Text on accessibility written for SPIN, edited by Lynda and then edited by Zeljko. 8 May 2007 SPIN partners are especially interested in addressing accessibility issues that the technologies proposed by the project may introduce. Special care will be taken to avoid creating the barriers that may limit the usage of new technologies. The project will tackle this issue through both the research within the project and the dissemination of the results. The SPIN environment will support semantic annotations of media and will exploit this annotation to support personalization. Personalization, as one of the project themes, is directly related to the accessibility issues as it facilitates adaptation of content to user specific characteristics. Personalization should not be seen in a limited view, as addressing only the special needs of a small part of the population. We also address personalization in a wider sense of providing novel interfaces for“ordinary” users in "interface challenging" situations, i.e. in situations that limit the user’s information perception, such as driving a car ("visually impaired") or frequent interruptions from children ("cognitively impaired"). From a dissemination perspective, the project will ensure that non-specialist citizens can access the results produced by the technology being developed. We plan to engage users in the early stage to determine what is interesting and helpful for the user, taking into account users’ abilities, such as different literacy and language skills. In this way we want to avoid creating complex solutions of limited usability that do not address features that users really need. This aspect of the project can have significant effect on the practical success of research and can have potentially wide societal implications. In addition to new research perspectives on creating and accessing content, we will also rely on existing accessibility standards and guidelines. Whenever new developments go beyond existing standards and recommendations, SPIN will engage in providing solutions that overcome novel problems, providing new guidelines, design recommendations and dissemination of best practices. Special concerns will be made to make this work in agreement with relevant standardisation bodies in order to ensure that the results of the project have broader impact.