11th K-Space General Meeting

22-23 September 2008, Lausanne (CH)

Author: Raphael
CWI participants: Raphael
# participants: around 35

Table of Contents

Summary of Action Points

  1. CWI to review D2.12 - Third Yearly report on the summer school, the European integration of master and doctoral programs by M35 (November)
  2. CWI do deliver D5.15 - Final report specification on semantic-based techniques for multimodal access to multimedia by M36 (December); QMUL will review it!
  3. CWI to fill the indicators Excel sheet by 15/11/2008
  1. CWI to provide the general structure for grouping the MPEG-7 related resources, see http://media.cwi.nl/mpeg7/wiki/index.php/Topics, by 30/09/2008
  2. Raphael to see with INA whether it is possible to include more controlled vocabularies in the news demo, by 30/09/2008
  3. CWI and QMUL to see whether the techniques used in WP5.4 regarding the unsupervised image clustering could be integrated in the News demo, by 30/09/2008

1. WP1 - Administration, Management (QMUL)

2. WP2 - Integration Activities (GU)

Current Status:

3. WP3 - Content-based multimedia analysis (JRS)

WP3.4 - Content description

4. WP4 - Knowledge extraction (ITI)

WP4.1 - Multimedia ontology

5. WP5 - Semantic Multimedia (KU)

WP 5.2 - PSI

WP 5.3 - Semantic Multimedia

WP 5.4 - Complementary Resources Analysis

WP 5.5 - KAT Multimedia Annotation Tool

6. WP6 - Framework for the integration of software tools (DCU)

Peter Wilking showed the preliminary results of the TRECVid Interactive Search Task, see the slides.

7. WP7 - Activities to Spread Excellence (DFKI)

8. Demonstrators for the Final Review

  1. DCU + GU @TRECVid 2008
  2. KAT + all plugins (ALL)
  3. News Demo (CWI)
  4. VAMP + Semantic Metadata Repository (JRS/CWI)
  5. Content Management System (QMUL)
  6. Semantic Driven Media Interfaces (QMUL)
  7. Automatic ROI Image Tagging (EPFL)
  8. Professional News Annotation Tool (INA/QMUL)
  9. Text mining for semantic video analysis (UEP/DFKI/DCU)
  10. Lead Sheet Generation (GET/TUB)
  11. Talk Show Segmentation (GET/INA)
  12. Aspect Browser (GU)
  13. Poogle (TUB)

9. TMC Meeting

  1. Industrial transfer: KAT to be submitted by KU
  2. PhD exchanges: Alia to go to DCU?
  3. K-Space book: TMC recommends to ask Wiley what they prefer as title for the book (and whether it is good to have a subtitle) since this is a marketting question. Ebroul said that the editors could negotiate 10% of royalties
  4. We can spend K-Space money (for travel) between Jan and March if it is for preparing the review (in the broad sense)
Future of K-Space:

10. K-Space Follow up