International Cross-Disciplinary Workshop on Web Accessibility

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The workshop is a collection of people who want to make the (current) web accessible rather than a bunch of researchers trying to carve out a new research area. It feels more like a proto-working group discussion. (This is not necessarily bad, but should change the perspective with which the papers in the workshop proceedings should be viewed.) There are two things I want. The first is web pages that are accessible (which is what the workshop participants want). The second is to be able to incorporate the knowledge in the WCAG guidelines into (our) web page generation processes.

What's the Web Like If You Can't See It?

Morning keynote. Summary of Chieko Asakawa's work in the last 10 years. aDesigner - a disability simulator that helps Web designers ensure that their pages are accessible and usable by the visually impaired. The tool looks at such elements as the degree of color contrast on the page, the ability of users to change the font size, the appropriateness of alternate text for images, and the availability of links in the page to promote navigability. The tool also checks the pages's compliance with accessibility guidelines. The result of this analysis is a report listing the problems that would prevent accessibility and usability by visually impaired users. In addition, each page is given an overall score. With this information, Web developers get immediate feedback and can address these obstacles before the pages are published. My question is, can we use the knowledge embedded in this to generate pages that conform to what is wanted? Or at least, extract the knowledge in there and place into our various "boxes" containing the different knowledge types we work with.

Do text transcoders improve usability for disabled users?

paper, slides
User really want web pages to be tailored to them, whoever they are.

AcceSS: Accessibility through Simplification & Summarization

Genre detection. 20-25 templates in library at the moment.

Interdependent Components of Web Accessibility

Don't educate the content providers, but the tool builders. WCAG 1.0 is official, but WCAG 2.0 is a working draft. Macromedia are working on putting this into Flash. SVG and SMIL need to be updated. Trying for recommendation this year - so trying to stay focussed. Mentioned Flickr as a site using flash but not being accessible (yet).
Chatted to Wendy Chisholm about what I/we can do by directing resources rather than dedicating them. Source of funding for this? (CHIP) Semantic web. NL Net?

Web Composition with WCAG in mind

Composition: put html inside another piece of html.

Extracting Content from Accessible Web Pages

Detect non-content "clutter" on web page and then remove it. (But what about the wishes of the content provider?) Using slashdot as example site.

An Active Step toward A Web Content Accessible Society

Korea is really working hard at making their web pages accessible.

Forcing Standardization or Accommodating Diversity? A Framework for Applying the WCAG in the Real World

Brian Kelly is from UKOLN, a centre of expertise in digital information management, providing advice and services to the library, information, education and cultural heritage communities. slides

Is Accessible Design A Myth?

Afternoon keynote Eric Meyer. Can you have accessible design? Humans are very visually oriented and many designs use images. CSS Zen Garden shows different way out designs on the same content. Screen-scraping a web page and rendering the (visual) presentation audibly is deeply flawed. Documents are becoming semantic and structural = accessible. If it is audio browsing then forget about how it looks - it is audio. (Amazon and E-bay is still all visual based of course.) Screen readers should become audio browsers. Try putting a DOCTYPE in - if there is a DOCTYPE then use standards mode and otherwise use backward compatability ("crutch") mode. Need some form of audio styling for an audio browser. In summary, there is tension between accessibility and visual design. But this is a not a huge amount of tension. We need to build audio browsers so that we need audio styling (voice ML didn't go anywhere), but there is a newer Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) Version 1.0. More at "Voice Browser" Activity.

Platform-Independent Accessibility API: Accessible Document Object Model

Designing Learning Systems to Provide Accessible Services

LOM (Learning Object Model) and accessibility.
Note the authors also have a paper in the main proceedings: P. Karampiperis, D. Sampson: "Designing Learning Services: From Content-based to Activity-based Learning Systems", Proc. of the fourteenth International World Wide Web Conference, WWW2005, Chiba, Japan, May 2005. There is also accessibility work within DC - ask Brian Kelly.

A Conceptual Framework for Accessibility Tools to Benefit Users with Cognitive Disabilities

Paul Ryan Bohman from WebAIM. Message presented first: we shouldn't concentrate on the content but on user agents and assistive technologies. Demystify cognitive disabilities. Their units of analysis for web pages are interesting: They have identified six potential units of analysis: 1 The Web "page", 2 The entire Web site, 3 The template, 4 Content within the template, 5 Content "chunks" or subsections, 6 Scenarios and paths. For example, a border around a list of text items means that they have been grouped together (so they are trying to figure out from the visual devices what we are trying to convey through using appropriate visual devices).

SemanticWeb Enabled Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools

EARL - Evaluation and Report Language. It would be interesting to talk to Shadi Abou-Zahra, but unfortunately he couldn't make it. Wendy Chisholm is working fairly closely with him - I chatted to her during lunch. Shadi is chair of the Evaluation and Repair Tools WG.
Designers, content authors, programmers, managers, evaluators. Boils down to needing machine-readable syntax for test results to allow tools to check pages automatically. Builds on RDF. Purpose is generic quality assurance. EARL is to use SemWeb technology for testing existing pages - we want it the other way round, to use the same info to generate pages. OWL gives them more options. Their problems are competely different from our own: describing location for test results; improving persistence of test reports;