Interview in Dutch national newspaper NRC-Handelsblad, W&O section, of September 8, 2007,
in Dutch.
Automatic meaning discovery using Google,
to extract meaning of words from Google's index, in
A search for meaning, New Scientist, 29 January 2005, p.21,
by Duncan Graham-Rowe.
See also discussion in
Slashdot--- News for nerds, Stuff that matters,
and a Dutch Radio interview
Taalonderzoek met Google (sound file),
Nederland 1, March 8, 2005, in the talkshow
Tros Radio online.
Not so recent: About music classification
Software to unzip identity of unknown composers, New Scientist,
12 April 2003, by Hazel Muir.
see for
local copy here.
This work is also reported by
Software sorts tunes, Technology Research News, April 23/30, 2003, by Kimberly Patch
see for
local copy here;
Classer musiques, langues, images, textes et genomes, Pour La Science,
317(March 2004), 98--103, by Jean-Paul Delahaye
(Pour la Science = Edition francaise de Scientific American);
for the full
article see a local copy here
The same method and software implementation by my associate
Rudi Cilibrasi was used to
the sequenced SARS virus within a day it was publicly available
in relation to potential
similar virii.
A similar tree appeared later in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Determination of internet worms, viruses, and intruder attack traffic
analysis, using same method and software
by Stephanie Wehner
in download;
see also
Heise Security.
You can do it too! The software used for the above items
can be downloaded from the CompLearn homepage at
This is open source software. Try also the
on-line Google Demo.
The following is an incomplete list, containing only items brought under my
Interview in NRC-Handelsblad, W&O section, of September 8, 2007.
in Dutch.
Automatic Meaning Discovery Using Google
A search for meaning, New Scientist, 29 January 2005, p.21,
by Duncan Graham-Rowe.
Discussion in
Slashdot--- News for nerds, Stuff that matters,
From January 29, 2005.
Computer ergooglen die Bedeutung von Worten,
Florian Rötzer, Heise online, Telepolis,
27 January, 2005.
Google: ключ к иÑкуÑÑтвенному интеллекту?
PRESS обозрение - Интернет газета, January 29, 2005.
Sciscape æ–°èž[Feb 12, 2005].
Zt: 使用Google找出一个è¯çš„æ„义与用法,
é€äº¤è€…: Latino2 于 2005-2-14, 12:02:13:
ä¸å±±å¤§å¸West BBS-西åç£ç«™/ 分類佈告/ mr96 / 使用Google找出一個å—è©ž,
Fri Feb 18, 2005.
The normalized Google distance, In:
Google Blogscoped, January 27, 2005.
Further reported and analyzed in hundreds of web pages, weblogs, etc
(search for "Vitanyi Google").
In the Netherlands:
Clustering by Compression
Algorithmic Music Clustering
Software to unzip identity of unknown composers, New Scientist,
12 April 2003, by Hazel Muir;
see for
local copy here.
This is about our music clustering work reported in
R. Cilibrasi, R. de Wolf, P. Vitanyi, Algorithmic clustering of music,
Computer Music Journal, To appear.
This work is also reported by
Software sorts tunes, Technology Research News, April 23/30, 2003, by Kimberly Patch
see for
local copy here.
Also in
Unzipping composers and musical style, by Fred "zAmboni" Locklear,
Ars Technica 4/10/2003
In France
Classer musiques, langues, images, textes et genomes, Pour La Science,
317(March 2004), 98--103, by Jean-Paul Delahaye
(Pour la Science = Edition francaise de Scientific American);
for the full
article see a local copy here
In the Netherlands:
`Noem het maar automatische intelligentie', Automatiseringsgids,
17 september, 2004, by Rolf Zaal.
De afstand tussen Haendel en Hendrix, by Rob van den Berg,
NRC-Handelsblad, O&W Bijlage,
April 26, 2003; and
Zip-programma ontmaskert componist,
Intermediair, April 24, 2003.
In Russia by
Izvestia newspaper;
In Italy by
Neural: revista di cultura dei nuova media .hactivism .emusic .new media art no 20, glu 2003;
In Europe Research Consortium News by
ERCIM News No. 54, July 2003
In Mexico by
Cerebral Dynamics Bulletin;
in Australia by
ABC Radio in Newcastle;
in Germany by
Deutschland Funk, April 28, 2003.
In Austria by
Kurier Zeitung, May 6, 2003
Determination of internet worms and viruses using same method and software
by Stephanie Wehner
Heise Security.
About our work on Kolmogorov complexity in general,
and its relation with computational learning, see
Click here
for the our biological and linguistic phylogeny work related
to the work referred to in:
"De genen van de kettingbrief", by Martijn van Calmthout, in
De Volkskrant, Sat. 21 June, 2003, Wetenschap 5W.
"Chain letters and evolutionary histories", by C.H. Bennett, M. Li, B. Ma,
in Scientific American, June 2003, 64--69.
Nature, Science Update, Jan. 29, 2002 with local copy , and
Wired News
story "Digging Deep Into Compression", Feb. 6, 2002 and
local copy
is related work
on new methods to construct evolutionary trees, and compression.
Click here
for the Heilbronn triangles & Shellsort work referred to in
Some older reports in Dutch Newspapers/Magazines:
NRC-Handelsblad: ``Rekenen met atomen'', door Dirk van Delft,
W&O Bijlage January 4, 1996 (about our group's work on quantum computing).
Intermagazine: ``Report: De computer-anarchisten'', door Pauline van
de Ven, Issue 1/2 January/February, 1985 (about the people at CWI
creating and using internet).
NRC-Handelsblad: ``De opkomst van computernetwerken; een leven zonder
netwerk is ondenkbaar'', door Pauline van de Ven,
Mens&Bedrijf Supplement, September 26, 1984 (about the rise of computer
networks, and in particular CWI's role in it).