Joost's list of useful words Accordingly Also As a result As I have said As has been noted Besides Clearly then Consequently Equally important Eventually Finally First, second, third For example For instance Hence Immediately In addition In brief In conclusion In other words In short In the same way In summary Later Likewise Meanwhile Moreover Next Of course Similarly So Subsequently Then Therefore Thus To begin with To sum up Afer all But Conversely However In contrast Nevertheless On the contrary On the other hand Otherwise Still Yet In order to With respect to Use Employ Deploy Which include Obtain Elaborate Discuss Such as Representative We established --------------------- Words _not_ to use (by Lynda) amount check that you don't mean "number" especially "specifically","in particular" exemplify "demonstrate", "illustrate" less check that you don't mean "fewer" like "such as" possibilities "potential" or rewrite to get rid of it rather Delete it! Check for correct version of build/built, extend/extent