3rd K-Space General Meeting

28-30 August 2006, Graz (Austria)

Author: Zeljko, Raphael
CWI participants: Zeljko, Raphael
# participants: around 40

Table of Contents

Overall impression

It was a very useful meeting! The NoE is going well, many demonstrators are developped and show already some nice results. For CWI, the following collaborations are on the way:

I have presented the results of the Multimedia Semantics Incubator Group. See my slides.

Summary of Action Points

1. WP1 - Administration, Management (QMUL)

Most of the APs assigned in Amsterdam and Athens meetings are done.

Deliverable due to M12 (for CWI, D5.3): they are due by the end of December. Craig obtained 45 days delay that he will use to make good review of the documents. In the action points, CWI has scheduled to have the first complete draft of D5.3 by the 30th of November.
Milestone due to M12: Milestone are generally pieces of software. They should be available online and for download at the dates assigned to be considered as complete.

IMPORTANT: big misunderstanding on the current allocation table of PM per partner. Actually, the number written cover the whole duration of K-Space (36 months) and not only the first 18 months as we thought. Consequently, we should report less PM in each bi-monthly report since on the current speed, we will have consumed all our PM by Month 27 (instead of 36 !).

Preparing the Review: the Financial Report for the full year 2006 should be ready for January 1st 2007, be ready ! Margriet should be aware of that ...

2. WP2 - Integration Activities (DFKI)

3. WP3 - Content-based multimedia analysis (JRS)

Nice demonstration of a Segmenter Tool: it includes 3 different segmentation algorithms (DCU, JRS, GET) and 2 more are expected (ITI, EURECOM).
It allows to segment a single image, a repository of images, or key-frames from a video sequence. The result of the segmentation is saved in a PNG file (labelled images) but an MPEG-7 output description is planned. The results seem to be quite good.
The tool should be available in the SVN repository for download. Otherwise, it can be downloaded from here with the user / password (kspacerep / kspace2006)
An evaluation with ground-truth results is scheduled in order to compare the various segmentation algorithms. The tool will also be able to track moving region.

Content Description: discussion and future plans

Formalizing Semantics of MPEG-7 profiles description: presentation of the work done by CWI and JRS (the SAMT paper). Next step to formalize more constraints of DAVP and other profiles. Improve the definitions of the profiles.
I had after discussions with JRS and we are already preparing the ESWC'2007 paper about that !

8. WP4 - Knowledge extraction (ITI)

WP4.1 - Multimedia ontology

See the slides for WP4.1.
A major decision has been taken: the D&S pattern and the OIO pattern of DOLCE will be followed to model the ontology.

WP4.1 - Annotation Tool

Demonstration of M-OntoMat-Annotizer:

VERY NICE demonstration of JRS Video Annotation Tool: You will find the slides here ! I will get some binaries very soon so everybody can play with it.

WP4.4 - Mining techniques

Lack of collaboration in this task. GU has made everything (mainly the PhD work of Jana Urban)

WP4.5 - Relevance feedback

See the slides for WP4.5.

Demonstration of QMUL Content Management and Retrieval System:

CWI Contribution could be to expand any keyword-based query using some terminological resources like WordNet, re-using here the work done by Zeljko.

5. WP5 - Semantic Multimedia (KU)

WP 5.1 - Language Extension

The following TOC has been proposed for the Deliverable 5.1 (due M12):

1 Introduction (KU, All)
2 Datatype extensions (ITI)
3 Fuzzy OWL (ITI)
        2.1 Motivation
        2.2 Description of the Extension
        2.3 Application to Multimedia Annotation
        2.4 Related Work
        2.5 Future Work
4 Named Contexts (KU)
[5 NewsML (CWI): review of Semantic Web infrastructure] <-- ISSUE ?
6 Design Patterns vor Multimedia Annnotation (UEP)
7 Compatibility of the Extensions (ITI, KU, CWI, UEP)
8 Conclusion (KU, All)

WP 5.2 - Metadata Store

After some discussions (Sesame 2.0 or Jena), Sesame 2.0 will be the K-Space RDF metadata store.

WP 5.3 - Semantic Multimedia

I have presented the following slides.

During the plenary meeting, I have presented /facet.
Simon (KU) has presented SemFs, a virtual filesystem for accessing RDF metadata.

 - Browse annotation using the filesystem access annotated information objects as files. 
 - Access to semantic metadata from all legacy applications.

 - Change of Linux file system
 - Metadata repository + traditional file storage
 - Internally, architecture for browsing and filtering (fixed) + depending on object to browse, 
filters that correspond to domain dependent queries
 - The idea is when data is placed in a directory, file is automatically annotated with the 
metadata for that directory
 - Adding semantic metadata do not require reprogramming

 - RDF graph describing relations among files and tags
 - Each of the tags is represented as a subdirectory
 - Entering subdirectories as query refinement, similar to facet browsing paradigm
 - Similarly for smartWeb data set the same is done for football players
 - Paper at IKNOW2006
 - Prototype using an ontology describing taggings of files
 - Download for KU website
 - Applications: more easier and intuitive annotation backward compatible with traditional 
filesytem interaction.

The action plan for the deliverable D5.3 is the following:

6. WP6 - Framework for the integration of software tools (DCU)

7. WP7 - Activities to Spread Excellence (DFKI)

WP7.1 - Webpage

WP7.2 - Newsletter, Brochure, Poster

WP7.3 - Scientific Forum

Need for vote: Verein, Stichting (Dutch model of Stiftung), or EEIG (the European dimension).
Two candidates survive: i) Verein: model of the Semantic Web Association; ii) Stichting: means, host in Netherlands !

WP7.4 - Book

TOC needed for the first K-Space book (due to 30/09/2006).

8. WP8 - Assessment and Evaluation (Eurecom)

9. Technical Management Committee Meeting

Review of previous Action Points IST event

Four serious candidates demonstrators:

IST Event: Thierry (DFKI), Vassilis (ITI), Craig and Ivan (QMUL), Jan (UEP), JRS and INA will be present

Project pre-review: a summary of the forthcoming review Project review External Management Issues

Currently in SMaRT: K-Space, aceMedia, MESH, 3DTV, Muscle, Salero, XMedia, AIM@SHAPE
Question marks for: MMKM (UK Project) ? NM2 (EU IP) ? IM2 (Switzerland Research Project for 12 years) ?