peru is a viable option for starting up my travel agency. Relevant documents should contain information on the economy of peru and on the political attitude in Peru towards foreign investors and companies. Information on tourist attractions and whether Peru is interesting for tourists is not relevant for this topic, since I already consider Peru to be interesting enough as a potential country to start my travel agency stability, economy, inflation, foreign, commercial, politics 366 Fourier transform applications Find the applications of Fourier transform I'm writing an article which describes a model using a Fourier transform. I would like to know a large variety of other applications of the instances of this technique. I'm interested in all possible applications in signal processing, spectroscopy, image processing... I'm not interested in theorems, properties or how to compute a Fourier transform. applications; Fourier transform; image processing; signal processing; spectroscopy; Michelson 367 true story films best director or movie award I want to find articles about films that are based on a true story. Ideally, some section will mention that the film got the best director or movie award. I am writing an article for a magazine and I want to find information about good movies that are based on true stories. I expect that good movies have received a best director or movie award in some festival. However, elements discussing true story movies are somehow relevant even if they do not mention any award. Ideally, I would like to see the metadata information about the movie but also a summary or some discussion about it. Information about directors or movies where it is not clear if the movie is based on a true story are not relevant. true, real, historical 368 Hymenoptera +Apocrita -Symphyta +reproduction queen bees wasps hornets I want articles about Hymenoptera especially about Apocrita for example bees wasps or hornets but not about Symphyta. The articles should contain a section about reproduction. I am looking for detailled information about the reproduction of Apocrita which is a suborder of Hymenoptera. Examples for Apocrita are bees, wasps or hornets. So the articles should contain a section about reproduction. I am not interested in reproduction of Symphyta which is also a suborder of Hymenoptera. A word which appears in the context of reproduction quite often is queen. The son of a friend needs this information for his homework. biology insects reproduction queen 369 Pillars of Hercules + Mythology I want to retrieve sections that talk regarding Mythology from the articles that contain information about Pillars of Hercules I am interested in knowing more about Greek Mythology and Hercules. In fact, I was actually impressed by the animated Disney movie Hercules. I have also seen the unanimated version of the movie and infact impressed by the Pillars of Hercules. So, I decided to collect more information about this topic with close references to the Mythology behind this topic, and later write a report on that. Articles or Elements of articles which discuss the mythology of Pillars of Hercules are considered relevant. Any Elements which discuss about the location may also be considered as relevant since they would form a better introduction to my report. Articles or Elements which discuss about the Dollar sign or about Atlantis are not considered as relevant as I want to know specifically about the Mythology aspect of Pillars of Hercules. Mythology, Pillars of Hercules, Strait of Gibraltar, Jebel Musa, Monte Hacho 370 +off-side rule sport The offside rule in sports. Return elements that describe the particulars of the offside rule in a given sport (e.g. a definition of the rule, the history of the rule, changes to the rule). Elements that describe sports that notably do *not* have an offside rule are relevant (e.g. variations of football). Elements that mention a player being offside without explaining that this means are not relevant. Articles about a particular sport often have a section describing the rules of play (c.f. the castitle). Possible work-task: writing an essay on the offside rule. penalty trap free kick 371 escaped convict William Buckley Where did the escaped convict William Buckley live and who did he meet? I am writing an essay about the escaped convict William Buckley who lived amongst the Aborigines in Victoria for over 30 years. Descriptions of places he lived after he escaped and before returning to European society are relevant as are who he met while outside of European society and who he met on his return. William Buckley, convict, escaped convict, aboriginal, Victoria, Australia 372 Purpose of voodoo rituals. Find information about voodoo rituals AND their purpose. We often hear of and portray voodoo rituals with heavy stereotypes. Typically, we think of the voodoo doll, used to remotely injure someone. A trip permitted me to observe numerous rituals, with a weak understanding of what they were about. I am now trying to get a wider glance on what the rituals are about. I'm interested in document parts describing voodoo rituals and explaining what effect they aim to produce. voodoo; voudou; vodou; vodoo; ritual; goal; purpose; aim 373 Australia's involvement in Echelon spy network Any documents or document elements that mention or discuss Australia's involvement in the Echelon spy network. As an Australian computer scientist interested in the use and abuse of information technology, I am interested in all references to Australia's involvement in the Echelon spy network. To be relevant answers must specifically mention Australia's involvement in Echelon or provide details of Australian ground stations used by Echelon. spy network, Australia, Echelon 374 Aid following the 2004 Tsunami. Find information about what international organizations are doing to help the victims of the 2004 tsunami. The tsunami-affected region was in the eye of the media in late 2004 and early 2005, and massive fund-raising was secured, but I wonder how it was and how it is used to help the victims. Any document or document part explaining how aid agencies are helping the survivors is relevant. 2004 Tsunami; recovery; reconstruction; WHO; UNICEF; WFP 375 states countries nuclear proliferation nonproliferation treaty npt Find articles that describe the nuclear proliferation , Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, the obligations the treaty implies, and the countries that have signed or refused to sign it. I have been following the news about whether certain countries should have the right to enrich uranium under a civilian nuclear programme. I am interested in learning what exactly the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) obliges signatories to do, which countries have signed up to it, and which countries are thought to have active nuclear programmes but are not signatories. Answers are likely to either focus on the NPT and nonproliferation, or cover these issues in a section of an article focussing on a country. A paragraph might contain a useful fact, but is perhaps unlikely to be sufficiently rewarding as an answer. Relevant articles should provide details of: a) the NPT requirements, including what signatories are allowed to do, and what they are forbidden from doing. b) which countries known or suspected to have nuclear programmes are signatories, and which of these countries are not signatories. Discussion of the additional protocol to the NPT are relevant; discussion of other nonproliferation efforts, such as the Partial Test Ban Treaty (PTPT) or the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) are not relevant. states countries nuclear proliferation nonproliferation treaty npt 376 diabetes mellitus type 2 symptoms Retrieve information about the symptoms of type 2 diabetes (diabetes mellitus). I am afraid of having diabetes and would like to get information about the disease. Especially I am interested in the symptoms of type 2 diabetes. Relevant sections would describe symptoms and name the disease so that it is clear that the symptoms are connected to diabetes. Elements listing diseases are not relevant, lists of literature (refenrences) are not relevant, elements describing deseases that have similar symptoms than diabetes are not relevant (unless symptoms of diabetes type 2 are explicitly explained). Elements discussing diseases for which diabetes is a risk are not relevant. diabetes mellitus, diabetes, type 2 diabetes, symptoms, metabolic syndrome, non-insulin-dependent diabetes, NIDDM, adult-onset diabetes, insulin resistance 377 malvasia grape +vinification +wine find information about the vinification and use of the malvasia grape wine Im currently importing wine and I'm specifically interested in the process of vinificationtion. I came across the malvasia grape that is used both in Italy and in Portugal for producing different qualities of wine. The vinification of the grape is different leading to a use in both fortified and unfortified wines. My interest is not on oenology or the growing of the grape and the conditions under which the grape is trieving but on the process of vinification and the different brands of wines the grape is used in. The purpose is to use the information as background for presenting wines made using the grape. The presentation is ment to be in the form of a flyer or oral presentation. Documents describing the process of vinification in general are also of interest. vinification; malvasia; malmsey; italy; portugal 378 +rules team sports +indoor +ball world -football -basketball -handball -voleyball I would like to know the rules of team sports played indoors with a ball around the world but different to common indoor sports like football, basketball, handball or voleyball. Nowadays, sports like football or basketball are very well know by children in schools. But it could be very interesting to introduce them new sports which could be played indoors different to those classic sports. The basic aim is to show them that there are other games or sports played with a ball in countries around the world that could be even more interesting and amusing that indor football, for example. Therefore, I am looking for the rules of sports which can be played indoor by teams using a ball. Then a relevant document have to discribe a sport under those conditions already mentiones, giving a detailed explanation of the rules, as well as a description of the field where it is played. field dimension; field structure; rules; team composition 379 Helms-Burton law United States embargo against Cuba consequences economy I would like to know about the Helms-Burton law and the United States embargo against Cuba and its consequences for Cuba's economy. I have recently visited Cuba and it is easy to realise how bad the economic situation of the country is. The strength of the United States embargo is strangling its economy. But I did not know too much about the United States laws against the trade with Cuba, so I would like to investigate the Helms-Burton law specifically, and the consequences of the US embargo to the economy of the Caribbean island in general. economy 380 Symptoms: headache, fatigue, nausea What are the possible diagnoses when the symptoms include headache, nausea, and fatigue? I want to know when I should see a doctor and when I should take my girlfriend to the doctor if our symptoms persist. Although headache, nausea, and fatigue are common symptoms, we are afraid of the diagnosis being something more serious that requires a doctor's attention. That's why I want to know about the diseases that have these symptoms: are they caused by a mental disorder or something physical in nature? Relevant content describes a condition with the three symptoms: headache, nausea, and fatigue (or their synonyms). Highly relevant content describes also other symptoms related to the condition as well as instructions for the treatment of that condition. Relevant documents do not describe medical agents. Relevant content is meant to be read by the patient, so the language should be accessible to the patients, as well. Content that has too many medical terms is not relevant as it is only accessible to the professionals of Medicine. headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, tiredness, symptoms 381 ubiquitous computing and application I want to know the definition of ubiquitous computing and applications. One of my friends is working in Ubiquitous Computing and he introduced the potentiality of Ubiquitous system in our future life to me. He says that Ubiquitous computing will be a crucial technology for the medical and education services in our real life because Ubiquitous life sets the standard for all future years. Even though the terminology of ubiquitous computing is new to me, I am interested in finding information about ubiquitous computing. I am wondering what kinds of applications have been developed and used in our life. I want to know what is the definition of ubiquitous computing and which kinds of applications are developed by companies or universities so far. I also want to know which research area can be applicable to ubiquitous computing. ubiquitous computing; pervasive computing; ubiquitous application; ubiqcomp;ubicomp; 382 greek mythology aphrodite Retrieve information about Aphrodite, the figure of greek mythology. Especially elements in articles with pictures. My niece is writing an essay about ancient greek for school, and as she was wondering about the topic, I suggested that she would write about Aphrodite. I am helping her to gather material and we are seaching Wikipedia. Relevant elements describe any details about Aphrodite's life or legend. Because my niece is not familiar with the legend, we are looking for texts with pictures (caption in CAS title, any pictures of greek mythology). Elements that mention Aphrodite without further information are not relevant. Also elements merely mentioning that Aphrodite is the greek goddess of love are not relevant. greek mythology Aphrodite greek goddess of love and beauty Hephaestus Ares Adonis Anchises 383 Informations about the city of Lyon in France I would like informations about the city of Lyon to organize a trip in France. I would like informations about the city of Lyon to organize a trip in France. Geography : where is Lyon, Transportation : how to go to Lyon. Visits and things to di in the city : museum, activities, ... French city Lyon 384 politics political albert einstein find passsages about albert einstein in articles that discuss politics or political issues. Working on a movie script about Albert Einstein. Looking for particulary interesting facts - even anecdotal. Anything that will spice up the script and also point to other interesting involvements. Looking to find out the impact that Albert Einstein had on politics, his involvement, opinions, people he interacted with, related historical facts and anecdotes. References to the theory of relativity or other scientific work are of no interest unless tied to political issues. Looking for focused relevant text segements. The size may vary from a full article down to a sentence, but not small fragments (e.g table entry or a link with a name are of no interest). albert einstein political politics 385 arnold schwarzenegger stars cast Find people who co-starred with Arnold Scharzenegger I am casting actors for a mega movie, starring Arnold Scharzenegger. Arnold indicated he wants me to cast actors that he worked with before. I am threfore looking for those whom Arnold worked with before. I am only interested in elements that contain names and enogh context to ascertain that the person is an actor. Information about the movies is of no interest. arnold scharzenegger co-star star starring cast 386 fencing +weapon I would like to know more about fencing weapons As a passionate amateur fencer, I am interested in fencing weapons and their sidearms. Besides the three official weapons (foil, épée and sabre), I'd also like to know more about ancient swords and their companions. To be relevant an element should discuss technical detail as well as some historical background. General information on fencing, fencing events, individual persons or asian martial arts are not relevant. foil, épée, sabre, rapier, dagger 387 bridge types Which types of bridges exist? A user wants to learn about different construction types of bridges, like a suspension bridge, bascule bridge, etc. While results about a particular bridge like the Sydney Harbour Bridge is not of special interest, it is considered a helpful result if the construction type of the particular bridge is mentioned in the text, since it allows the user to formulate a more specific query. +construction +engineering 388 rhinoplasty What is rhinoplasty? A person unhappy with his current look considers getting a 'nose job' done. He wants to find all information a potential patient could possibly get to help him make a decision. He would like to find out about past and current procedures, risks, etc. Also knowing of other people having had a rhinoplasty and their reasons and results might help hime making up his mind. Since it is medical topic with major impact and risk for the patient, information about related operations (e.g. other plastic surgery) are considered relevant for the user as well. +nose 389 private-key encryption symmetric-key cryptography symmetric-key algorithm types of cipher Find information about private-key encryption symmetric-key cryptography symmetric-key algorithm types of ciphers. We wanted to exchange some messages between friends. We did not want that any body else from outside world be able to read the messages. We also did not want to use many different ciphers and secret keys because they are hard to remember. Therefore, an algorithm that can encrypt and decrypt the messages using a single key is suitable for our case. We realised that we have to look for more information about symmetric-key cryptography algorithms. I knew that cryptography algorithms are being used to encrypt data using a single key. For example they might be used to encrypt a text to make it meaningless for an unauthorized person. But we wanted to find a method that everyone can use when having access to a single secret key. Cryptographic algorithms are usually divided into two categories; Symmetric and asymmetric. I want to obtain some information about the former type. In general, an element is relevant *only* if it describes symmetric encryption. Please note that single-key encryption, private-key encryption and symmetric-key encryption are all the same and therefore relevant. The key point is that sender and receiver both use the same key for encryption and decryption. elements that explicitly mention this fact are relevant. Elements that are discussing public-key (or asymmetric) encryption are not necessarily relevant unless the also cover symmetric key cryptography concepts. In addition, elements that only talk about some examples of symmetric-key cryptography methods such as DES, without describing the basic concept (applying single key for encryption and decryption) are not relevant. stream cipher, block cipher, single-key 390 Insomnia what are the causes +sleep What are the causes of Insomnia? A friend of mine is suffering from insomnia, and we do not know what the causes of it are yet so we decided to research it on the net. Relevant information would be about what causes a person to be an insomniac. Irrelevant information would be about the film Insomnia, the novel Insomnia, the Melbourne Insomnia festival, songs about Insomnia and about different medications that could be helped to treat insomnia, as maybe knowing what the causes are could help the person in a sense that they could change their lifestyle, rather than automatically trying medications. sleep, sleep disorders, sleep deprivation 391 Cricket How to Play Information about cricket which has a section about how to play I am writing a report on how to play cricket. I need information about how the game is played and what the rules are and so forth. Information which would be relevant would be discussing how the game is played, how many players are required, what are the rules. Irrelevant information is the history of the sport or the different types of cricket that can be played such as beach cricket, online cricket , as well as information about Test/International matches and information about different cricket teams and clubs and famous players. rules, laws, 392 Australian Aboriginals stolen generation Retrieve information about the Australian Aboriginals stolen generation. The news lately has been focusing on the stolen generation and my general knowledge on the topic is not that strong so I am quite interested in retrieving broad information about who the stolen generation was and what happened to them. Information that comes up regarding other countries Aboriginal people and how they were treated is irrelevant. I am only interested in Australia. Australia, Australian 393 Wireless devices Health Hazards Research on health hazards that are connected to wireless devices With the introduction of many new wireless devices I am quite interested in retrieving information about what health hazards are related to the use of wireless devices. I am not interested in information about companies that sell wireless devices or different distributors for mobile phones mobile phones, satellites 394 Global warming effects Information about effects of Global warming I am writing a report on the Global warming - more specifically about the effects of Global warming. Documents that would be relevant would discuss the effects of global warming on the climate, effects on agriculture and its industry and the effects that Global warming has on the ozone layer. Information just generally about Global warming that does not discuss its effects is not really relevant effects on climate, effects on agriculture, change in ozone layer 395 September 11 conspiracy theories Relevant information concerning t