A Clock in XForms

Steven Pemberton, CWI Amsterdam


  1. local-dateTime()
  2. local-dateTime()
  3. Fields
  4. Fields
  5. Action!
  6. Action!
  7. Action!
  8. Add hands to the instance
  9. Add some svg
  10. Add some svg
  11. Add some svg
  12. Add some decoration


   <clock xmlns="">

<bind ref="time" calculate="local-dateTime()"/>
<output ref="time" label="time"/>


   <clock xmlns="">

<bind ref="time" calculate="local-dateTime()"/>
<output ref="time" label="time"/>



   <clock xmlns="">
<bind ref="h" calculate="substring(../time, 12, 2)"/>
<bind ref="m" calculate="substring(../time, 15, 2)"/>
<bind ref="s" calculate="substring(../time, 18, 2)"/> ...
<output value="concat(h, ':', m, ':', s)"/>


   <clock xmlns="">
<bind ref="h" calculate="substring(../time, 12, 2)"/>
<bind ref="m" calculate="substring(../time, 15, 2)"/>
<bind ref="s" calculate="substring(../time, 18, 2)"/> ...
<output value="concat(h, ':', m, ':', s)"/>



<action ev:event="xforms-ready">
   <dispatch name="tick" targetid="model"/>

When XForms starts up a tick event is sent to the model


<action ev:event="xforms-ready">
   <dispatch name="tick" targetid="model"/>
<action ev:event="tick">
   <setvalue ref="time" value="local-dateTime()"/>
   <dispatch name="tick" targetid="model" delay="1000"/>

A tick event causes the value of time to be updated, and a new tick event to be sent to the model (delayed by 1 second). This is the only change.


<action ev:event="xforms-ready">
   <dispatch name="tick" targetid="model"/>
<action ev:event="tick">
   <setvalue ref="time" value="local-dateTime()"/>
   <dispatch name="tick" targetid="model" delay="1000"/>

A tick event causes the value of time to be updated, and a new tick event to be sent to the model (delayed by 1 second). This is the only change.


Add hands to the instance

   <clock xmlns="">
      <hand length="30" class="h"/>
      <hand length="40" class="m"/>
      <hand length="40" class="s"/>
<bind ref="hand[@class='s']" calculate="../s * 6"/>
<bind ref="hand[@class='m']" calculate="../m * 6"/>
<bind ref="hand[@class='h']" calculate="(../h mod 12)*30 + (../m div 2)"/>

Add some svg

<svg ...>
   <circle r="45" class="bezel"/>
   <xf:repeat ref="hand">
     <line x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="-{@length}"
           transform="rotate({.})" class="{@class}"/>
   <circle r="2" class="centre"/>

Add some svg

<svg ...>
   <circle r="45" class="bezel"/>
   <xf:repeat ref="hand">
     <line x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="-{@length}"
           transform="rotate({.})" class="{@class}"/>
   <circle r="2" class="centre"/>

Add some svg

<svg ...>
   <circle r="45" class="bezel"/>
   <xf:repeat ref="hand">
     <line x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="-{@length}" 
           transform="rotate({.})" class="{@class}"/>
   <circle r="2" class="centre"/>


Add some decoration
