This is the XForms version of this article about vue.
The first example is trivial:
<input ref="name" incremental="true"><label>Name:</label></input> <output ref="name"/>
The second example is almost identical, just no
<input ref="name"><label>Name:</label></input> <output ref="name"/>
Changing styling is easy-peasy: use an AVT in a class attribute.
<output class="{state}" value="'Sometimes I need to be styled differently'"/> <trigger><label>Toggle me</label> <setvalue ref="state" value="if(.!='warning', 'warning', 'normal')" ev:event="DOMActivate"/> </trigger>
Hiding and showing is one of the basic activites of XForms. If a value is not 'relevant', any controls bound to it are not shown.
<bind ref="greeting" relevant="../show='yes'"/> ... <trigger><label>Toggle me</label> <setvalue ref="show" value="if(.='yes', 'no', 'yes')" ev:event="DOMActivate"/> </trigger> <output ref="greeting" class="box"/>
I would normally use a <hint> element for the next example
<input ref="taco"><label>What is your favourite kind of taco?</label> <hint>Let us know!</hint> </input>
but their example only displays the message if the input is non-zero length (a weird use case, but there you go).
<bind ref="tell" relevant="string-length(../taco) != 0"/> ... <input ref="taco" incremental="true"><label>What is your favourite kind of taco?</label></input> <output class="boxy" ref="message"/>
Unsurprisingly, submit handling is the stuff XForms eats for breakfast, and we can do much better, such as live checking for valid email addresses, and not allowing submit before that.
<submission resource="" replace="instance" instance="response"/> ... <bind ref="ok" readonly="string-length(../name)=0 and string-length(../email)=0 and string-length(../answer)=0"/> <bind ref="email" type="email"/> ... <input ref="name" incremental="true"><label>Name:</label></input> <input ref="email" incremental="true"><label>Email:</label></input> <textarea ref="answer" incremental="true"><label>How do I turn off caps lock:</label></textarea> <submit ref="ok"><label>Submit</label></submit> <output ref="instance('response')/response"><label>Response from server</label></output>
Do a [view source] of this page to see the instance data and controls.
See also the Quick intro to XForms.