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Vol.28 No.3, July 1996
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Conference Call Meeting of the SIGCHI Executive Committee (EC) February 28, 1996 Conference Call Meeting of the SIGCHI Executive Committee (EC) March 27, 1996

Conference Call Meeting of the SIGCHI Executive Committee (EC) February 28, 1996


Elected Officers

Mike Atwood, Chair (non-voting)
Guy Boy, Co-Chair
Clare-Marie Karat, Vice Chair for Finances
Gene Lynch, VC Conference Management
Barbee Teasley, VC Communications (minutes)
Marian Williams, Vice Chair for Operations
Jim Miller, Past Chair
Gary Perlman, Vice Chair for Publications

Chairs' Appointees (1 vote for the Board as a whole)

Robin Jeffries, Member, Advisory Board
John Karat, Member, Advisory Board


Steven Pemberton, Editor-in-Chief, SIGCHI Bulletin
Diane Darrow, ACM

(These minutes were created on 22 March 96, modified on 1 April 96 and approved by a vote of 5-0-0 on 11 April 96.)


Lynch moved for approval of the minutes of the December, 1995, EC meeting. Jeffries seconded. They were approved by unanimous vote. Comments were solicited on the January, 1996, EC meeting minutes, which had been distributed electronically. The revised minutes will be circulated electronically and voted on.

CHI 96 Conference Activities

The CHI Conference Newcomers session is Tuesday, April 16, from 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. EC members are encouraged to attend.

There will be two education-related SIGs at CHI 96. "Worldwide HCI Professional Education", organized by Williams and Boy, will take place on April 16 from 4:30 - 6:00 pm. They will use the SIG to help launch the EC's initiative to form a working group on HCI professional education. "The CHI Tutorial Program: Building on Common Ground", organized by Williams and Mark Altom, CHI 96 Tutorials co-chairs, will take place on April 17 from 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Again, EC members are encouraged to attend.

Atwood will be reporting at the next EC meeting on recognition events for SIGCHI volunteers that will occur at CHI.

EC members were reminded that their registration fee for CHI 96 is complimentary.

Development Fund Proposal and Vote

The Development Fund committee reported on the status of a proposal for funding a Development Consortium for CHI 97. The committee recommended that the proposal be funded for $20,000, and that the target population be worldwide, not just Eastern Europe. An evaluation of the project, to be sent to Lynch, will be expected within 120 days from the end of CHI 97. Williams moved to approve the proposal with the suggested changes. C.M. Karat seconded. The vote was unanimous in favor.

SIGCHI Logo and Identity Package

Atwood reported that no progress has been made on the SIGCHI logo and identity package. He will be seeking a new champion for the project.

SIGCHI and the Telecommunications Decency Act

Because SIGCHI is a non-profit organization, we cannot take a political stance on the implications of the Communications Decency Act recently passed into law in the United States. The law has implications for what can and cannot appear on WWW sites. Miller will contact USACM concerning educational material that might be appropriate.

Trade Show

Lynch reported that further work needs to be done to help identify the focus of a trade show to run in conjunction with the CHI Conference.

SIGCHI Bulletin Evaluation Page

Pemberton encouraged EC members to look at and comment on the newly created evaluation page for the SIGCHI Bulletin which is posted in the SIGCHI WWW pages.

Conference Call Meeting of the SIGCHI Executive Committee (EC) March 27, 1996


Elected Officers

Atwood (non-voting), Boy, CM Karat, Lynch, Teasley (minutes), Williams, Miller;

Chairs' Appointees (1 vote for the Board as a whole)




(These minutes were created on 1 April 96. They were modified on 27 April 96 and approved by a vote of 8-0-0 on 20 April 96.)


The vote on the January minutes was 6-0-0. Comments were collected on the February minutes, which had been distributed prior to the conference call.

Touring Tutorials

Williams solicited input on an inquiry from Charles Brennan about having some of the CHI 96 Conference tutorials `go on tour' to the United Kingdom. Consensus was that while this is a direction SIGCHI should move in, there is currently not a champion for the project. Williams and Mark Altom will contact Brennan to discuss this further.

Recognition Awards at CHI

Atwood will be presenting Certificates of Recognition to Steve Anderson, Nick Briggs, Don Patterson and Chris Ghinazzi. An announcement will be made at the opening plenary session, and the certificates will be presented during the SIGCHI Business Meeting.

Distinguished Service Awards will be presented during the Opening Plenary to Bill Hefley for his work on Interactions and the Bulletin, and to Diane Darrow, ACM Program Director.

Continuing Education

Williams has created a job description for members of the working group on Continuing Education. The description will be circulated and will debut at the workshop at CHI 96 on academic HCI education, and at appropriate SIG meetings.

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Vol.28 No.3, July 1996
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