Display all headersDate: Thu, 07 Apr 2005 12:17:16 +0200 To: "Marie-Claire Forgue" Cc: "w3t-ia@w3.org" , "tvraman@almaden.ibm.com" , "Mark Birbeck" Subject: Interaction and the Web: The Future Browser From: "Steven Pemberton" Organization: CWI/W3C Interaction and the Web: The Future Browser As new W3C technologies begin to come online in browsers, new possibilities open for how browsers can be used and applied, across devices, and for new purposes. This session explores some of these new directions. The Device Independent Browser: CSS and Grid Layout Bert Bos, W3C Abstract: The revised edition of CSS level 2[1] is getting better and better supported. So well, in fact, that there is a good chance of it becoming a W3C Recommendation this year. That makes the road clear for CSS level 3[2], one module of which may be a high-level (grid) layout module. Some W3C working groups are currently determining the requirements for such a module. The goal is to help device-independence and accessibility, by making it very easy to specify different layouts for different kinds of screens and by hooking onto the proposed "role" attribute of XHTML2. [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21 [2] http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/current-work.html XForms --- Moving From Online Forms To Light-Weight Web Applications TV Raman, IBM Since their inception in 1993, HTML Forms have formed the basis of interactivity on the Web. HTML Forms in conjunction with scripting have been used over the last 10 years to discover the next set of useful primitives needed to create truly interactive Web applications. W3C XForms embodies the lessons learnt over the this period by creating easy to use declarative constructs that enable a vast majority of use cases that have been discovered by means of programming the legacy HTML4 Web. At the advent of the Web, HTML proved a great equalizer by enabling non-programmers to create interactive hypertext content. The discovery of light-weight Web applications in the form of interactive HTML forms backed by Javascript has turned the Web into an application deployment platform; however this evolution has also kept much of this power in the hands of professional programmers. As a case in point, highly interactive Web applications like Google Maps and GMail demonstrate the power this platform; However, authoring such applications on the legacy Web is restricted to the elite few. XForms is about re-democratizing this powerful new Web by bringing the power of interactive Web applications to the markup author. This talk will give a brief overview of XForms and then cover today's state of the XForms union on the evolving XML-powered Web. Title: The Web Platform - Browsers and Applications Dean Jackson, W3C What do you get when you mix new releases of Web browsers such as Firefox and Internet Explorer, impressive applications such as Google Maps and Flickr, innovative new browser-like programs such as Dashboard and Konfabulator, and a healthy combinations of technologies, APIs and increased semantics? A cross-platform application development platform called the Web. Add into the mix the increased adoption of mobile devices with Web browsing capability and it's no wonder that "Web Applications" have become cool.... again. What is the W3C doing in this area? What does the W3C need to do? The Semantic Browser: Improving the User Experience Mark Birbeck, x-port.net, and Steven Pemberton CWI/W3C Using a clever mutation of the and elements, and the addition of a 'role' attribute, XHTML2 allows authors to layer real semantics on top of documents, semantics with a clear relationship to RDF, so that XHTML2 can be properly integrated into the semantic web. But what does it mean when the browser all of sudden really knows what the content is about? If it really knows that something is an address, it can offer to add it to your address book, or find it for you on a map; if it really knows that something is an announcement for an event like a conference, and can identify the sub-parts, it can offer to add it to your agenda, find it on a map, locate hotels, look up flights... This talk will discuss some of the possibilities, and demonstrate some features.