The IPTC Standards repository

as of March 2006


Welcome to the IPTC Standards repository. It provides the specifications, the documentation and some examples for all currently existing IPTC standards.


The IPTC news exchange format standards

NewsML 2 family

NewsML 2 Architecture - latest version DRAFT 0.6


NewsML 1 - latest version 1.2:


NITF - latest version 3.3


SportsML - latest version 1.6


ProgramGuideML - latest version: Release Candidate 1.0


EventsML - latest version: DRAFT


IPTC Core schema for XMP - latest version 1.0


Information Interchange Model - IIM - latest version 4.1


IPTC7901 - latest version Rev. 5


The IPTC codes for news categorisation - the NewsCodes
list of all Newscodes
IPTC provided software tools

NewsCodes Viewer (for Windows only)



A short introduction to the directory tree provided with this repository:

  • The tree starts at the "IPTC" root directory
  • For each standard exists a directory under the root directory. The names are identical or very close to general use.
  • Under each standard directory are directories with version numbers of the format: major version number - dot - minor version number
  • Under each standard version directory exist three version specific directories: documentation, examples, specification -- their use is self explaning.