Kabinet Online Slotbijeenkomst trip report On Tuesday evening, October 8th, 2001, I went to the Kabinet Online Slotbijeenkomst in the Felix Meritis. The URL for the event is http://www.kabinetonline.nl/home.asp?id=116 Among the speakers was Dick Rijken, who is the keynote speaker at MMM 2001. The Kabinet Online is a mirror cabinet of ministers making plans for the ICT infrastructure for the Netherlands. They have, of course, no official governmental role -- these are people from the Amsterdam New Media community and related community who pulled this together for kicks and giggles. Even with the hobbyist nature of the cabinet, much work went into it, resulting in this final, closing meeting of the cabinet with a thick "First nota" of plans the cabinet and its various ministers came up with, presentations from the top four plans, and dialogue with the audience. This was all orchestrated with a very professional host. He wandered between the minister podium and the audience with a wireless microphone, moving the topics and dialogue along his flexibly planned route. In this manner he engaged experts and notables planted in the audience, as well as the ministers and the audience in general. It was impressively organized. Dick Rijken presented his plan "N.I.K.S", the Nederlands Institute for Kulturale Software. This is a trading ground for open software and open cultural media. It is based on his work with the MMBase project in the Dutch broadcaster MMBase. He also propposed snelspoor.nl ("fasttrack.nl" ?), a government-run Website for taking proposals for Open Source software projects on the order of f5000 guilders and giving approval within three days. This enables money to be pumped into Open Source in an Open Source-type nature, enabling individuals to do small-scale Open Source projects and make a living off it. Dick plans to present similar material at the MMM 2001 keynote on next Tuesday morning, November 5th 2001. The keynote will focus more on the open sharing of media, rather than software, as was done with MMBase. Lloyd Rutledge