289 emperor "Napoleon I" Polish I want to know everything about the emperor Napoleon I and Polish people. 290 "genetic algorithm" Find information about the history, algorithm, function, data structures and implementation of genetic algorithms. 291 Olympian god or goddess I want some figures showing a representation of an Olympian god or goddess. 292 Italian Flemish painting Renaissance -French -German I want figures containing Renaissance paintings of Flemish or Italian artists, but not French or German ones. 293 wifi security encryption Find information about wifi security and encryption schemes 294 user interface design usability guidelines Find information about user interface design and usability guidelines 295 software intellectual property patent license Find information about software patents software license and software intellectual property 296 "Borussia Dortmund" + European Championship Intercontinental Cup I would like to know more about Borussia Dortmund and their European Championship and Intercontinental Cup title. 297 "cool jazz" "West coast" musician Find information about cool jazz or west coast music. The results should contain information about artists. 298 George Orwell life books essays 1984 Eric Arthur Blair Animal Farm Find articles about George Orwell's also known as Eric Arthur Blair's life.I would also like sections about george orwell's essays or books such as 1984 or Animal Farm. 299 software development process model iterative Find section about iterative models for software development process 300 Airbus A380 ordered Find information about the air companies that have ordered Airbus A380 aircrafts 301 Algebraic Vector Space Model generalized vector space model Latent Semantic Indexing Topic-Based vector space model extended Boolean model enhanced topic based Salton SMART Seek articles about about Algebraic models such as Vector Space Model, the generalized vector space model or Latent Semantic Indexing. I also need sections with titles Topic-Based vector space model, Latent Semantic Indexing, extended Boolean model, enhanced topic based and finally Salton SMART 302 "web services" security standards I need to find information about standards for Web Services security. 303 fractal applications -art Besides art, what other applications have fractals been applied to? 304 allergy treatments What are the various treatment options for allergies? 305 "revision control system" Find information about the features and limitations of revision control systems. 306 theories Studies genre classification structuralist Plato forms Aristotle forms Seek articles about genre theory,classification and other structuralist approaches. In particular I would like sections regarding Plato and Aristotle's ideas of form. 307 "Islamic faith" Qur'an prophet Muhammad I require articles about Islam with an aim of understanding the islamic faith.I also require sections about the teachings of the Qu'ran by the prophet Muhammad. 308 wedding traditions and customs Find information about wedding traditions and customs for the day of the ceremony. 309 "Ken Doherty" finals tournament When did Ken Doherty reach the finals of a tournament? 310 Novikov self-consistency principle and time travel Find articles about Novikov self-consistency principle that contain a section about time travel. 311 global warming cause and effects Find sections about global warming cause and effects. 312 recessive genes and hereditary disease or genetic disorder article about recessive genes and hereditary disease or genetic disorder 313 "immanuel kant" "moral philosophy" "categorical imperative" Retrieve detailed information about Immanuel Kant's moral philosophy, including the concept of categorical imperative. 314 food additive toxin carcinogen "E number" Find occurrences of toxic and carcinogenic food additives. Food additives are labeled by an E number in Europe. 315 spider hunting insect Find information about the different ways spiders hunt insects. 316 differents disciplines and movements for gymnastics sport Find information about disciplines and movements for gymnastics sport 317 tourism paris visit museum cathedral Find information about tourism spots in our around Paris. In particular, I'd like to visit museums and cathedrals. 318 the atlantic ocean islands and the slave trade i am looking for the list of atlantic ocean islands used used as a place of transit for slaves to the American and the European continents 319 "northern lights" "polar lights" "aurora borealis" "solar wind" "magnetic field" earth Find information for my presentation about northern lights, also known as polar lights or aurora borealis. I know they are caused by solar wind hitting earths magnetic field. 320 paris transport "Gare de Lyon" "Gare du Nord" I'm looking for ways of transport from Gare de Lyon station to Gare du Nord in Paris. 321 buildings designed Antoni Gaudi Barcelona architect Find sections about buildings in Barcelona, designed by the architect Antoni Gaudi 322 castles kasteel in the netherlands Retrieve pieces of articles describing castles (kasteel in Dutch) in the Netherlands, but not just images of one or more castles, nor lists of names of castles, nor descriptions of entire areas or towns with only a brief mentioning of some castle. 323 founder ikea Who is the founder of IKEA? 324 composition of planet rings Find any information about planets rings and about their composition. 325 "Cirque du Soleil" shows Find the different shows the "Cirque du Soleil" company has presented all around the world. 326 Scotland tourism Find information about tourism in scotland. 327 cloning animals accepted "United States of America" Is cloning of animals accepted in the United States of America? 328 NBA European basketball player Find information about European basketball players that entered the NBA 329 "national dress" +Scottish Scottish national dress. 330 "nobel prize" laureate physics dutch Netherlands I'm searching for dutch Nobel prize laureates in physics. 331 figure tulips Find figures that depict tulips 332 NCAA basketball tournament "march madness" Find information about the NCAA basketball tournament, also called March Madness. 333 steve wozniak steve jobs retrieve article sections about steve wozniak and steve jobs collaborations 334 "Silk Road" China Find information on the introduction of Silk Road from China to Europe. 335 prepare acorn eat how should I prepare acorns for eating? 336 species of monotreme what species of monotreme are there? 337 security algorithms in computer networks find information about security algorithms used in computer networks 338 high blood pressure effect Find information about effects of high blood pressure on the body. 339 Toy Story Find information on the movie Toy Story. 340 Reinforcement Learning + Q-Learning I want articles or elements from the articles that discuss about Reinforcement Learning or about Q-Learning. 341 microkernel operating systems Find Information about operating systems with microkernel 342 "birthday party" "nick cave" I would like to find information about the Birthday Party, which was Nick Cave's previous band from the late 1970's/early 1980's 343 fantasy novel goodkind book I want to retrieve information about the fantasy novels from Terry Goodkind. 344 XML database I want to find out about storing XML in databases. 345 Sex Pistols concert audience Manchester music scene What happend to the people who attended the infamous Sex Pistols concert in Manchester in the seventies. This gig is often marked as the start of the Manchester music scene. 346 +unrealscript language api tutorial Locate articles on the programming language UnrealScript. Prefer those that can tell me about its paradigm and api, and maybe even point me to some tutorials. 347 +"state machine" figure moore mealy I am looking for example figures of state machines of either the Moore or the Mealy variant. 348 drinking water abstraction +germany I seek information about drinki