Hi all, This is a first draft for an (invited) WWW2006 workshop. All comments welcome. Final version should be send to www2006-workshops@www2006.org. Important Dates * Proposal submission deadline: 1 October 2005 * Acceptance notification: 1 November 2005 * Individual workshop CFP deadline: 15 November 2005 * Individual workshop submissions deadline: 10 January 2006 * Individual submitters’ notification: 1 February 2006 * Final workshop program available: 15 February 2006 Jacco -- Title: First workshop on Multimedia Annotation on the Semantic Web (MASW 2005) [jvo: note that MASW is also the Missouri Association for Social Welfare, so googling for MASW 2005 gives unexpected results. A better acronym is most welcome ] Organizers: Giorgos Stamou (NTUA) Jacco van Ossenbruggen (CWI) Description: The multimedia community has a long tradition in annotating multimedia assets, a tradition that predates the Semantic Web. The Semantic Web community, on the other hand, has more experience in developing generic languages and tools based on an explicit and formally defined semantics. In theory, the combination should be ideal: the Semantic Web could be significantly enriched by converting existing annotations and vocabulary to RDF or OWL, and multimedia applications could benefit from extra functionality offered by Semantic Web languages and tools. In practice, however, lots of work still needs to be done. This workshop invites contributions on all topics related to annotating multimedia assets using Semantic Web languages and tools. These topics include, but are not limited to: - Image, audio and/or video annotation tools - Using media semantics in search, presentation and other processing - Automatic and semi automatic annotation From feature extraction to semantics Extracting metadata from context (GPS, diary etc) - Vocabulary for describing multimedia assets - Combining various vocabularies - Interoperability between RDF and non-RDF metadata: - MPEG 7 - EXIF - VRA - IPTC - AAT - Flickr/del.icio.us tags - Microformats - Added value of using RDF/OWL semantics in multimedia applications - Multimedia extensions of Semantic Web technology - Multimedia datatypes - Multimedia portals based on Semantic Web technology - Practical experiences, lessons learned and best practices for multimedia annotation on the Semantic Web Expected outcome: The workshop is expected to - bridge the various communities involved - provide an overview of the state of the art in the field - provide a list of open problems/promising directions/research agenda - determine and prioritize potential work that needs to be done within future W3C working groups (for example, as a follow up on the work done by the Multimedia Task force of the Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group Timing & Venue: The organizers believe the WWW Conference venue and Spring 2006 time frame is perfect for this workshop because: - WWW conferences attract attendees from all target audiences. Multimedia, Semantic Web and Digital Library researchers are typically not attending each others conferences, this conference is one of the exceptions to the rule - A flurry of large (European) research projects have been started on this topic, so there will be sufficient material submitted to the workshop - The Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group is charted to end in February 2006, so this is a good time to think about follow up work that needs to be done, within or outside W3C. Workshop registration and submissions: Workshop participants will have to submit a short position paper to be invited to the workshop. This not only allows the workshop organizers to get an idea on how many participants will show up, but also to determine what topics to schedule on the agenda. Otherwise the barrier to attend the workshop is intended to be as low as possible. To keep the workshop size manageable and productive, the organizers reserve the freedom to reject people based on the quality of the submission if they receive over 20 submissions. Organizers qualifications: Giorgos Stamou: [jvo: Giorgos, please fill this in for me] Jacco van Ossenbruggen is a senior researcher at CWI in Amsterdam. His research interests include media semantics and automatic generation of web-based presentations. He has published several papers in the WWW conference series, served on WWW PC and panels, and co-organized the WWW9 workshop "Multimedia on the Web". He was a member of the W3C SYMM Working Group during the development of SMIL 1.0 and 2.0 and is currently a member of the W3C SWBPD Working Group where he coordinates the Multimedia Task Force with Giorgos Stamou and Jeff Pan. Publication of submissions: TBD [ jvo: we could try to make a special issue out of selected contributions, but I'm not sure for what journal. Least we can do is publish things as a (CWI) tech report. Ideas more than welcome]