Some of these articles are followed by a link to a source file for the program. These source files were produced by using the 'abc -p' option for packing a workspace. To unpack it in your own workspaces, save the file as F, choose the name of your new workspace W, and say:
abc -u -w W F
(you may freely choose the names W and F, but avoid using an existing workspace name for W).
To use Eliza interactively, just run the command ELIZA.
To watch Eliza talking to someone else, run the command
SESSION grammar
where 'grammar' is some grammar to generate English sentences. There is only one such grammar supplied, paranoid, so you say:
SESSION paranoid
If the grammar is empty, then Eliza tries to psychoanalyse herself:
To quote from her interacting with herself:
> Do you enjoy this sort of interaction?
What a question!