
Markus Schweighofer

University of Konstanz

Part 1: Polya's Theorem and Representation of Positive Polynomials

1. Polya's Theorem
2. Proving Putinar's Positivstellensatz using Polya's Theorem
3. A less general approach which allows to keep track of complexity
4. Discussion: Relationship between the Positivstellensätze of Krivine 1964 (=Stengle 1974), Schmüdgen 1991 and Putinar 1993

Part 2: Optimization of polynomials on compact basic closed semialgebraic sets

1. Convexification by brute force: Probability measures instead of points or dual standpoint (positivity)
2. Putinar's solution to the moment problem and Putinar's Positivstellensatz
3. Motivation and formulation of Lasserre's relaxations in an abstract way (i.e., without speaking about matrices) (equality constraint treated as two inequalities).
4. Convergence against the minimum value.
5. Speed of convergence: Complexity of Schmüdgen's Positivstellensatz
6. Convergence of the first order moments against unique minimizers.
7. A geometric interpretation of duality, very rough sketch of algebraic proof of duality.