Next: Baseline: an IPR-based software
Up: About ``trivial'' software patents:
Previous: Background
The patent life cycle
Figure 1:
The patent life cycle: from filing to expiration
It is important to describe the phases of the patenting process in such a
manner that they become recognizable for the software engineer. We conjecture that the
Patent Life Cycle shown in Figure 1 is a fair
representation of this process. It consists of the following
- An applicant applies for a patent.
- The applicant can decide to withdraw the application.
- The Patent Office can either grant or reject the
- The applicant can appeal against this decision and a reject
decision may be changed into a grant decision.
- The applicant of a granted patent applicant becomes the holder of the patent.
- A granted patent may be challenged by another party. This may lead to
revocation of the patent.
- The patent holder may act on infringement of its patent.
- The patent holder may license its patent to another party.
- The patent holder may extend its patent periodically.
- The patent expires after a maximal duration.
It is open for debate whether this abstraction of the patenting process can be
used in the EU as well as in the US and Japan. However, since software
developers have to be aware of potential patent infringements, independent of
the source of the patent, such an abstraction of the patenting process is
essential. This is relevant for developers of both commercial software and
open source software.
The IsNot patent to be discussed later on in
Section 4 is in the application phase, for all other
patents mentioned in this paper we have explicitly indicated their status.
Figure 2:
The software life cycle
Figure 3:
The defensive patent-aware software life cycle
Figure 4:
The offensive patent-based software life cycle
Figure 5:
Considering all options: the IPR-based software life cycle
Next: Baseline: an IPR-based software
Up: About ``trivial'' software patents:
Previous: Background
Paul Klint