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Vol.26 No.2, April 1994
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SIGCHI Email Addresses

Don Patterson

Open Distribution Lists. Fixed Distribution Lists and Aliases.
ACM/SIGCHI uses electronic mail extensively for coordinating committees, discussion groups and management activities of the society. The lists are hosted by either Xerox or ACM. The coordinator is Don Patterson.

For Xerox-hosted lists support is provided by Xerox PARC, where Nick Briggs is the postmaster and support for this system. All lists and aliases in this domain have the form <name> Anyone added to a list in this domain receives an alias of the form <first name>_<last name> Shorter aliases in the form <last name> or <first initial><last name> are also provided when possible. To each Xerox-hosted list name you must add ""; for instance to reach the EEC list, email For more information about individual lists, to request to be added to or removed from a list, or to request a change of address please email, which reaches both Don and Nick.

ACM-hosted lists are managed automatically by a mail server. To subscribe to such a list you should send a SUBSCRIBE request to The request should be the only item in the body of your email message.

Requests to the mail server take the form:

for instance:

Valid requests are:

If the SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE command is submitted without an address, the address sending the message is subscribed or unsubscribed.

To contribute to an ACM-hosted list, mail <listname>

The complete list of SIGCHI email distribution lists is provided below. ACM-hosted lists are marked with an asterisk; all others are Xerox-hosted.

Open Distribution Lists.

For discussion and dissemination of topics of interest to members of SIGCHI and the HCI community. Open membership.

SIGCHI Committee Distribution Lists

Discussion groups

To subscribe to any of these, send the line
SUBSCRIBE <list-name> <email-address>
to either or, depending on whether the list is ACM or Xerox hosted.

Fixed Distribution Lists and Aliases.

For communications within the various SIGCHI committees and to provide SIGCHI members in general ready access to all management components of the SIGCHI organization. Membership is defined by positions held in various groups and committees in SIGCHI.

List Management Support

SIGCHI Officers and Committees Support

Publications Support

Special Projects Support

Local SIGs Support

Related Societies Support

Conference Committee Support

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SIGCHI Bulletin
Vol.26 No.2, April 1994
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