Display all headersDate: Sun, 12 Jun 2005 23:19:23 +0200 To: "Fabio Paterno'" Subject: Re: invited talk for INTERACT 2005 Cc: "Maria Francesca Costabile" From: "Steven Pemberton" Organization: CWI/W3C The Future of Web Interfaces The Web Interfaces landscape is in turmoil at the moment. Microsoft has announced a new markup language and vector graphics language for the next version of Windows, Adobe has acquired Macromedia and therefore Flash, W3C have standards for applications in the form of XForms, XHTML and SVG and are working on 'compound documents', and other browser manufacturers are calling for their own version of HTML. What are we to make of these different approaches? Are they conflicting? Have any addressed authorability, usability or accessibility? Is it even possible to make accessible applications? HTML made creating hypertext documents just about as easy as it could be; do any of the new approaches address this need for simplicity, or has power been returned to the programmers? This talk discusses the requirements for Web Applications, and the underpinnings necessary to make Web Applications follow in the same spirit that engendered the Web in the first place.