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Patent law requires that a patent should be non-obvious to a ``person of
ordinary skill in the art''. Note that this skill regards a technical
art and that the person is not expected to have any legal knowledge or ability to interpret
the legal meaning of a software patent.
As already observed by Ullman [33], it is unclear
what the technical background of such a person should be: ranging from a self-educated
programmer, via a bachelor or master in computer science or software
engineering, to a professional researcher in these areas. If we consider the
Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK [32]) as approved by
IEEE, we are pretty sure that a person with that technical knowledge is unable to read
or interpret software patents let alone determine potential infringements.
The patent-aware software engineering life cycle
(Section 3) also requires an increased level of
awareness of software patents among software engineers as well as the skills
to turn this awareness into deeds.
It is clear that the current education of software engineers and the future
requirements imposed by a patenting system including software patents will be
dramatic. As far as we aware, there is no curriculum worldwide that is
prepared for this. Governments should invest in the development of such
curricula and in major retraining of professional software engineers.
Next: Implications for government-funded research
Up: Discussion
Previous: Implications for Open Source
Paul Klint