Here is a collection of some of the photos I could find of myself sprinkled over the web.
All photos of me on Flickr
All photos of me in the SIGCHI Photo History
Found by Google
At a congress in Moscow in 1993
Amongst the SVs as CHI 95 SV Chair
As CHI 95 SV Chair
With a group of CHI 95 chairs
At the HCI and the Web Workshop at WWW '95
Giving the closing remarks at CHI 97
At a meeting at CHI 98
At the reception at CHI 98
At the Local SIGs booth at CHI 98 (I'm in there)
In me office, 1998
At a congress January 1999
At an HTML WG meeting 1999
Giving a talk on CSS to Webgrrls NL, March 1999
Me talking to the past chair of the New York New Media Association, at the kick-off of the Amsterdam New Media Association (which I helped found).
Internet pioneer wanting
Talking with Tim Berners-Lee in a snowy Bostonian landscape
Steven Pemberton
Last modified: Tue Jul 4 11:12:05 CEST 2006